Shushan Wushen

Chapter 102 Golden Twisted Flower

Chapter 102 Golden Twisted Flower

Tang Chen's Plum Blossom Zen in the seventh year is quite familiar with Jiugong plum blossoms, and the painting is lifelike, although it is a few strokes, it is extremely vivid.Tang Chen also imitated the appearance of the white-browed city lord, and stepped forward to blow his breath.

Unexpectedly, the little dog-legged Chihulong was the first to gain insight into Tang Chen's mind, and it stirred up a strange wind, hey~.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared!

A thick and indelible floral fragrance, suffocating!Just like, in this world, in this universe, all the plum blossoms in the Nine Palaces have been compressed to the extreme.This one alone seems to be fragrant.

Swish Swish Swish, from the plum blossoms in the Nine Palaces, a pink and tender glow rises, which is extraordinarily enchanting, yet charming.Tang Chenhua's Jiugong plum blossom is quite big, the petals tremble in the wind, as if the trembling thoughts are hanging.

Tang Chen and Tang Chen's friends were all immersed in the beautiful fragrance of flowers.This is the Nine Palace Plum Blossom from Tang Chen's hand, and it has Tang Chen's unique temperament and coercion.

Seeing flowers is like seeing people, a strong and persistent thought force infects everyone.Everyone, including Chen Ye, involuntarily shifted their gaze and took a deep look at Tang Chen.He examined Tang Chen from the heart again.I felt Tang Chen's extraordinaryness!

Tang Chen was immersed in the fragrance of flowers, and took a deep breath, refreshing!He raised the pen, swish, swish, and drew a ray of light!
Tang Xiaoshao suddenly turned pale, and exclaimed: "Peacock Ling!"

Yes, it is the [Peacock Ling] among the top ten hidden weapons of the Tang Sect!
"Pfft!" Tang Chen blew towards the halo, huh?Nothing happened.With a thought, Chihulong, a breath of wind came quietly...


The intense light, in an instant, dazzled the entire sky, like a big sun bursting in front of him!

"The real peacock feather!" Tang Xiaoshao was shocked!He opened his mouth wide!Unbelievably looking into the distance, there is a low mountain there.

Peacock feathers, beautiful bloom, through the short hills, neglected to see.

When all the eyes searched for the dazzling light again, an unforgettable scene appeared.That dwarf mountain actually faded away, as if the dwarf mountain existed in different [dimensions].It has never disappeared, but it is as real as it is illusory.

Whoosh, everyone, couldn't help running over.


The mountain is already translucent, and the fingers touch it lightly.Swish!A large piece of mountain turned into nothingness...

"Tang Chen! How did you do it?" Bai Mei grabbed Tang Chen's arm with a complicated expression.

Tang Chen smiled bitterly, and asked back: "Didn't you teach me this?" After speaking, he raised the white-browed bamboo pen in his hand.

The white-browed city lord didn't know what to say, so he couldn't help touching his nose, feeling a little guilty, and he couldn't do that himself.He was very frank, and solemnly told Tang Chen, "The reason why I am unparalleled in defense as a teacher is because I can't draw offensive force."

After finishing speaking, he pulled off one of Shengxue's white eyebrows and drew a dagger, "Dangcang~" the dagger fell to the ground.

Tang Chen had an idea: "Chi Tiger Dragon, try blowing it away."

The Chihulong never showed up, and Tang Chen's partners didn't know that the Chihulong had returned.

Once again a shocking tomb appeared, and the dagger suddenly exploded, 咻~.Like a horse, he stabbed at the short mountain just now.


Dwarf Mountain suddenly ceased to exist and was completely annihilated.

"You have some means to make things happen!" After all, the city lord Baimei had lived endless years.Realizing the strangeness here, he asked in a low voice.Tang Chen didn't answer directly, but just nodded.

The white-browed city lord opened his mouth, wanting to ask clearly, but hesitated, he licked his lips, and swallowed the words.

Changed the rhetoric: "Tang Chen, you are extraordinary! I didn't expect you to master the first layer of [Green Eyebrow by Code] so quickly. Old man, painting mountains, painting water, painting flowers, birds, fish and insects, in order to achieve Vivid, in the Imperial War Beast Park, without sleep and rest, for 300 million years, I have mastered this basic fingering, alas! You are so talented!"

"Fingering?" Tang Chen really wanted to understand his fingering.Ask about the situation.

Bai Mei replied very simply: "There is no one else, but I am familiar with it!"

Tang Chen couldn't help being speechless, but at the same time deeply admired him, this is a big man with great perseverance and perseverance.There was no way in front of him, so he just cut through the thorns and thorns to get through.There is no reference point for fingering, this kind of energy can be regarded as a model.

"Tang Chen, this is left by the senior who passed it on to me in the past. Let me pass it on to someone who is destined to keep it for you. I'm leaving as a teacher."

Bai Mei was also free and easy, took out a stone slip and stuffed it to Tang Chen, and left without saying hello.He didn't turn his head back.Tang Chen wanted to call him to stop, raised his arm, then lowered it again.

He practiced [Green Eyebrow Chasing Codes] for 300 million years.Tang Chen just raised his hand for it.It is estimated that Baimei was frustrated.

Tang Chen greeted his companions and continued to go to Kongtong, when he suddenly saw Chen Ye huddled aside, he didn't want to leave, but he didn't dare to go forward.Tang Chen hooked his fingers at him.

Chen Ye's eyes were still red and swollen. He came over and reached into his arms, took out a small jade bottle, and waved it in front of Tang Chen, with a decisive tone: "Father has gone to Tianyin Star. I don't know it well, so I don't want to go. Young Master Zu Ye Mengmeng saved me, so I became her assistant. My original intention was to swallow the [Self-Explosion Pill] and rush into the crowd when the Luohuang Sect attacked the Kongtong Sect. That's all."

"Rush into the Kongtong faction and explode yourself?" Tang Chen had a half-smile.

"You are stupid. If I say that, I will tell you? Although I, Chen Ye, can only be surnamed Chen, I still belong to the royal family. This empire belongs to my family! I can't stand the Luo Huang sect ruining the empire! I, Chen Ye, are also bloody." man!"

Tang Chen nodded slightly, what he said made sense and was impeccable.Patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go! In order to maintain your family's empire, you should do your part."

Tang Chen sent his companions, as well as Chen Ye, into the [Ziwei Cave], and with a single command, the chi, tiger, and dragon blew wind on the ground, blowing Tang Chen, and went directly to Liantian Town.

Looking from afar, Tang Chen was taken aback.

There are so many Tang people!And there are more guys besieging the Tang people!These people hold all kinds of weapons, including soldiers, farm tools, sticks, and even stones!

"What are you doing?" Tang Chen, hey, jumped into the group of thugs, randomly grabbed one and asked.

"Lord Cai Xiang said, let us step down to level Liantian Town and rush in. Whatever is easy to grab, it will be ours. After that, Huang Zu will give us blessings. Don't you know?" The believer looked shocked, Then he stuck out his tongue.His face was livid and he fell down.

Tang Chen crushed his throat!Such a selfish scum who tries to get something for nothing, blatantly looting, is not worthy of being a citizen of the empire.

Tang Chen's feet moved rhythmically, and he waved the white-browed bamboo brush in his hand, Swish Swish, Swish Swish, with appropriate shades.

"Chihulong, take a bite!" Tang Chen ordered.

"Pfft~, good! Master." With a breath of wind, Chihulong was born out of thin air.

Boom, mountains rise from the ground!The mountains are continuous and not towering, but it is enough to protect Liantian Town.

The mountain Tang Chen painted was very ingenious. It was divided into two mountains. One mountain range surrounded Liantian Town to form a defense, and the other one was outside and surrounded the mob.

Tang Chen ignored these thugs and went to meet his parents and clansmen first. He raised the inscription flag in awe, and released all his companions.

Here's a plot, don't be funny either.Among the more than 200 partners, Mu Fengling grabbed Shi Zhongyu at once.Hush and ask for warmth, considerate.Shi Zhongyu was quite flattered, and patted his chest: "Don't worry, Auntie, Tang Chen is our boss,..."

That rough voice and the Adam's apple sliding up and down immediately made Mu Fengling messy.Waving his hands, his face was pale and quite uncomfortable.Turned around and left.

Tang Chen and Tang Longwang looked at each other and smiled wryly.Shi Zhongyu's appearance is exactly the original Li Yiqi's appearance, and Li Yiqi looks exactly like Mu Fengling.Besides, Li Yiqi was molested by Tang Chen...

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(End of this chapter)

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