Shushan Wushen

Chapter 103 The Family of Gold Powder

Chapter 103 The Family of Gold Powder

Whoosh, whoosh, the bronze combat boots under Tang Chen's feet, moving rapidly, along the southeast post road of Liantian Town, Kongtong, walking non-stop. cottage…….

[Magic Art of Enchanted Eyebrows] The Golden Blossom ~.

Phew, the last touch, take the mountain range outside Liantian Town.

"Chihulong is looking at you, 嚄!" Tang Chen gave an order, and let out a foul breath.Hot sweat broke out on their faces, Qi Yu, Li Yiqi and the others took out brocade handkerchiefs nearby and helped Tang Chen wipe them off.

【Magic Art】The white rainbow runs through the sun~.

Wind, insect, chi, tiger and dragon A strange wind was born out of thin air in the painting under your feet.

This is [Different Wind Garvey], from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional space!
Also in the realm of [White Rainbow Piercing the Sun], how can the City Master Baimei rely on his own breath to compare to Feng Chong's strange wind?
Swish, swish, this is the moment to witness a miracle, the buildings drawn by Tang Chen rise from the ground!The scales are connected, exquisite and extremely luxurious.

This is a real building. As long as the strange wind of Chihulong is still there, then this continuous building group will not disappear.

"This, this is the Immortal Palace!" The partners, as well as more than 5 recruits among the Tang Chen clan, exclaimed.

Tang Chen wrote vigorously, and he drew domestic animals that could be eaten by meat, as well as delicious vegetables, and several fairy fruit trees.Chi Hulong took a breath of wind and turned it into reality.

Something happened here, Tang Chen turned to Li Yiqi, Di Mingqi and Han Xiang also smiled, "I invite the three giants of [Golden Fen Family] to make their grand debut!"

Han Xiang also waved his small hand, "The [-] selected disciples of the Tang Sect, let's go!" After speaking, he gave Tang Chen a deep fist, and led Tang Chen's [-] "human soldiers" into the fairy palace described by Tang Chen.

"There must be clouds in the Immortal Palace, hehehe. Pfft!" Chihulong blew out another breath of strange wind. In an instant, within the painting, the clouds and mists were misty and filled with immortal energy. That was actually fairy light....

Han Xiang also led the team, and behind him Li Yiqi, Di Mingqi, and the Big Three of Gold Fans made their debut!Behind him were [-] disciples of the Tang Sect, each performing their duties, and quickly took their positions.

Tang Chen looked at the impatient team members, with a majestic look and a calm gait, he walked up to him, swiped his pen, and wrote it all in one go, surrounding the mountains outside Liantian Town, and suddenly a huge gap appeared!
Qi Yu, Yao Chi, and Shi Zhongyu, with fluttering robes and lightning-like movements, shooed in.

Without much effort, Qi Yu, Yaochi, and Shi Zhongyu, all with pleasant smiles, tricked out the first batch of Luohuang Sect followers.

"But if you have what you need, it's okay to take it, just don't destroy it! Go and join the Dragon Cult and receive the blessing of the Gold Powder Family." Qi Yu's voice was like a virgin, and the first batch of believers who entered the painting world went crazy.

They rushed in, and just as they were about to grab the pile of gold coins, Han Xiang also shouted: "Join the Dragon Cult and swear allegiance."

"Join the Dragon Cult, and the immortals will live forever!"

The shining gold coins blinded the Luohuang Sect's eyes, and also blinded their minds.Followers of the Luohuang Sect changed their doors one after another, prostrated themselves on the ground devoutly, and took the initiative to kiss Han Xiangyi's toes.

Through the boots of course...Otherwise it's too itchy~.

"With gold coins, you can go shopping and enjoy luxury, and you can also go to the valley at the other end to win over your partners!" Han Xiangyi spoke slowly and spoke clearly, like a god.

Unexpectedly, those followers of the Luohuang Sect ignored Han Xiangyi's second half of the sentence, and ran towards the depths of the painting heavily and with great difficulty, carrying gold coins in their pockets.

Ceng, Ceng, Ceng, the smell of meat is overflowing..., and there is a beautiful dancer indistinctly.

"Why is it so beautiful! Heavenly Immortal... I want to take a concubine..." Some followers of the Luohuang Cult actually dropped gold coins and went straight to the dancing servants in the distance. years.

"Wow! There's meat to eat! I want to..., buy them all, and let's go overboard!" A follower of the Luohuang Sect, who was as fat as a ball with gold coins in his pocket, pouted... .

"Girls, I'm coming!"

A skinny and bone-like old man, with "嗖", "嗖", "嗖", pink eyes.

Staggering, staggering....

He slipped and fell, twitched unwillingly, and then stood up, screaming shamelessly: "Who sells medicine! I'll buy it!".

"There are fruits to eat! Or spiritual fruits!" Several female believers of the Luohuang Sect rolled up their skirts, kicked, kicked, kicked, climbed to the top of the tree, picked the fruit, chewed happily, water-soaked, full of water. The face is all..., without manners.

More followers of the Luo Huang Sect were sweating profusely, carrying huge burdens, and every step they took would leave deep marks on their feet...

Even, some are overwhelmed...

"Pfft!" He died in the mountain of his greedy desire, and was crushed by gold coins...

Qi Yu shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, he turned around and took Shi Zhongyu and Yao Chi to pull the head again.

"Go some more! You, you, and you, go to cooperate with Qi Yu's team."

Tang Chen sensed the selfishness and greed of the followers of the Luohuang Sect, so he sent more people to speed up the progress.

After all, the Luohuang Sect spread, and the Luohuang Sect followers, like refugees, swarmed in, broke in, or simply squeezed into the painting environment...

Tang Chen looked at the two ring-shaped mountain ranges he drew yesterday, looking around, it was empty and there was no one there.

Tang Chen shook his head and sighed: "Chihulong, take back the strange wind."

Phew, in an instant, the two continuous mountains that were not majestic turned into two white eyebrows that were crystal clear and snow-like.

Looking back at the painting, countless followers of the Luohuang Sect were weeping and crying with joy: "This is the life I want... You don't have to do any work, and you can get whatever you want, but the gold coins are too heavy... .”

Tang Chen couldn't help but sighed speechlessly.

"Let's go!" Tang Chen waved his hand, leading his team and [-] soldiers from the Tang clan, heading straight to Kongtong Mountain.

Now, in the outskirts of Kongtong Mountain, followers of the Luohuang Sect are camped out, the number of them is comparable to that of ants, and it is roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of billions of them.And the entire Kongtong sect, the inner sect and the outer sect combined, only has 100 billion elder disciples.

The contrast is too great, if there is no big protective array, it would have been razed to the ground long ago.

Of course, the background of the Kongtong faction is also powerful. There are many people with the combat power of one to ten, or even a hundred, or a thousand.But the Kongtong faction, especially Lin Yu's outer sect, had a large number of handyman disciples who could not be promoted to official disciples. In desperation, they chose to rebel and joined the Luohuang sect.

This is a big blow to the Kongtong faction.Tang Chen and his friends from Tang Chen's team gave Lin Yu a trick, and Lin Yu's eyes brightened...

The disciples of the outer sect's handyman suddenly became overwhelmed.

The Kongtong School's outer sect, the Qianlong Academy, has actually increased the number of official disciples!

Lin Yu also added [Feilongyuan], which is the official disciple of Qianlongyuan.

It's just a false name, and the crisis is easily resolved.

Tang Chen combined the [-] Overlord Heaven Guards in [Ziwei Cave] and the well-trained recruits from the Martial Arts League into one place, and placed them all in the outer sect of the Kongtong Sect.That is where the mountain gate is located.

Tang Chen handled the formation of troops properly.

No more worries.

Hastily pulled Jiang Xueting, and got into Lin Yu's bedroom...

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(End of this chapter)

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