Shushan Wushen

Chapter 104 Dao Jue

Chapter 104 Ten Dao Jue

Tang Chen took out a small dark chain, injected his true energy, hey, a dense breath rippling, Tang Chen and Jiang Xueting disappeared.

The scene in front of me changes, and the next moment, Kongtong Shenwu Mountain Molu!
Stepping into the ink hut, Tang Chen felt guilty, rubbed the [Kongtong Seal], and said to himself: "...Old man, I didn't listen carefully to what you said, so I ran back to Baihe Peak in a hurry, and missed the appointment.... I also trouble you to ask Jiang Xueting personally, Tang Chen really deserves to die—"

Snapped!A big warm hand clapped on Tang Chen's shoulder.

When Tang Chen turned his head, it turned out that he was an exiled old man. He had kind eyes and kind eyes, and a look of concern from the elders. He touched the scar on Tang Chen's face with pity, "Does it still hurt?"

When Tang Chen saw the old man, he was pleasantly surprised and shook his head again and again: "Old man, it doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt! Seeing you, old man, it doesn't hurt—"

"I'm in pain! I'm in pain! Originally, you have such a beautiful, handsome face, how will you see people in the future? Who will marry you, an ugly ghost?"

The exiled old man was heartbroken, with a look of regret.

"It's okay to be old, at least I'm still there..." Jiang Xueting said coquettishly, and as soon as the words came out, she turned into a water lotus, extremely shy.

The exiled old man seemed to be unreasonable, pursed his mouth, but it was actually a joke, and deliberately reprimanded sharply: "Where are you talking? Tang Chen has been injured like this, and the old man has to help find a way. The natural talent and earthly treasure to restore his appearance, and No? How can I let you pick up this big leak!"

"What!" Hearing Jiang Xueting's words, it was like five thunderbolts, her big eyes were like the brightest star in the sky, the brilliance was actually crystal clear, and her feet staggered.

As soon as they looked up, Tang Chen and the old man were full of ridicule and narrow-mindedness.

"Ah! Form a group to bully people~, huh~."

Jiang Xueting was so ashamed that she cried, and ran away on the pretext of chatting with the big white cat.

"Appearance is not important. What Chenchen needs is ultimate strength. This time, he was completely abused by Xiuxiu's apprentice Ye Mengmeng. It's embarrassing!"

Tang Chen didn't hide anything from the old man. He told the old man everything that happened after he left the Kongtong faction. He also gave him a jar of [Pluto Soul Tea], which was specially prepared for the old man and had been saved. long time.

The old man was so shocked that his hands were shaking badly.For him, there is nothing more precious than [Pluto Soul Tea].

Tang Chen was chatting with the exiled old man while drinking tea, Tang Chen saw that the exiled old man's expression was not quite right, after thinking for a while, he suddenly realized.The exiled old man was a little reluctant to share this [Pluto Soul Tea].

Sure enough, seeing Tang Chen pick out the three leaves in the small teapot, he interrupted at the right time when he was touching the tea pot, pretending to inadvertently put away the tea pot, "Come on, hurry up and improve your fingering skills. "

With a smile on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, he succeeded in his little trick, and stretched out his fingers quite proudly...

The exiled old man shouted, "[Pingshui Thirty Fingers · Yuanjue], Beichang, Jikun. Yongxiang Changmen. Shantingshuige, Hotel Juntun. Yangzidu, Xiegongdun. Dezhong Nianzun. Chengqian After the earthquake, there are many hurdles. People with lofty ideals will report to the king to think of dogs and horses, and the king will take care of chickens and dolphins. Far away on the sand, there are guests who go boating on Taoyedu; slanting wind and drizzle, who will bring the village of apricot blossoms."

Tang Chen's right thumb suddenly surged with a majestic force!

Tang Chen silently recited [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Yuan Jue] mental method, and a reminder from the old ban came to his ears: "cooperate with [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Han Jue], use one mind for two purposes, and recite with your mind at the same time!"

Boom ~.As Tang Chen chanted both thoughts, a strange force descended!
An indescribable feeling rose from the thumb of Tang Chen's right hand. This feeling was extremely powerful. This finger felt faintly broken. This body became extraordinary because of this thumb!
Tang Chen stood up slowly, walked up to [Kongtong Seal], and raised his right thumb to the stele. The stele shrunk significantly, shrinking in a very human way.Even surrender!

It's useless, Tang Chen didn't intend to let it go, running [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Han Yuan Jue], the whole thumb, so extraordinary, Kongtong seal, a poor generation of artifact, was raved by Tang Chen!He praised the hole the size of a finger hole.

"It's okay, Tang Chen, stop. Too much stabbing will hurt your body! Young man, take it easy!" The old man who has been here knows Tang Chen's mood at the moment, and he can feel Tang Chen's taste and taste, so he can't stop.

Tang Chen's face was flushed with excitement.Raise your right thumb high!

The language is so pale at the moment, it is difficult to describe Tang Chen's excitement at the moment.

"The exiled old man, drink another [Pluto Soul Tea], replace the wine with tea, let's celebrate!"

This is Tang Chen's little routine, an obvious threat, and the old man couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Tang Chen, you are young at heart, and you will have a lot of stabbing days in the future. Come on, I will teach you four more fingerings. The index finger and middle finger also become the real [Ping Shui Thirty Fingers]!"

Tang Chen nodded sincerely, a little frightened, and asked back: "Old man, you said that if I practice the five formulas in one go, will it not work at all?"

The old man was very frank, and responded solemnly: "It's okay not to practice so much, but don't think about [Pluto Soul Tea] anymore! You are too prodigal to drink tea, and throwing away the tea leaves after three showers is really a waste!"

Tang Chen was blushing, being exposed, but not embarrassed.After more than a year of experience in the rivers and lakes, his skin is a bit thick.

The middle part of the index finger of the left hand corresponds to [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Haojue]; Jiaoci, Dihao.Jiang Gao at the foot of the mountain.The butterfly plate of the warbler spring, the peach wave of the wheat wave.Qiji feet, phoenix hair.Good reputation.The literati peek at the bamboo slips, and the bachelor's books are rabbit hairs.Ma Yuan went to the south to collect coix, and Zhang Qian went to the west to bring in grapes.There are thousands of words and thousands of words in the river of debate; the etymology is inverted, and the articles are endless.

The tail of the index finger of the left hand corresponds to [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Gejue];Straight to Pinko.The bees media the butterfly envoy, the rain hat and the smoke minion.The eyebrows are swept lightly, and the face is slightly flushed.Wonderful dance and clear song.Xiage is cut for light shirts, and Chunluo is cut for thin sleeves.The general and Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty concurrently, and the overlord miscellaneously used Han Xiaohe.The moon is originally yin, how could Yi's wife have stolen medicine; the stars are nights, and the waves are rumored that the Weaver Girl wanders to and fro.

So Tang Chen's left hand was born with the first Pingshui Thirty Fingers, the index finger, let's sing first!It is determined by the three laws; together with blessing, it is extremely extraordinary!Tang Chen went to 'finger' and clicked on the [Kongtong Seal], but the Kongtong Seal had no integrity, hey, and started to dodge.

Tang Chen was very depressed, and the exiled old man couldn't stop laughing. He pulled Tang Chen over and passed on [Pingshui Thirty Fingers·Ma Jue] and [Ping Shui Thirty Fingers·Yang Jue].

"Qingzhuo, Meijia. Contemptuous and boastful. Flower beard and willow eyes, corner eaves and eaves teeth. Zhihe house, Bowangcha. Autumn fruits and spring flowers. Dry stove cooking white snow, Kunding alchemy sand. Looking at the moon in the cold battlefield late at night, listening to the frontier The remnants of the field are guarded. The courtyard is full of pines and wind, and the faint sound of bells is a monk's house; the half-window is full of flowers and moons, and the tin shadow is still a Taoist."

"Taige Pavilion, Marsh Pond. Morning rain and sunset. Tourist and hermit, Xie Nv Qiuniang. Three-inch tongue, nine ileum. Jade liquid and fine nectar. Qin Huang shines in the gallbladder mirror, Xu Zhao returns to the soul. Qingping Ye Xiao Furong box, yellow scroll time Spread out the bed of litchi. Yuan Henry Zhen, the heaven and the earth are organically formed and cultivated; benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom, the sages have established the principles through the ages."

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(End of this chapter)

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