Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1020 True Liquid Fragranceless Dragon

Chapter 1020 True Liquid Fragranceless Dragon


Liu Jinduo's eyes were full of worry.

"Tang Chen! Are you really okay?"

Tang Chen's mood is really complicated at this time!

No explanation was given!
Face expressionless, let the wind and snow rage!
Liu Jinduo couldn't get an answer, so he sighed!
Hand over Tang Chen's promotion to the rank of general to Ye Mengrou.

Just go down the mountain and leave!
Time flies!

Two years later.

The northern cold snowy Wannian glacier canyon.

Tang Chen finally recovered his emotions!
I completely let go of my obsession!
His expression finally calmed down!

Open your mouth and spit out a long mouthful of foul air!

Turning around, squinting and smiling, he asked:

"Yunyun! Is there any Soul Condensation Pill?"

This was the first time in three years that Tang Chen took the initiative to speak.

Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, Xue Xiaolian...

They all gathered around!Cheeky surprise!
In an instant!

The treasures of heaven and earth in front of Tang Chen piled up like a hill!

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing!

"Stop digging out! You don't need so much! A bunch of prodigal women!"

Wow! ...

Immediately, the nine ladies chattered and started bombing!
"My lord actually called us prodigal wives? Hee hee hee!..."

"Aren't you a prodigal bitch?... Hee hee..."

"What a fresh vocabulary!..."


Tang Chen smiled and said nothing, and waved all the pills into the city!
Then, he sat cross-legged on the snow!

Ripples gradually appeared on Tang Chen's body!
In the distance, a big yellow dragon is coming from the sky!

call out!
It got into Tang Chen's body!
Tang Chen's whole body immediately glowed with a golden light!

The whole body is golden!
Intense metallic luster!
It's as if you can make a crisp sound with a light tap!


Tang Chen opened his mouth and shouted!

Immediately, the surrounding snow and ice suddenly rose to the sky! !

Become a frost dragon!


Tang Chen sat in the air!

The whole body is shining with golden light!

Like a solemn Buddha!
Tu Longyin and Ye Mengrou, Tang Zhiyun and the others were inexplicably horrified!
I don't know what Tang Chen is going to do!
Why don't you hesitate to take drugs, but also use all your mana...

Refining the Yellow River!

Shake the ice and snow in the northern cold snow area! !
I saw that giant frost dragon with ferocious horns...

It's like giving birth to wisdom!

Fly freely in the sky!
Unfold Ice Wings and Snow Wings!
Open the huge dragon's mouth!
The sky was swallowed by snowflakes! !

at this time!

Look at the North Cold Snow Region.

The sky is crystal clear!Not a breath of wind!

The ground is bare of soil and rocks!

The ancient landforms of the Northern Cold Snow Region have changed!
"Come, come!"

Tang Chen looked up to the sky and waved!

A crystal clear giant dragon suddenly jumped out of Tang Chen's body!
True liquid fragrance-free dragon!
This is what Tang Chen refined!

Yellow River!


"Aww... Aww...!! Aw~~~~"

True Liquid Fragranceless Dragon uses extremely pure dragon language...

Express thanks to Tang Chen! !
Tang Chen is shining golden!

Stand up in the air!

Said to Zhenye Wuxianglong: "No need to thank! Talking more is useless! If you want to repay me, please bless the human race forever!"


True Liquid Fragranceless Dragon, with the highest etiquette of the Dragon Clan!
Thank you Tang Chen for the last time!
Headlong into the Northern Cold Snow Continent!

In an instant! !
The desolate Northern Cold Snowy Continent seemed to be activated by formations!

The rock skin is peeling off!

Reveal the moist seed jade inside!
The hardened soil on the ground is gradually getting wet!

Oily! !
The True Liquid Fragranceless Dragon curled up lazily on the North Cold Snowy Continent!
It is a majestic and vast river!

With the endless protection of true liquid, fragrance-free dragon and dragon spirit!

Countless exotic flowers and plants grew on the ground!

Tang Chen waved out a handful of pills!
This is a precious gift to this continent!
"Let's leave some snowflakes to decorate the four seasons!"

Tang Chen gave instructions to the Frost Dragon in the sky in dragon language!
The Frost Dragon spreads its wings of ice and snow!
Cover the sky!

Tang Chen stood on top of the dragon head!
Copy it with your palm down!
Ye Mengrou and the others did not resist!
Tang Chen directly took the lead!

"Where to go?"

"Southern Cold Snow Region!!"

Tang Chen's whole body was glittering with golden light.

Behind him are nine beautiful goddesses who are as beautiful as flowers and jade!
Stepping on the Frost Dragon...

This image passed through the Beidou satellite navigation system in an instant...

Appeared on the screen in front of Liu Jinduo's desk!

"What is Tang Chen doing?"

Liu Jinduo was puzzled and grabbed the communicator...

bell bell bell...

Tang Zhiyun took out Tang Chen's secure communicator!
Tang Chen said lightly: "Humans migrate to the North and South Snow Regions as soon as possible! Three days! Only three days!"

Tang Zhiyun hurriedly told Liu Jinduo through the secure communicator!

"Hurry up and get the picture of the North and South Cold Snow Region..."

Liu Jinduo ordered the assistant to the head of the general base, Lieutenant General Tang Xiaoshao!
Tang Xiaoshao hastily ordered his subordinates to prepare!


Tang Chen crossed half a cool star!
Arrived in the sky above the Southern Cold Snow Region!
The Southern Cold Snow Region is now in the half-year eternal night period!

It's pitch black underfoot!
However, Tang Chen's sight was not affected at all!

He raised his hand and swallowed another handful of pills!

Three days later, Tang Chen finally moved!

Tang Chen leaned over and looked at his feet!


I saw a giant dragon with a red body and a mottled green rust!

The real liquid of the Yangtze River without fragrance dragon!

Roaring!Come across domains!

call out!
Tang Chen swallowed this huge green rusty red dragon with his mouth open!

The skin on Tang Chen's body was exposed, and it changed again!
Jin Guang gradually restrained himself!

A sparkling fluorescent green...

Come out!

negligence!Tang Chen's skin overflowed with blood!
Tang Chen at this moment.

It was as if my whole body was being punctured by needlepoints!

It is appalling!

Ye Meng and Yang Kangri join forces to stop the wives!

"My lord is at a critical moment! Don't disturb me!"


Tang Chen's blood shot to the sky!
The whole body is scabbed!

But it didn't continue to recover!
Lifting the palm lightly, the dragon whispered:
"Come on! My holy snowstorm dragon!"

Tang Chen's voice was like cold air!
Filled the whole space!
boom! ! !
In the Southern Cold Snowy Continent, the penguins are flying like dogs!
The seals are running away desperately!



There was an extremely low tremor! !
The sound waves filled the entire Southern Cold Snow Continent!

A giant snowstorm dragon with a body as clean as jade!
Bearing the millions of years of glaciers and snow in the Southern Cold Snow Continent!
And its irregular dragon body!
Rush to the sky!

Jumping at Tang Chen's feet!

Drops of sweat appeared on Tang Chen's forehead!
Have a low drink!
Pinched out Xuan Ao's decision!
boom! ! !
Wind and Snow Dragon and Frost Dragon!
Awesome fit!

And the glacial snow that the giant snowstorm dragon originally carried disappeared without a trace!

Creation surges in the heaven and earth!

The aura escapes and escapes!

It is clear!There are gods coming into the world!

Tang Chen and the others narrowed their eyes suddenly!

If you don't look carefully, you can see it!
But that sparkling dragon body!

It still made it possible for Tang Chen to check it even if he didn't use his spiritual sense!
water dragon!Sacred Five Elements Rules Profound Truth Water Dragon!
water!It's just a profound rule of heaven!
(End of this chapter)

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