Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1021 The Red Demon Flame

Chapter 1021 The Red Demon Flame



Shen Guzi couldn't even believe his ears!
An absolute surprise!
"There is no problem with the different fire controlling the refining weapon!"

Tang Zhiyun and Yang Kangri are both the cultivation base of Emperor Wu!

Shen Guzi's surprised expression hadn't faded away yet...

Tang Zhiyun, Yang Kangri, and God Son Cuiyan.Come together! !
"Where's the Red Devil?" Tang Chen opened his mouth and asked Tang Zhiyun.

Tang Zhiyun glanced at Shen Guzi, only to see the catkin flipping over!
Hong Mo Yanyan, who looked like a little boy with bare buttocks, was sitting cross-legged in Tang Zhiyun's palm with his head poking around!
I saw Tang Chen!
The Red Devil got up clumsily, and said in a childish voice, "Hi, my lord! See you, my lord!"

"Hehe! Don't pretend to be stupid! Help the sisters to refine the weapon together later, okay?"

Tang Chen smiled!As soon as he stretched out his hand, Red Devil Yanyan jumped to Tang Chen's palm!
Like a naughty child!

"Okay, okay! Xiaohong intends to serve the lord and mistress!..."

Tang Chen looked at Shen Guzi: "How about preparing the materials?"

Only then did Shen Guzi come back to his senses!
"Here! Here! Please follow me! Everyone, please..."

Under Shen Guzi's villa, it has been hollowed out!
Tang Chen watched as Shen Guzi opened the stone gate more than ten feet high.

He exclaimed in admiration: "You are really generous! You have spent a lot of money!"

Shen Guzi didn't have time to think: "Where! Where! They are all supported by celebrities from all walks of life!..."

Tang Chen's complexion was calm.

Looking at the treasures of heaven, materials and earth in the room, I sighed!
Bailusha!Purple turquoise!Chaos mud!Water refined copper!Gu Li Mo Yu!Pure gold!Mithril!The seeds of King Kong large grain flower..., and even...the blue fruit of revetment flower! !

Tang Chen asked lightly.

"Yes! It's on the lower floor! My basement is divided into upper and lower floors! The lower floor is bigger than the upper floor!! However, it's not as precious as the upper floor! It's just magic gems, gold and silver!"

"Oh! Let's see!"

Tang Chen nodded to Shen Guzi.

Shen Guzi waved his hand and wiped it on the wall!
Suddenly, another secret passage appeared! !

Tang Chen's eyes lit up!
If the upper level is the treasure of the real martial arts world!
Then this layer is the belief in life!

In a stone room with more than 1 square meters!

The jewels sparkle!

Bling everywhere!Everywhere is bright and gorgeous!
Rows of large bathtubs are full of gems!

Magic Gem!

This is not an ordinary precious gemstone in the secular world!

It is the magic gem that adds mana! !
Each one is extremely precious!It's never easy to see the true face! !

Usually, the rare gems that never show up at all!
Even in the legend, it was all mentioned in one stroke!
And the gems of each series were classified by Shen Guzi and placed in different bathtubs!Arranged neatly in rows and piled up again...

"A local tyrant!"

"That's right! That's all for the treasure house of our Hunting God Palace!"

Yang Kangri and Tang Zhiyun's eyes were straightened!

It's not that I haven't seen the market!But too shocking!
Shen Guzi had a bitter face:
"These are all good treasures! Many of them are heaven-level or even god-level magic gems! But we are not blessed to accept them!"

Tang Chen nodded: "That's right! [Shadow Jue] cultivators cannot perceive magic power! It's a pity!"

Tang Chen rubbed the gold bricks on the ground with his toes, and asked, "What else?"

Shen Guzi shook his head: "That's all there is! But I feel that I have enough reserves!"

Tang Chen shook his head.

"Not enough! At least your life is more than that! Hand over your trial list! I won't kill you! Otherwise?"

Tang Chen ran [Shadow Jue] and grabbed Shen Guzi's arm...

Shen Guzi's arm disappeared instantly!

"No! As an enshrined member of the Xiaquan Empire's royal family, I, Shen Guzi, can't let you do what you want! You! Just kill me! Hmph!"

Shen Guzi stiffened his neck rather stiffly!
Tang Chen shook his head!
The probe pinched Shen Guzi's neck!

"Then you will die!"

"Ah! No, no, no! I forgot about the Xiaquan Empire! I wrote down everything else! The Cold Spring Empire! The Yin Spring Empire! The Nether Spring Empire! Even the Bitter Spring Empire! I have the list! It's all there! They're all there!"

No one is really not afraid of death!This is especially true for true warriors!Especially the [Shadow Art] practitioners of the mantle civilization!The more advanced the civilization!Human nature is more and more obvious!Also lost blood!

Tang Chen squeezed the list with a smile, and handed it to Liu Jinduo who rushed over.

Liu Jinduo looked around Shen Guzi's huge villa, the empty load-bearing walls, and felt a little surprised!
"Isn't Shen Guzi heard to be very rich? Why does he live in such a shabby place! There's no money to decorate such a big villa? Pretend to be rich, just to show off?"

Tang Chen raised his hand and scratched his head, looking at the cunning in Liu Jinduo's eyes.

Rather helplessly explained: "Junyun will be obedient then! But Kangri and Cuiyan are 'fire-like women' at all, I..., alas! There is no way! Those are old goblins! My knowledge is too shallow!"

Liu Jinduo expressed deep sympathy, and raised his hand to pat Tang Chen on the back: "Understand! Understand! Teacher understands you! Teacher is proud of you! You have made such a great contribution to the country! The entire human race owes you!"

"Not at all! Not at all!" Tang Chen flatly denied it.

The hat is too big and uncomfortable!
"But... Tang Chen! According to our plan in advance, it should be..."

Liu Jinduo pondered and asked tentatively.

Tang Chen slapped his chest!Proudly said: "Let's go!"

"No, no, no! Tang Chen, I'm not urging you! If you want to go, don't be in a hurry! After arresting and interrogating, it's not too late to go!"

Seeing Tang Chen, Liu Jinduo let out a sigh.I really can't bear it!

He sent out countless seeds, and now only Tang Chen has returned!And he, Liu Jinduo, also borrowed from Tang Chen!
He thought Tang Chen was a simple little guy, after some time travelling.Except for abducting a few beauties, it really is a breeze!Moreover, for his plan, Tang Chen died almost all of the same-spirited heterotopic bodies!

Liu Jinduo felt very owed!
He also warned: "The civilization there is more advanced! The form is more complicated! Take care! Be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he handed Tang Chen a talisman.

Tang Chen glanced at it, and threw it into the city mansion casually.

ding ding ding~~~~

Liu Jinduo picked up the communicator: "...Okay! Kill them all! Yes! No one left!...Yes! Use the talisman! Kill the talisman!...Are you sure? OK!!"

"It's done?" Tang Chen looked into Liu Jinduo's eyes and asked.

Liu Jinduo pursed his lips and remained silent for a while.

Until Tang Chen asked again: "Liu Jinduo! Do you have something to hide from me?"

Liu Jinduo looked at Tang Chen quietly, and sighed: "You will know! Let's go! I've got everything done here!!"

(End of this chapter)

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