Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1022 The Great Migration

Chapter 1022 The Great Migration


Tang Chen glanced at Liu Jinduo suspiciously: "You look so dead! How can I leave with peace of mind? Say it! Otherwise, I really can't go there with peace of mind!"

Liu Jinduo gritted his teeth!As if he had made up his mind!
Pulled out the wallet!Stuffed in Tang Chen's hands.

"Tang Chen! None of us are from this world! I believe you know this better than me! But we can't go back now! Blame me! I'm sorry!"

When Tang Chen heard it, he was stunned!Looking at Liu Jinduo suspiciously: "Black eyes! Black hair! Yellow skin! Grandparents! Mom and Dad! And Tang Liang..., not all of them..."

Liu Jinduo shook his head with a wry smile.

"You have the memory of this plane! The memory of this plane dominates your thinking! You and I are people from another time and space! Don't you feel that every step we take is too smooth?"

"Shundang? When was it not about destroying the world? When was it not about hard training! Escaping from the dead..." Tang Chen felt something was wrong as he spoke!

Yes!It's like having the aura of the protagonist!Come whatever you want!Simply follow your heart!Calmly walked through one plane after another! !

Is it true that dragon blood is immortal?The dragon soul is immortal?
"Are we in an illusion?"

Tang Chen was led into a ditch by Liu Jinduo without knowing it!Questioned my own existence!
Liu Jinduo was noncommittal!
"I don't know either! I just know that something is wrong this time! This is my Qiankun bag! There are a lot of god-level talismans in it! It was sent to me by the Space-Time Security Bureau of the God Realm! My direct leader is Emperor Haotian! That is, Yu Haoran! My current identity is the undercover agent of the Light Realm! Establish a secret passage to connect the God Realm and the Secular World—”

Chirp!boom! ! !
Liu Jinduo was talking with Tang Chen when suddenly there was a deafening explosion of light from the outside world!

The alarm sounded in the Southern Cold Snow Continent in an instant!
ding ding ding
ding ding ding
The communicators of Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen rang almost at the same time!
Both have office directors.

The communicators all report the monitoring results outside the star field!

People from the Light Realm are coming!
Liu Jinduo anxiously said to Tang Chen: "Tang Chen! It's too late to communicate! Last time Emperor Haotian took action to save the world! This time it will definitely not happen! Favors have been used up!"

"Then what should I do? I can't just walk away! It's a big deal, let's die together!"

Tang Chen was full of anxiety.

"No! Tang Chen! You're right! We should be in an illusion right now! Then let's take a gamble! Are you willing to go crazy with me?"

The more Tang Chen is in an emergency, the clearer his mind will be!This is also the result of years of exam-oriented education.Did not blurt out, in line with Liu Jinduo's rhythm!
Instead, calm down and ponder!
Boom boom boom! ! !
"Weird! Weird! Are all the cool star people dead? Only monsters? There are so few people? Less than 1 people!! My God! What happened?"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded!

Kuafu! !
Tang Chen woke up with a start!

Liu Jinduo has a solemn expression!
In order to avoid the dimensional space of the Light Realm!
Tang Chen instructed human beings to move to the cold and snowy regions in the north and south.

It is to take advantage of the six months of eternal night in the snowy regions of the north and south!
After all, there is no light...

The air of the Light Realm was also imprisoned!
On Cool Star, there is also a restricted area!
It's even called a safety island!
"We have one month! After one month, the northern cold snow region will be extremely day! We will move to the southern cold snow region! But those [-] people stranded outside the polar region... may be searched for their souls!!"

Liu Jinduo was worried.

"Tang Chen! Let's go! Don't blame me for awakening your co-spirited heteroplanet without permission! In fact..., in fact, I am a lost bookworm!! I entered this space! You are not the only one who has been harmed! Many creations! Yunqi! Even the great god of the starting point...!! I... have been to the God Realm! I have been to the Light Realm! I have not found the way home!! You——go! Remember! Everything is illusory Yes!! This is an illusion!!"

Tang Chen narrowed his eyes suddenly!A cold light burst out from the bottom of his eyes! !

Kick Liu Jinduo against the wall!It has become a painting! !
Liu Jinduo slid down the wall slowly!
Pfft! !

fell to the ground.

He didn't even get up, just sat there paralyzed.

"You bastard Liu Jinduo! Transmigration is not as useless as you! Just get lost! You have to get lost! Didn't you say this is an illusion? Okay!! Then we will follow the rules here! The weak eat the strong, right? Then we are the strong! There are no moral rules! Good! Then let’s follow our hearts and create a force! Make moral rules! Dare you do it??!”

There was brilliance in Liu Jinduo's desperate eyes!
That is the light of hope! !
"Tang Chen! Do you think I still have a choice?"

Tang Chen grabbed Liu Jinduo and fiercely leaned against the wall!
"You have a choice! Choose to become stronger with me! Always be cannon fodder for me!!"

Liu Jinduo suddenly laughed!

"make a deal!!"

Since it is an illusion!
Since it is an absolute different world!
So what kind of affection is there?What love?What friendship?
Tang Chen felt a dull pain in his heart! !
Those beautiful goddesses!He really tasted the unstoppable love!

Lin batian!Tang hero!Lin Xiaotian!grandparents……

Inseparable family love...

Former comrades-in-arms of the Boy Scouts of Sandao Town...

Once the nine-member team...

Former officers and soldiers...

The former classmate of Tianjia class...

The teacher who used to be... used to be...

Some feelings are like an indescribable dream!
Can't tell where it is worth nostalgic for!

But it is always overlapping with reality!

Not pure joy!
Not to mention endless sorrow! !
There is no deliberate love!

But unforgettable! !
It's hard to let go! !
Even more unforgettable! !
"Existence exists! Make the good even better! Make the unpleasant! Go fuck it!"

Tang Chen looked determined!

Release the awe-inspiring murderous aura!
He took out the Gongshu Bodhi stick!

Twist the ground with your toes!
Immediately stepped out of the spider web!

Liu Jinduo hugged Tang Chen's leg!

"You're bluffing!! What's the difference between this and death? I have a talisman in my wallet! Let's deal with it first!"


Tang Chen rolled his eyes and realized it!
"Didn't it mean the illusion? If we can't fix it, let's go back after hanging up."

Liu Jinduo smiled lewdly:
"It's so much fun here! What are you doing back here? Let's talk! What if we really crossed over to another world? If we die, we will really die! Isn't it embarrassing? Didn't make any contribution? Are you willing?"

"What you said makes sense! I'm speechless!"

Tang Chen put away the stick!

He took out Liu Jinduo's wallet!
Liu Jinduo grabbed it and opened the Qiankun bag: "This one is called [Fixed Body Charm], and this one can solidify the void for [-] hours! It's about nine days! It's enough for us to move from the Northern Cold Snow Region to the Southern Cold It's snowy! Our relocation record is three days! It's a pity that we can't freeze their thinking and memory! If they all come out of the Light Realm, use this card to kill them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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