Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1023 He is a dragon

Chapter 1023 He's a Dragon


Liu Jinduo took out a sheet with a dignified expression.

Tang Chen didn't make a sound, and took out a pen to make annotations on the talisman.

Liu Jinduo took out another one, his eyes lit up!

"Nine Heavens Dazzling Thunder!! The momentum is huge! But it's all fake! The appearance is excellent! At the critical moment, the best magic weapon to cover and escape! My favorite!! Unfortunately, I can only engrave one level of skill! This is from God. The handwriting of Jieda inscription master! It’s not easy to ask for it! There’s only one left!”

Tang Chen stuffed this piece into the city mansion!

A plausible explanation:
"This one is the most useful for me! Enter the city at a critical moment! Take advantage of it! Get rid of it!"

"Yeah!! OK! Don't pull me at that time! I have to enter your city too!"

"Does it need to be said? It is necessary!! But it can be agreed! When the time comes, don't run first! If you run away, I can't catch up with you! Then you will be a living target!"

"Well! Don't run! I don't resist! Just wait for you to pull me!"

Tang Chen raised his hand and gave Liu Jinduo a high five.

Tang Chen finally tied each other together!
Liu Jinduo took out a purple talisman inside!
Precious and heavy caressed, said:

"This is 【Sealing Light Jiazi】! Seal the entire planet with one Jiazi! There will be darkness for 60 years! This is the super killer weapon against the Light Realm!"


Tang Chen grabbed it and copied it with his spiritual sense!
but!Get dizzy in no time!
Can't help but secretly sigh extraordinary!
Throw it into the city with a wave of hands!
"Not bad! Kill the Light Realm when necessary! Kill everyone in the Light Realm! Just rely on this baby! Tsk tsk! What else?"

Liu Jinduo threw out a dozen thick talismans!

clap clap clap!
Beat lightly!

"I did all of this! It's okay to deal with ordinary people! But it's impossible to deal with the gods of the Light Realm... I don't have enough cultivation! I still can't engrave high-level talismans! Sigh! Talent is limited!"

Tang Chen's eyes suddenly became hot:

"Teach me! I'm very talented! You know it! My family and country are in trouble! I'll do what I can! Bear morality on my shoulders! Let's turn the tide! As the saying goes..."

Liu Jinduo patted Tang Chen's shoulder affectionately!

"Tang Chen! Your wish is beautiful! But the reality is cruel! You are only a single soul now! I am also a single soul! None of our souls have been promoted to a divine soul! Let alone a divine soul! If it is that Tang Chen... ..., it's a pity that he has a grudge against me!...Actually, I've long wanted to teach him everything..."

Tang Chen knocked off Liu Jinduo's hand with a wave!

Cold question:
"When? When did you think to teach me something? Don't make such a fool! Be more affordable! Really teach me a few tricks! Or come up with a more reliable idea! You can't just sit and wait for death!"

Liu Jinduo is endlessly lonely!
Frowning and frowning, he took out a cigarette, bang!Click!

"Cough, cough, smoke! Smoke hurts my lungs! It doesn't hurt my heart! To be honest! I really put my heart and soul into Tang Chen from that plane! Think about it, the demon-killing plane..."

Boom boom boom! !

There was a huge sonic boom in the air!
This is a high-level true warrior, walking at high speed in the air!
ding ding ding~~~~

ding ding ding~~~~

The communicator bell rang as expected!

Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen picked up the communicator almost at the same time.

"What? Someone charged into the sky to fight? Lu Meiting!!!..."

Liu Jinduo and Tang Chen looked at each other and exclaimed in unison!

"and many more!"

"Still waiting!"

When Tang Chen threw out these words!
Already soaring into the sky!
The collapsed villa gave Tang Chen a huge reaction force!
It even surpassed the speed of light!
Tang Chen summoned the dragon-slaying seal!
The dragon-slaying seal turned into black wings!
Accept Tang Chen's manipulation!

"Ignore me! Go protect Lu Meiting!"

Tang Chen roared!

Tu Longyin was stunned immediately!

I could feel Tang Chen's anxiety!
The dragon-slaying seal quickly left the body!

But left behind a puzzled murmur:
"Human emotions are so complicated!"

call out!
Lu Meiting has an extra pair of pitch-black wings!
Tang Chen turned [Feng Yun Lu], and a wind beast appeared under his feet!
Void Kui Wendie!
Manipulate the wind beast Void Kui Wendie.

Hurry to the battlefield!

I saw Lu Meiting stepping on the magical wind dragon, with the black dragon-slaying seal wings stretching out behind her back!

She was covered tightly by a red robe!

Tang Chen fixed his eyes on Lu Meiting's hand!

It was a flaming magic wand!
The magic gem inlaid on the top of the magic wand!

Exudes heart-throbbing magic waves!

Lu Meiting chanted fluently, obscure magic syllables! !
in the void.

Colorful!Extremely gorgeous!Endlessly enchanting!

Blossoming magical flowers from the other side!
Temptation blooms! !
The one who came from the Light Realm this time is not the Golden Robe Tianjiao!
It's the outer guard of the Space Bureau's Royal Guard in black robes! !
Lu Meiting!
Using the magic power of a magic apprentice, forcefully use the magic martial arts of a second-level magician!

It can be called astonishing against the sky!
But!What she was facing was the Royal Guard of the Space Bureau, whose combat power was far superior to that of a third-level magician!

Really only frightened!

No harm! !
From the Solar Star Field!The Royal Outer Guard of the Light Realm Space Bureau!

Cheeky banter!

Watching Lu Meiting sing hard!

His eyes gradually showed cruelty!

"Enough! Humble spirit beast! The master's patience is limited!"

I didn't see any actions of the Royal Guard of the Space Bureau!

Follow the law!
Chirp!An endless stream of gorgeous colors!

Born out of thin air!

Dragon Slaying Seal immediately folded its wings!
Boom boom boom! ! !
In an instant!

The Dragon Slaying Seal is not good!
The whole body collapsed!

only left……

A slender black feather fluttered down in the air!

"Lu Meiting!"

boom! !There was a piercing sonic boom under Tang Chen's feet!

Looking up, the eyebrows are split!

The Chengfu took Lu Meiting and Tulong Yin into the Chengfu!

An endless stream of colorful lights...

Follow up! !
Boom boom boom! !

Hit Tang Chen's back heart!

"Wow! Wow! Wow!!!"

Tang Chen opened his mouth and spat out mouthfuls of golden blood!
Boom boom boom! !

Another stream of colorful streamers! ! !
Show no mercy! !
Tang Chen waved and threw out a talisman!

A protective talisman rose from behind Tang Chen!
Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!
The talisman shattered immediately!Collapse!

Tang Chen spat another mouthful of dragon blood! !
The wind beast Void Kui Wendie under his feet is already shining golden!

Tang Chen's blood accident made Void Kui Wendie advance to the rank!

It turned out to be the speed of light!
There are countless colorful streamers behind Tang Chen!Endlessly gorgeous!Extremely dangerous!
Tang Chen dared not enter the city mansion!

For fear of being caught in the urn!
Stepping on the Kui Wendie in the void, fleeing desperately! !
"My lord!!"

"Ye Meng!!"


"Brother Tang Chen!!"

Ye Mengrou!Tang Zhiyun!Yang Kangri!Xue Xiaolian!
Get up!

Princess Cuiyan, Princess Shiren and the others quickly fit together!The hand of creation!

"No!!! Pfft~~~"

Tang Chen spat out a mouthful of blood!

The eyebrows are split!

(End of this chapter)

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