Shushan Wushen

Chapter 122 Eternal Annihilation

Chapter 122 Eternal Annihilation

Tang Chen thought carefully about Hua Fenjia. In the cage he drew, Hua Fenjia couldn't turn around, squat down, or straighten his back.

"Oh, the old man has gone astray! I regret..."

As a martial god, Hua Fenjia still has some knowledge, and she talked endlessly about the guilt in this life.Tang Chen listened for a while, and became a little impatient. Hua Fenjia has lived for tens of billions of years and has experienced too much.

Peeking at the female disciples of the Kongtong sect taking a bath has been done trillions of times. As for the small reports about slapping black bricks, beating sap, and ignoring conscience...they are really too numerous to write.So he scolded: "Don't punish those useless ones, first talk about how to harm the Tang family of the Shushan Tangmen of the empire!"

Hua Fengjia was also upright, and sighed quietly: "There is no Martial God backing Mount Shu, but there is a huge Tang Sect Chamber of Commerce, and Tang Sect disciples who unite as one and regard family affection as the highest belief. Shushan. Be an investor. But not only the heroes of the Tang family refused, but even Emperor Jinda intervened, alas! I am so upset."

"Hmph, I'm jealous when I see someone doing well, and I just want to get a piece of it! You're so lofty, the emperor's grandfather is wise!"

Chen Ye jumped out of righteous indignation on the one hand, and loyalty on the other.Tang Chen naturally wouldn't poke it out, and glanced at Chen Ye appreciatively.Unexpectedly, this glance was the envy of many members of Tang Chen's team, so they all jumped out and accused Hua Fenjia.

Especially Han Xiangyi, who actually spat at Hua Fongjia!
"That day when I crossed the void, from Xiuxing to Kuxuanxing, you old bastard failed to snatch me from the void Kui Wendie, so you lied to me and wanted to teach me [Kongtong Promise Fist], and you took away ten of my companion monster It’s been a year. How about boxing? Speech~.”

Hua Fenjia is speechless, the martial arts world of Cool Star has its own morality and public morality, but if you leave Cool Star, you will show your true colors one by one and choose someone to eat.The weak eat the strong, the strong take all!

As a martial god, whether it's Hua Fongjia or Tieyu, he can wander around, shake his body, leak his domineering aura, conquer a star, and do anything.After that, I got tired of it, and punched the stars, destroyed the crime scene, and left no evidence for the crime.

It can be called shameless and outrageous!

Little Pig reminded Tang Chen, drew a scroll, and collected the Yin Xing of the day.Tang Chen shook his head and rejected the proposal.He walked towards Liu Badi.

"Second prince, you have your ideals for governing the world. Since the third prince supports you, the Earl should also support you. I, Tang Chen, will leave this Tianyin star to you to realize your ideals and revenge."

Liu Badi was shocked, Tianyin never supported him, he had nothing to do.Hua Fengjia is extremely selfish, seeing Liu Badi leave the Jinduo Empire, she also lost respect...

"Tang Chen! Thank you, are you looking at the third brother's face, or Chen Huohua's face?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth, "You don't have to worry about this, my Tang Chen team is loyal to the empire, and Chen Ye is my Tang Chen's partner. That's enough!"

Tang Chen took out a white jade tiger, "These are the exquisite beauties you collected that day, some of them have already been sent back to their families by me. There are quite a few who are unwilling to leave."

"Thank you, Tang Chen, I will remember this kindness." Liu Badi solemnly thanked him, and carefully put away the magic weapon of the cave.With these beauties, Liu Badi can create a huge family within a period of time.

"Tang Chen, let me go. You Tang Sect also bullied my Kongtong faction. When I failed to buy shares that day, the Tang Sect sent two brothers, Tianjiao Dragon and Tiger, to occupy my Kongtong Liantian Town. I was just thinking You didn’t take any action, but you Tang Sect made a real move! I was the victim..."

"Pretending to make excuses! Hua Fongjia, aren't you alert?"

Hua Fenjia was stern and inwardly soft, and she was subdued, begging with no backbone.

"Tang Chen, this old man was wrong. This old man is willing to give you the title deed of the Kongtong Mountain Range, and all the Kongtong Mountain Range will be given to the Tang Sect. This is the head office. Please! Let it go..."

With a humble face, he took out the title deed and raised it above his head.

"Give the Kongtong Mountains to the Tangmen of Shushan?"

Tang Chen's face turned cold, Hua Fenjia clearly didn't realize the crux of the problem, he was selfish and put his personal interests above everything else, so naturally this kind of person couldn't stay anymore.Neither does Valkyrie!

Swish!Tang Chen unfolded a pair of scrolls, and the 'Nirience Treasure Scroll' simply threw Hua Fongjia into the land of silence...

A person like Hua Fengjia is only worthy of eternal death.

Refining the wind worm [Leiyin Buddha's Fury], Tang Chen gained the ability to control different winds, and the [Eyebrow Dance Magic Art] has been cultivated to the extreme, the fourth level of [Zizhi Meiyu] realm.

...Dragon Secret Realm, Tang Chen naturally turned it into a treasure scroll and put it away.

All of this is done with just a few gestures.Chi Hulong didn't help Tang Chen, and felt a little lonely.It turned into a cloak and hung it behind Tang Chen, so it couldn't be worn anymore, it was not in the mood.

After Tang Chen dealt with these two matters, he walked towards Ye Mengmeng, "How about returning to the Tang family with me?"

"Wherever Master goes, I will go." Ye Mengmeng was rarely shy.

"Master, Xiuxiu has something to ask, please allow me." Xiuxiu knelt down on the ground humbly, stretched out her hand to take off Tang Chen's combat boots, and kissed Tang Chen's toes.This is the etiquette of servants.Symbolic request.


Tang Chen subdued Xianhuang Xiuxiu, and the matter of Xiuxiu became Tang Chen's obligation and responsibility.Of course, this is each other's obligations and responsibilities.

"The Phoenix family values ​​loyalty the most. Fengfeng Tianyin betrayed our partner's covenant. Xiuxiu is going to seek an explanation and justice!"

"Hiss..., well, this is a matter between your partners, I don't want to interfere." Tang Chen hesitated, looking at Xiuxiu in embarrassment, but Tang Chen promised to give Xiuxiu information support.

This is the meaning of the little pig.

After all, no one can escape the power of time. It is too easy for the time priests to find Fengfeng Tianyin.

Following Tang Chen's instructions, Xiuxiu bowed profusely, tearing apart the void, and followed her away.

Ye Mengmeng took a deep look at Tang Chen, and even shook the colorful treasure clothes on her body, and went with Xiuxiu.

Tang Chen shook his head upon seeing this.It seems that Ye Mengmeng's temper is still not smooth.

"Let's go! Let's go back to Cool Star."

Tang Chen gathers his team together, rides the flying saucer with inscription patterns, and enters the void.

"Tang Chen, you have to be careful for a while. If you encounter a few people, just stay away and don't force yourself."

Xiaozhu reminded Tang Chen, very solemnly.Tang Chen was stunned immediately, this Happy Universe is in the belly of Little Pig.Little Pig Zanran is absolutely the master, who else would make him afraid?

Tang Chen felt strange and was about to ask.

Boom ~.

The flying saucer with inscription pattern was shocked, and its speed dropped sharply, which shocked Tang Chen.This is incredible.The flying saucer trembled endlessly, obviously because of its huge energy output, but it was imprisoned!
"I'll go and have a look! Hmph." Tang Chen has the ability to protect the body of the wind worm, and his body emits a golden light. Although he is not a war god, he is the only one who can cross the void with his body.

"Don't!" Little Pig, Queen Mother Xi, and Chi Hulong tried to dissuade her, but it was too late to leave.Before Tang Chen finished speaking, he had already got out of the flying saucer.

Tang Chen fought back and put the flying saucer with inscription patterns into the cave, looking into the void.

A small silver tree, shiny and metallic....

"What the hell is this?"

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(End of this chapter)

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