Shushan Wushen

Chapter 123 Broken Liver and Intestine

Chapter 123 Broken Liver and Intestine

"Field of God!"

Tang Chen was shocked immediately, with a suspicious expression on his face, the words of the piggy in his ears were like a bolt from the blue.

Little Pig flitted around and sighed softly: "This is the son of God who came to the free universe to hunt for novelties. They are trapped in this universe by me. Don't mess with them, not only you, but all the gods in the universe, even a group can't do anything for the son of God. "

"What?" If you said the previous sentence, there was a thunderclap, and this sentence is the collapse of the universe!To Tang Chen, what a detached existence the Martial God is!

"The power of a god is the ultimate power, and the ultimate power of the human race is fundamentally different. Go away, or you will bring shame on yourself."

Tang Chen felt that Meng Lang had noticed, and wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

The little silver tree is the Son of God,

Her source of life is a tree.

The human form is the supreme form.

At this moment, she, swish!Transformed into the appearance of a human girl.This is also the true face of God.

Her hair is crystal clear, like mithril, with a noble and charming luster, and her body is perfect and smooth, which makes her figure extremely smooth. Her face is a little blurry, and Tang Chen can't see clearly. It is estimated that she used a secret method to cover it up. Eyes revealed.

What kind of eyes were those? Tang Chen just glanced at them, and was immediately lost, confused, and lost consciousness.

"There are eyebrows of gods. Heh, heh, heh~."

Phew~, the girl from the gods didn't know how to use her body skills, she appeared directly in front of Tang Chen, waved the little pig flying, and ran away with Tang Chen on her shoulders.

"Master! Ho Ho Ho Ho~."

The Queen Mother of the West was so eager to protect her lord that she rushed to the girl who was the son of God.

"Heh, heh, heh~."

The girl from Shenzi let out a chuckle, her body remained motionless, and she turned her beautiful eyes playfully, looking at the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West felt the distance between each other, which extended inadvertently, almost infinitely far away, shrunk, shrunk, and then suddenly disappeared.

"Master! Ho Ho Ho, Ho Ho Ho~."

The Queen Mother of the West yelled loudly, it lost Tang Chen's telepathy.The child of God, the girl, has actually blocked Tang Chen's karma.

"Xixi, don't shout. I can't afford to offend this little girl. Even if she wants to eat pig's trotters, I have to chop it up for her."

The little pig squatted on the shoulder of Queen Mother Xi.So sad.

"Will the master not be eaten?" Queen Mother Xi was startled when she heard this.

"That's not true, the human race looks like a god, so naturally I can't bear to say it."

Little Pig's quick explanation made Queen Mother Xi heave a sigh of relief.

Tang Chen woke up leisurely, and when he opened his eyes, a beautiful face was staring into his eyes. Through those exaggerated big eyes, what Tang Chen saw in her pupils was Feng Yuliu Yanmei, She covets her eyebrows?
Tang Chen's heart throbbed.This Feng Yu Liu Yanmei is his strongest combat power now.Could it be that she discovered the clue?
"You're awake~." An extremely nice greeting interrupted Tang Chen's guess.

"Where am I? I saw a beautiful and mysterious little tree just now!"

Tang Chen asked the question knowingly, and turned on the compliment mode.Sure enough, the trick was the girl of God.

"Hehehe~, I'm that silvery fir tree, I don't dare to be mysterious, I'm as beautiful as you said. Hehehe~."

Liuyin Xiaoshan obviously liked Tang Chen's compliments more.

However, Tang Chen discovered the innocence of Liuyin Xiaoshan, and he had a slight liking for this protoss girl.

"Is this still Happy Universe?"

Liuyin Xiaoshan nodded her head with beautiful eyes. In front of Tang Chen, her appearance was undisguised, and her appearance was very delicate, which could be called perfect.But it just feels like a little lolita.

This may also be due to Liuyin Xiaoshan's character.Whether it is beautiful or not has nothing to do with Tang Chen. Tang Chen doesn't care about these things, he only cares about how to leave this place and return to Cool Star.

"I want to go back to Cool Star, will you send me back, or should I take you back?"

Tang Chen sincerely extended the invitation, his eyes were clear, staring at Liuyin Xiaoshan.Liuyin Xiaoshan pursed her lips and shook her head.

"I can't go anywhere, it's running out of time."

"What do you mean? I don't understand, can you explain clearly?"

Tang Chen struggled and wanted to sit up.But Liuyin Xiaoshan put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him back to the bed.

"It's nothing, the time god beast in this universe, for some reason, has eaten up this small universe, and we are in its stomach. The class leader of Silver Wings had a hard time communicating with Tianji Academy, the academy Changhe and the gods, accompanied by the gods, are rushing to kill the pigs."

"What! Killing a pig?"

Tang Chen cried out in surprise.

Liuyin Xiaoshan smiled brightly: "Yes, this small universe, the sacred beast of time, is a piglet. This small universe can only be taken out by disemboweling it~"

"Ah, no! Don't hurt Renran, don't..."

Tang Chen, rub, got up and was about to rush out, Liuyin Xiaoshan flipped his wrist, Tang Chen, whoosh, flew back upside down, and lay down on the bed again.

Tang Chen was so anxious that he yelled anxiously, and even begged: "Let me go, Little Piggy is my friend, I want to save it, save it, don't imprison me, hurry up, it's too late."

Liuyin Xiaoshan shook his head, "It's late, if you leave the field, you will die. I'm protecting you. My divine power is limited. My field can only last so big. It's already very difficult to save you alone."

Saying that, Liuyin Xiaoshan took out a small mirror and handed it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen took it, and saw that it was not an ordinary mirror, but a magic weapon of mirror image.

There is picture, but no sound.

...In the endless vastness, big stars collapsed, countless stars shattered, and the breath of destruction spread the vastness and nothingness.

A ray of black light slid across the void, knocking down a god... More gods, exerting supernatural powers on the Kongtong seal, the Kongtong seal, "whoosh," disappeared.The artifact has a spirit, knowing that it is invincible, and fled.

A mutton fat jade bottle was inserted with a green willow, whoosh, the willow branch was like an unsheathed sword, waving a green sword light, continuous, at least a dozen gods, turned into fly ashes.

Suddenly, a big hand came from across the domain, grabbing the broken jade bottle...

Many artifacts that Tang Chen had never seen or heard of, exploded one after another at this moment..., but fell one after another.

Flying saucers with inscription patterns, just after leaving the stars, the formation prohibition expired, and they turned into dust...

Countless creatures died before they had time to despair...

A piglet is roaring..., howling....

It was thrown to the ground by more than a dozen men. A radiant knife cut open its belly, and there was a universe inside. When the tip of the knife was picked, the universe exploded. The man holding the knife was killed by him. partner, he was blown away with a punch.

The godly pig-killer obviously missed his shot.

The little pig's body struggled violently, and it was painful to see...

Tang Chen was heartbroken, crying loudly... He covered his mouth and lowered his volume as much as possible.

Heart-wrenching pain, blood spurting from the mouth overflowed from the fingers.

On the screen, a god stretched out his hand to stroke the little pig, and pulled out a beam of colorful light.

This is the causal line.

One of the [cause and effect lines] is very thick, and it looks extraordinary.

The god, frowning obviously, pulled hard, and the other end of the rope, hey~, Mu Fengling was dragged here, and Tang Longwang was also pulled over with Mu Fengling in his arms, looking at the group of people in horror. God, with nine palace plums constantly blooming on his body, resisting the magical powers imposed by God.

"Dad! Mom!"

Tang Chen roared, shouting frantically.Seeing the happy universe, collapsed, suddenly, disappeared...

Seeing the little pig twitching, lying in the confusion...

Seeing the plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces, helping parents and resisting the invasion of gods...

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(End of this chapter)

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