Shushan Wushen

Chapter 124 I want to destroy the gods in this life

Chapter 124 I want to destroy the gods in this life

The plum blossom tree in Jiugong is in full bloom ~.

God, angry, unleashes an arrow of light.

Phew~, the magic arrow exploded...

Mu Fengling, Tang Longwang, immediately turned into nothingness...

The plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces has fallen into silence, the plum blossoms are no longer blooming, they are alone, floating in the void...

The little pig sprinted and struggled for a while, this is the final return of consciousness...

All of them are dead...


Tang Chen rolled his eyes, his hand slipped from his lips, and he passed out...


Liuyin Xiaoshan, with a sigh, turned into a bright little tree. This is her original form and has great divine power.

Her tree body trembled, and the fallen leaves were colorful, and each divine leaf was her ultimate power.

Tang Chen was heartbroken, and there was no cure for it. He could only exert the power of God.

Phew~, a divine leaf approached Tang Chen's body, suddenly disappeared, and merged into Tang Chen's origin.One by one, the leaves of the gods approached slowly, slowly drifted away,...  

Tang Chen was so angry that he was hanged by Shen Ye...

Liuyin Xiaoshan, Jade Emperor God Realm, Tianwaitian senior of Tianji Academy, this is a graduation trial task.

The squad leader has three eyes and silver wings, with compassion in his heart, knowing that leaving this small universe is doomed to be miserable, so he simply asks the graduates to use their own field to capture a mortal.

In the eyes of gods, in the universe, there is an unattainable warrior who can only be looked up to, and he is also a mortal!
Liuyin Xiaoshan rescued Tang Chen by chance.

The Happy Universe has reappeared as boundless, but it has collapsed, and the rules of heaven inside have changed, and gods cannot enter for the time being.

A field of stock gods appeared in the confusion.That is the field of the God Sons of Tianji Academy.

"Liuyin Xiaoshan, what's wrong with you? You're so haggard." Three-eyed Silver Wing, as the squad leader, wanted to count the number of people, and he saw something wrong with Liuyin Xiaoshan at a glance, and asked with concern.

"Oh, thank you monitor for your concern. I have nothing to do, just to save him."

The kindness of Liuyin Xiaoshan is well-known in the world.The students came over one after another, handing over the precious medicine elixir attentively and with concern.

After Liuyin Xiaoshan took it, her complexion really improved a lot.Three-eyed Silver Wing picked out a Great Returning Pill and stuffed it into Tang Chen's mouth.

The Great Returning Pill of Returning to God is an elixir, also known as the Great Luo Golden Pill.Tang Chen woke up leisurely, looking at the group of strange faces in front of him, hesitant.The three-eyed silver wing reached out to support Tang Chen.

"Don't panic, these are all my classmates. I'm class monitor Yang Jian. Liuyin Xiaoshan saved you. Just now, you took the Da Luo Jindan of your classmates. You're fine."

Yang Jian looked fierce and spoke very kindly. Tang Chen felt that he was the same kind of person as Liuyin Xiaoshan, so he breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked, "Xiaoyao Universe, how is it?"

Wu Gang stepped forward, handed Tang Chen a water bag, and encouraged him: "Drink a little, you will feel much better, and then we can talk, shall we?"

This is brotherly love, Tang Chen felt a little warmth.He took the water bag and took a sip...

Unexpectedly, a line of fire went down the throat, passed through the esophagus, and exploded in the stomach.

This is divine wine!

Tang Chen opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and grinned: "Whoa, what kind of wine is this? It's so spicy! Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The smell of alcohol rose, diluting Tang Chen's intense sadness. Tang Chen's eyes were filled with confusion, with tears in his eyes.

The god sons of Tianwaitian told him that there used to be a place where the Happy Universe existed.

Remaining in the boundless, the breath of the little pig, the precious blood is still there, but the body is gone.

"Chihulong, where are you?" Tang Chen sensed that there was still a trace of contact with Chihulong. Besides, Xiuxiu and Queen Mother Xi lost all contact.

"Master, I, I am on your back..."

The Chihulong was very entangled. It didn't go to the rescue when its companions died. It wasn't that it didn't want to save it, but that the world was destroyed too quickly.It was too late.

Tang Chen sighed and stood up slowly.Ask Yang Jian: "Where are my parents' corpses, and my friend piggy and stick?"


As soon as this remark came out, the Sons of God were shocked.Tang Chen's background is so extraordinary.

At the same time, they felt guilty. They didn't expect that the gods who descended would kill Tang Chen's relatives and friends!
"Tang Chen, please mourn. Don't use secret methods to summon the gods. We students will stay in the Happy Universe forever. One day, our divine power will be lost and we will turn into stars."

Yang Jian explained to him, Tang Chen shook his head, "I know, this is a knot, but I didn't expect it to be untied too early and too suddenly. They shouldn't have passed away. You should say hello in advance!"

"Sorry, we don't know that pig!" This is a goddess named Gao Cuilan.She is beautiful and cold, and her words are even colder.impersonal.Tang Chen couldn't help frowning.

"Why? Are you still not convinced? We are not as compassionate as Liuyin Xiaoshan and Yang Jian. Gods should look like gods. You mere mortal, why don't you go and bury your relatives with you!"

Whoosh, she picked up a nine-toothed rake, blatantly struck Tang Chen.

"Cuilan, you're going too far!" Yang Jian pulled Tang Chen, whoosh, and changed direction.

Gao Cuilan's nine-toothed rake created a huge vortex in the vastness, obviously she didn't hold back.

"God, have mercy. You should learn more from Liuyin Xiaoshan." Yang Jian snatched Gao Cuilan's nine-toothed rake, swish, and threw it far away, annoyed and earnest.

"We are about to enter the Deity Academy, and we will be promoted from the status of sons of gods to gods. Classmates, you have never thought that we crushed mortals today, and gods crushed gods in the past. How did we feel at that time?..."

These few words of Yang Jian pierced the hearts of the sons of God, and they all lowered their heads, feeling very ashamed.

"...This is not a contest, this is the dignity of God!"

"But he's not a god!" Gao Cuilan pouted, deeply convinced.

Yang Jian shook his head, as if he was a little disappointed and a little lonely: "Today Tang Chen is indeed not a god, but it is also impossible to become a god in the Ming Dynasty! Not only Tang Chen, but also Liu Jinduo, who I rescued, they have gone through all this. The world is destroyed. It must be touched!"

With a wave of his hand, Yang Jian released Emperor Jinduo from the field.

Tang Chen hurriedly saluted, Liu Jinduo waved his hand, "There is no need to be polite, the empire is not here, the cool star is not here, the entire Happy Universe, only you and me..."

Suddenly, Liu Jinduo's eyes fell on the ring on Tang Chen's finger, his obsidian dragon eyebrows condensed, and hope suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Tang Chen noticed it, but he couldn't reveal it at this time, and just nodded slightly.Liu Jinduo slowly closed his eyes, a tear dripped from the corner of his eyes.

What Yang Jian said Gao Cuilan was speechless, and the expressions of these trial gods couldn't be more embarrassing.

Tang Chen silently recorded the faces of the sons of God, there was hatred, and more powerlessness.

Tang Chen shouted from the bottom of his heart: "I, Tang Chen, swear, I will destroy the gods in this lifetime!"

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(End of this chapter)

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