Shushan Wushen

Chapter 131 Black Lace Trim on Belly Pouch

Chapter 131 Black Lace Trim on Belly Pouch

Tang Chen's body jerked, and he accidentally smashed a large piece of cloud.

Tang Chen was horrified, and hurriedly sacrificed the energy of the windworm. Unexpectedly, there were many changes, whistling, whistling, drifting quickly with the wind, and suddenly, the scene in front of him turned out to be illusory, and the aurora of the void could be vaguely seen...

"...Hiss!" Thinking about it with fear, Tang Chen swung his fist, and the void really collapsed.Not only that, the punch was so powerful that a towering and steep mountain in the distance disappeared.

Tang Chen punched it and sent it into the void.

This is, ruin the world!Exploding a mountain with one punch is not worth mentioning.

Tang Chen was overjoyed: "I have become a god!"

The fist is broken, it is Emperor Wu who conferred the gods!
Tang Chen thought about it for a while, and suddenly there was a lot of sadness, which came one after another, diluting the joy of conferring the gods.The conferment of the gods this time was obviously gifted by the energy of the Chihulong. The energy of the two wind worms complement each other and complement each other.

When two winds meet, a third energy is bound to be produced.That is flying.

This martial skill of Tang Chen is not possessed by the Martial God of the Xiaoyao Universe!

Tang Chen was suspended in the air, holding the body of Chihulong in his arms.Whoosh, flew towards the broken mountain.

The mountain was blasted like a void by Tang Chen, and the ground veins were shattered by the shock. A majestic spiritual spring, filled with immortal energy, flowed down from the new mountain top.The momentum is magnificent, forming a waterfall.

Remnant Mountain is also Cui Wei, Tang Chen needs to look up.

"Oops! Friends, don't starve to death." Tang Chen was confused by the splash of the waterfall, and he reached out to wipe it clean, and his mind instantly cleared up a lot.Frightened.Hastily dodged into the cave.

"I'm back.... Oops, ahhh..."

Tang Chen just got into the cave, and all the partners looked unhappy... Without saying a word, they rushed forward and punched Tang Chen twice.

Jiang Xueting, Qi Yu, and Li Yiqi all shot angrily with red eyes.Han Xiang even raised the golden hammer to beat the drum...

"Tang Chen, it's been three months and you've disappeared. We thought you were dead..."

Tang Chen saw that something was wrong, there were too many people, so he had no choice but to throw some flying, knock down some, took a step back, stretched out his hand, and yelled loudly:
"Stop, stop, what are you doing? I just woke up, and my body hasn't recovered yet!"

"Yeah, I just said that Tang Chen had an accident, and you all don't believe me. Come on, bro, take a look, what's uncomfortable..."

Shi Zhongyu moved lightly with lotus steps, seemingly caring, and reached out to grab Tang Chen. Tang Chen twisted his wrist with his hands, and made a trip under his feet. Whoosh, Shi Zhongyu was thrown away.

"Ouch,... hiss!" Shi Zhongyu grinned.But no one paid any attention to him.

The partners asked about Tang Chen's current situation one after another.Tang Chen explained one by one.The partners obviously lost a lot, but none died of starvation, Tang Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


"If it wasn't for Tang Xiaoshao refining the elixir to improve the plants in the cave, if it wasn't for this seat who exerted the power of time and produced fruit, Tang Chen's team was extremely hungry, and they had no choice but to kill the war beast fellow. Tang Chen , you have to find me a girl~, thank you, thank you, click~."

The little pig flamboyantly took a bite of the green apple, threw it away without raising his eyebrows, and jumped off the flower tree.

"Looking for a chick? A gilt?"

Tang Chen couldn't help crying and laughing.

How did this little piggy start such an ambiguous joke.

And the appearance of pretending to be an egg has never been seen before...

Li Yiqi was the first to run over to complain.

"Tang Chen, you don't know yet. After this little pig came back to life, he turned lecherous. Our girl's things were stolen by him if he didn't pay attention. It's also called a collection. Disgusting. Huh~."

"It's not just disgusting, it's super invincible and filthy! Now you have to take strict precautions when taking a shower. What are you talking about appreciating the curve of appearance, rogue!"

Yao Chi's face was blushing, and she had been spotted more than once by Xiao Zhu.

Even, the little pig blatantly said that he was tired of watching it....

Yao Chi hurt her self-esteem very much.However, I don't blame the little pig, the development of Yao Chi is indeed not good.

But the little pig is quick, and he has done a solid job.Just look at it blatantly.

As long as it is approved by Yaochi.

...Sneaky, that's not good.reduced to obscenity.

120 goddesses, at least a hundred of them came to complain to Tang Chen, saying that the little pig was running around, stealing the apron, digging a hole in the toilet, digging a hole in the bathroom... .In the middle of the night, secretly pinching girls' feet...

Tang Chen was amazed, this is not the style of Xiao Zhu Ren Ran, it does not fit the character of Xiao Zhu Ren Ran.It's just that the taste is not right.

……hiss.Tang Chen felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Could it be that the summoning of free spirit has side effects...?
He tentatively asked: "Little pig, do you still remember the Jiugong plum blossom tea we dried in [Plum Blossom Zen]? It is also sold in God Realm, very precious, very valuable..."

"Stop, stop, why don't I have this memory? Hiss..., it's broken, have I lost some memory?"

The little pig suddenly became flustered, even terrified, with unconcealable panic in his eyes. Seeing Tang Chen's hopeful face, the little pig was puzzled, frowned, arched his nose, and moaned.

"At that time, you little Tang Chen, if you were not practicing, you were cultivating, or you were greedy... [Plum Blossom Roasted Meat], there were many times, and you didn't drink much water..."

Tang Chen nodded. At that time, he was obsessed with comprehending [Plum Blossom Zen], how could he have the energy to dry the tea leaves.So he asked again: "Where did you get that leopard tail in your hand?"

Piglet flitted around, and curled his mouth, "The texture is far worse than Xixi's. After a while, it was boring. I threw it away, and it seems that Baimei picked it up for collection..."

"Chi Tiger Dragon!... You are a scourge!" Tang Chen roared, tears streaming down his face.He rushed over and hugged the piggy.

Little Pig Renran shivered in fright, "Master, I was wrong...cough cough, this seat is Ren Ran!..., master, summon the vitality of Little Pig...cough cough, please call this seat Master Ren Ran. … . . . "

From the mouth of the little pig, two different tones sounded from time to time.

One is lowly, humble to the bone Chihulong movement.

The other voice is majestic and a little bit friendly, it is the time priest, little pig.

Tang Chen's eyes were red: "Oh! The immortality of the heart gives you eternal life! Chihulong, it's great that you are alive. But you also lied to me a lot of tears."

The little pig scurried away, with a mean and wretched smile on his face.The smile was a little bitter.

"Master, I won't be here for long. The little pig's divine sense is gradually returning, and my thinking and memory are gradually disintegrating. Now I have forgotten and can't remember many things. For example, in the Dragon Palace, my younger brothers and sisters They secretly drugged me and sued me, I can't remember at all... "

The partners of Tang Chen's team burst into tears.

Ji Wushuang stretched out his hand to caress the little pig, and comforted Chihulong: "It's best to forget, forget everything if you can. Do you still remember the color of my bellyband?"

Little Pig shook his head and replied sincerely: "The one with black lace? I don't remember it long ago..."

"Pfft!" Qi Qi couldn't stop laughing.

The goddesses raised their fists one after another, bang, bang, bang.

"Don't hit me! This seat is the beast of time!...Stop it. Aw, aw, aw."

The piglet howled angrily.

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(End of this chapter)

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