Shushan Wushen

Chapter 132 Boiled Bull Demon King

Chapter 132 Boiled Bull Demon King

"Okay, okay, get me something to eat first, I haven't eaten in March, my stomach is full of seawater."

Tang Chen called to stop the gang fight, and pulled the piggy up to run away.

Piggy howled angrily: "I tell you, this body belongs to the great time priest. Chihulong occupies a very small proportion. He is about to be annihilated. Please cherish the last time."

Qi Yu rolled his eyes at Little Pig, shook his slender body, and stretched his waist, "Tang Chen, the atmosphere here is a bit depressing, can you go out for a walk?"

Tang Chen nodded with a smile, "Not to mention, there is no one living here, everyone who likes to go out, let's go for a walk."

Tang Chen not only released his companions, but also released the monster kings and beast kings in the scroll of [Painting Realm Treasure Scroll].Explained to them the collapse of the Xiaoyao universe.And tell them that this is the God Realm.Don't walk around casually, without a godhead, you can only be killed.

Even reduced to food.

"Moo~~~, moo, moo~~~~~."

The green-haired barbaric bull roared in pain, "My family of the Vigorous Bull Demon King died without me. The fortune-teller is really accurate, moo!~, I shouldn't have gone to Tianyin Star. Moo~~."

Tang Chen couldn't help being speechless, Tang Chen's partners all shook their heads, this guy is too narcissistic.It seems that they have been fed [Fantastic Soul Soup].

"There are fairy flowers in Langyuan, Lingshan Mountain, fairy springs and waterfalls here. It's like a paradise. Why don't we live in seclusion here?"

Tang Xiaoshao suggested.He happened to be holding a small fruit tree in his hand, so he dug a hole and planted it beside the waterfall.

"Well, it's a good way. Although Mingwen Cave is safe, there is no soil to grow it. It is too extravagant to use pills to grow plants."

Li Yiqi agreed, but most of Tang Chen's partners didn't make a sound, and even shook their heads.

Han Xiang also said: "Our team is a force wherever we go. Even though we are weak at this time, we must grow. As we continue to grow stronger, we need to rely on each other. If we separate, we will lose this strength." The resources are gone. I oppose Tang Xiaoshao's idea."

"I also oppose Tang Xiaoshao's idea. We are small, but the team is strong. Tang Xiaoshao's idea is bad, even dangerous. It will wipe out our entire army." Ding Yin expressed his thoughts, but it was not aimed at Tang Small burning individual.

Tang Chen waved his hand, "Okay, let's make a compromise, rest here for a while, and then act as a group. The team cannot be separated. Acting alone does more harm than good."

Tang Xiaoshao also came to his senses, and said with a sneer: "I'm just a suggestion. Everyone disagrees..."

"Ahhhhh~~, who haunts here? Wow~~."

With a loud roar, a radiant phoenix-winged gold-plated shovel came crashing down.

"Not good!" Tang Chen's partners reminded each other and retreated one after another.

Tang Chen's eyes, swish, released a stern light, and his eyes became concrete, like two daggers, directly hitting the gold-plated phoenix wings.

Dust rose from the ground, sand and rocks flew away, and the wings of phoenixes as thick as ancient trees were gold-plated and fell to the ground.

Phew, like the wind, Tang Chen floated straight in front of the monster as tall as a hill.

"Ping Shui Thirty Fingers!" Leaping up high, reaching out and shaking the index and middle fingers, "Pfft!" and stabbing into the monster's knee...


The monster suffered from pain, let out a loud cry, and retreated, but the kneecap had already been smashed by Tang Chen.The body lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Phew, Tang Chen chased forward at a speed beyond the wind, and kicked the bull ring on the monster's nose.

"Aww~~. Stop! The old cow surrenders! The old cow surrenders!" The monster also had no integrity, and surrendered directly.

"Damn, are all cow demons so knowledgeable? I met another soft bone. It seems that I can't eat beef. Tsk tsk."

Shi Zhongyu was quite regretful, and he clicked his tongue repeatedly, sobbing.However, these words hit too broadly, and the green-haired bull is a bit tasteful.But he didn't dare to offend Shi Zhongyu, he just sprayed white air from his nostrils.

"Surrender is unnecessary! I'm hungry!"

Tang Chen shot like lightning, his right hand formed a pincer shape, and went directly to pinch the cow demon's throat.

"Don't hurt my life! I am the Great Bull Demon King!"

The corner of Tang Chen's mouth smiled jokingly: "You will die even if you are a bull god! My friends and I are too hungry!"


"Huh?" Tang Chen's finger touched the Bull Demon King's neck and was immediately bounced away by a force.

Tang Chen was taken aback, is this a magic weapon for protection?do not mind him!Tang Chen swiped his finger and went straight up, "Pfft!" It pierced the Bull Demon King's brow!

Tang Chen's hand speed was too fast. When the Bull Demon King's brows burst, the force of the magic weapon on the neck arrived, which was too late.As a result, the body of the Bull Demon King also fell.

At this time, the primordial spirit of the Bull Demon King.It escapes the physical body.

"You dare to destroy the body of my magic weapon, I will sue you at the Taishang Laojun! Hmph! You're making trouble, and you are all making trouble!"

An airy little green bull, with its nose twisted in anger, spouted flames, and threatened with extremely arrogant threats.

Tang Chen was amused, and cast a playful sidelong glance at the little green cow, "Do you think you can still walk, you little bastard?"

While speaking, Tang Chen moved his fingers rhythmically, and he had already completed a painting scene. With a slight force on his wrist, he had already covered a radius of a hundred miles, and released two different winds. This painting scene had already been replaced with the real scene...

"Tell you! You country bumpkins, the old gentleman has great mana and supernatural powers. The old gentleman already knew that you hurt me, and you ruined the old gentleman's great event..."

Tang Chen couldn't bear the chatter of the little green bull, but Qi Yu, Jiang Xueting and the others hurriedly dismembered the body of the Bull Demon King...

The division of labor between each other is very clear, Qi Yu and Gao Ziyin are responsible for leading the skewers.Wu Haotian and Han Xiangyi led a group of people to straighten the stove and start roasting.

Jiang Xueting, Ji Wushuang and a group of companions straightened the cauldron and started cooking the meat.

Tang Xiaoshao, on the other hand, set up a pill stove, threw a few pills into it, waved a knife in his hand, swish, swish, sliced ​​beef, as thin as a cicada's wing....

Slices of beef were shining brightly, filled with precious blood, exuding the light of God.This Bull Demon King is indeed extraordinary!
Tang Chen's team members were full of praise for the boiled beef made by Tang Xiaoshao. Those few pills were put in, spicy and delicious, covering up the rough and fishy smell of the beef itself.

Shi Zhongyu took out a pot of oil, heated it up, and yelled loudly: "Come here, be careful, it's hot, the boiled beef should be boiled with chili at the end!"

Swish, Shi Zhongyu raised his hand and poured out the hot oil, "chi chi~~." When the chili met the boiling oil, it burst into flames, burning red...Immediately the aroma spread~~.

"What smell? So fragrant?" The little green cow can smell it naturally, but it can't see it. In its eyes, its body of the bull demon king is still...

(End of this chapter)

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