Shushan Wushen

Chapter 133 It's okay to rob a way

Chapter 133 It's okay to rob a way

"This is the last refuge for everyone. But I hope that whenever you encounter a strong enemy, you'd better maintain a sense of nostalgia and try your best to help. A penny was slightly broken, and everyone paddled to move the boat. Understand~? "

"Boss Tang Chen means that it is a disgrace to enter this blessed land to take refuge without incident, and it is a disgrace to the Happy Universe! Our Happy Universe is gone, and the chivalrous way of the Happy Universe cannot be lost!"

The Great Bull Demon King really did it.Strike while the iron is hot and establish prestige, there is a way.Of course, this sentence is also poignant.

The heroes of special lives nodded their heads one after another, deeply convinced that they were right, and some even wept and hugged each other.

Tang Chen looked up at the residual mountain, the mountain was steep and mysterious.Flying waterfall broken jade, water vapor dense.It has the style of Lingshan Xiushui and Langyuan fairy flowers.Sighed.

"There are beautiful mountains and rivers here, where the wind gathers energy, and the remains of the chi, tiger and dragon rest here. Let's settle this cause and effect!"

Phew, Tang Chen didn't move, he just held the boulder transformed into a dragon and rose into the sky.This is the eternal seal of Chihulong's attributes. ——

boom!A big stone in the form of a jade seal of the Shanhe Sheji Seal fell on the top of the mountain.

"This is the partner of Tang Chen's team, the remains of Chihulong, the Great Bull Demon King, you must swear to protect him forever!"

Tang Chen stood in the air, his clothes fluttering.The voice is loud, and the order is issued.

The Bull Demon King knelt down and swore an oath, and the heroes behind him all knelt down spontaneously.

A big white-haired bear screamed hoarsely, raising its arms and shouting: "Shenlong sect belongs to the order! Use our most precious life to carry out the decree of God Tang Chenzu! Look forward to receiving blessings! Otherwise... all will be stripped!"

Tang Chen's body swayed suddenly, almost falling.

He sighed secretly: "Religion is really harmful. After brainwashing, it is not easy to recover."

Tang Xiaoshao led his team and planted countless fruit trees in this residual mountain.This is the food of the villagers, which can satisfy their hunger.

"The mountain is high and the water is long, and there will be a period later!"

Tang Chen waved goodbye to the heroes in his hometown.At the end, there was a heavy exhortation.

"All survive!"

The green-haired bull, also known as the Great Bull Demon King, roared with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring power and swore a promise.

"With my Great Bull Demon King here! I will!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Tang Chen!"

The heroes in the hometown sent off Tang Chen and Tang Chen's team members one after another.No fakes, absolutely sincere.They are all survivors of the Happy Universe.Sympathy.

The nostalgia is so precious at this time.

Tang Chen followed the current of the sea, traced back to the source, and returned to the Jade Emperor God Realm after a year.

Looking back, I can't help but sigh, only after walking this way can I know the vastness of the Jade Emperor God Realm.That Aolai country is just a fairy land in the sea.

Even more expansive, there are Luzhou in Beiju, Hezhou in Xiniu, and Buzhou in Nanzhan.

But the east is endlessly vast, no one can reach the end of the sky, and neither can God. God is very frustrated, so he simply calls it the Eastern Land.

In Tang Chen's cave, together with the little pig, 240 and four people frown.

"Food is another problem! Tang Chen, there are no more dried fish and meat."

Han Xiang also had a sad face, the inscription ring was full of ingredients, but it was empty inside.The mouse can be starved to death. Of course, the mouse can't run away without starving to death. Tang Chen's team will have countless cooking methods to get it cooked.

No food, melons and vegetables instead.One by one eats a lot less.Sallow and thin.

Tang Chen just came back from school, and was complained by his friends, but he shook his head triumphantly, and took out a small gourd from his arms.Show off shaking.There was a sound of 'cracking' inside, obviously the gourd was not empty.

"What delicious."

Gao Ziyin also gave up her reserve, snatched the precious gourd and pulled the plug.

Thousands of golden lights shone brightly throughout the cave.

A strong Danxiang.A cool and vast breath washed away everyone's hearts.

Shocked, shocked!

"Is this the legendary refreshing?"

Gao Ziyin closed her eyes, her long eyelashes made her look more delicate and agile.His eyes rolled under his eyelids, as if his heart was not at peace.

"Smell it, it will satisfy your hunger. Smell it, you will feel refreshed. Is this a elixir?"

Tang Xiaoshao approached Gao Ziyin, took the treasure gourd, poured out one, and looked at it in the palm of his hand.

"This is the golden elixir of chaos, one can reach 1000 million years of martial arts cultivation."

The little pig made it clear with one word.As a sacred beast, it has seen the world.

"Where did it come from? The benefits of Tianji Academy are so good!" Qi Yu praised.

A hint of helplessness appeared on Tang Chen's face.

"I can't help it. There is a classmate who is the prince of Che Chi, but he is also stingy. When I eat pills in front of me, he chews them with a crunchy sound. After school, he was trampled by me in the alley and snatched him away." of."

"Ah, you can really cause trouble, what if he tells the teacher?"

Li Yiqi was angry.Worried about Tang Chen.

Tang Chen smiled awkwardly and shook his fist.

"I punched him in the middle of the eyes with the first punch. His eyes blurred and he couldn't see anything. Of course, I was afraid that it would be unsafe, so I cut it hard a few times. I guess these days, he sees everything with double eyes. There are more than one share."

"Hahaha, Tang Chen, you are awesome!"

Jiang Xueting gave Tang Chen a thumbs up, and praised Tang Chen until his neck thickened and his face turned red.Like a drop of blood.He's not a bad boy.This is forced to be helpless.

"Tang Chen, good tricks! I'll go out and find out later, and do a few more votes! It's a trick."

"Wake up the person in the dream with one word. This is really a good way. If there is nothing wrong, let's rob it..."

The partners have moved their minds.

Tang Chen was at a loss and explained.

"Gods who can go to school have extraordinary backgrounds. If you offend an existence that cannot be provoked, there is a magical power in the God Realm called time regression, and no one can escape!"

One sentence is like a pouring rain, extinguishing the enthusiasm of the partners.

"This pill, I know the formula of the pill, so I can try to refine it!"

Tang Xiaoshao is worthy of being a direct descendant of the Tang Sect in Shushan. His basic skills are extremely solid.

This sentence reawakened the enthusiasm of the partners.They all looked at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen clapped his hands and shouted: "Then practice and watch!"

Whoosh, whoosh, left a solitary ring, suspended in Tang Chen's cave, and the team members all ran into the cave.

Tang Xiaoshao lived up to expectations, and with the alternate cooperation of Tang Chen's two different winds, the two brothers worked together to refine a batch of golden pills.

The appearance of the golden elixir is good, but compared to the genuine elixir, it is much rougher.Obviously, the pharmacists who refine the golden elixir are very extraordinary, and they have mastered even more advanced methods of congealing the elixir.

After some tasting, I feel that the potency, taste and function of the medicine are basically the same.Tang Chen also raised his mind.

"This elixir is very expensive, why don't we open a Tang Sect Chamber of Commerce in God Realm to sell some elixirs."

"it is good!"

Tang Xiaoshao applauded loudly, this suggestion is indeed feasible, and won the support of his partners.

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(End of this chapter)

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