Shushan Wushen

Chapter 134 Xiliang Princess Wang Baochuan

Chapter 134 Xiliang Princess Wang Baochuan

Taking advantage of the heat, Tang Chen and Tang Xiaoshao refined another batch of golden elixirs and consumed all the medicinal materials in their hands.

The two brothers were so overwhelmed that they engraved the secret mark of [Doushi Palace] on each pill.

There is no other way, creating a small business is not well-known.Had to rub the heat.Although it is fake, it is not fake.

The two brothers encouraged each other and made an oath that they would make the Tang Men's elixir be engraved with the mark of Shushan in an open and honest manner.

The small gourd containing the medicine belongs to the magic weapon for refining. This is the outer packaging, and the two brothers have been busy again, refining a large number of precious gourds.

One night, in the busyness of alchemy and tool refining, slipped away quietly.Of course, this is still under the blessing of Xiaozhu's time.Otherwise, the speed must not be so fast.

Just after dawn, Tang Chen went to Chentangguan.To open a shop, you need to obtain the [Business Certificate], otherwise you will violate the laws of the Jade Emperor Realm.

It's a pity that Nezha was grounded and he didn't see him.Tang Chen begged to see Li Jing.Li Jing didn't see him, so he sent a word, "You dare to rob even the execution ground, stay away from the third prince of my family in the future. Don't lead the good boy to ruin."

Tang Chen left with a wry smile.

Tang Chen also counted on Li Jing to help out, so that the team under him could become godlike.It seems that this is just a beautiful wishful thinking.Li Jing's path is not going to work.The thigh is not something that ordinary people can hold.

Tang Chen wandered around the God Realm and went to several markets and auctions.But without [Shang Ping], no one can trust him.

Several companies kicked him out.Seeing Tang Chen's jabbering, he even wanted to beat him up.

Back at Tianji Academy, Tang Chen pushed out a smiling face and took out a big push of mosquito buns. He is the leader, and he can't bring negative emotions to his subordinates, as it will cause panic.

"Mosquito meat buns are really delicious. Jindan must be selling well today."

Facing the concerned inquiries from his partners, Tang Chen responded with a smile.Heart bitter.

Think for a long time.

Simply put your mind to it, the rabbit doesn't eat the grass by the side of the nest, but it still eats when it is extremely hungry.

Tang Chen carried a bunch of small gourds and rushed to the caves of his classmates...

"Huh? This classmate, do you have anything to do with me?"

All the astonished and shocked faces said basically the same greetings.

Tang Chen showed eight teeth, and smiled pleasantly: "I bought too much medicine pill, I can't eat it, please help me to leave a few gourds, I can lose some money to you."

The students of Tianji Academy, all of them are generous and generous. If a classmate is in trouble, it is right to help them. They are extremely generous and refuse with a wave of their hands.

"Why do you lose money? I just want to go out to buy. You delivered it to my door. I can only thank you. Hahaha, how much is this? I kept everything."

All the people who were able to enroll in the God Realm had extraordinary backgrounds, and the money was quite generous.Tang Chen is very grateful, and left each other with famous cards.They greeted each other with great enthusiasm.

They expect to use this help to establish contact and gain mutual friendship.This is the network.

Under the bright moonlight, Tang Chen turned into an afterimage, wandering through the caves, with more and more little treasure gourds hanging on his body.Because these alumni are so straightforward.All are left behind.

Until later, there was an alumnus who was shy.She is a princess from Xiliang Girl Kingdom, shaking her purse shyly.

"Student Tang Chen, I'm sorry, senior sister doesn't have enough money to keep your [-] little gourd pills. How about keeping [-] little treasure gourds?"

Tang Chen was also quite sensible, and did not despise others.Take back 190 nine small gourds, and give the rest to Princess Xiliang.It is stated that this is a discount for her.Then he left gracefully.

three days later.

Tang Chen's footprints have covered all the caves.There was no other way, and they had to knock on the caves of the 'old customers' again, exchanged some pleasantries, and offered to sell medicines, some were puzzled and paid to stay, some looked slightly changed, and some refused on the spot.

It was another very good night,

"I'm sorry, I haven't finished eating the golden elixir last time."

"It's been three days, how much did you keep last time? It's just seven thousand little treasure gourd golden pills! Hmph."

Tang Chen didn't consider how terrifying that number was at all, he left a word coldly and walked away.

The princess of Xiliang was very embarrassed, she ran to catch up with Tang Chen, grabbed Tang Chen's robe, and said timidly, "My name is Wang Baochuan..., um, can we make friends?"

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows: "That's right, we've already become friends. We're still very good friends. To be honest, I bought too many pills this time, and there are more than ten thousand times more in the cave. I will come to you often. Remember to come to me if you have money~"

Before Tang Chen finished speaking, he made out a large bunch of small treasure gourds and hung them on his body.Wiping off the sweat from his face, he cupped his fists in apology, and jumped into the cave next door again...

Wang Baochuan was dumbfounded.What to do.

"This is really a weird guy, like a peddler. Is he experiencing life? Or hunting? Or making friends?"

Wang Baochuan couldn't figure it out, and he didn't understand this matter thoroughly.In the evening wind, her hair was disheveled, and her heart was also disheveled.

Wang Baochuan has a deep talent for knowing people. When she watched Tang Chen, her body burst into golden light, and there was a trance of flowing fire haunting her seven orifices. It is predicted that Tang Chen is extraordinary.He simply gritted his teeth and chased after him.

She pretended to meet Tang Chen unexpectedly...

"Ah, Tang Chen, your golden pills are very good. It's a pity that I didn't bring any money this time. I don't have enough money. Otherwise, I'd buy them all."

It is undeniable that Wang Baochuan's beauty, as well as the crisp and melodious sound of jade and gold, have the potential to be a "caretaker".Helped Tang Chen again.After a little effort, another alumnus was settled.

Tang Chen was very grateful to Wang Baochuan, seeing the sky was bright, he simply invited Wang Baochuan to have breakfast together.Wang Baochuan, she was a little reserved, but she declined.

Fortunately, there is Wang Baochuan to help.Wang Baochuan sang the double reed together, and several copies have been sold out in the past few nights.

But later, it didn't work out.Who is okay, taking pills every day.

Every time Tang Chen knocked open a cave, people saw that it was Tang Chen.

"What? It's you again?" Bang!Close the door hard.

"Tch, it turns out that the alumni are selling medicine! I will not accompany you!" Bang!Close the door hard.

"Huh? Why is it alumnus Tang Chen, or you? Would it be better to sell medicine all day instead of sitting around talking about it? Absurd!" Bang!Close the door hard.

Of course, it also hinders the affection of alumni...They saw a smile on Tang Chen's face.

"I'm sorry classmate, I'm not here, this is my puppet Dharma body. I don't know where to play with the real body." Then "dang" closed the door.

Tang Chen was quite speechless, and Wang Baochuan also saw the clue.

"Student, you can help Tang Chen. If you can't do it, you can take out some natural and earthly treasures, rare and precious materials, and exchange golden pills..."

Bang!Close the door hard.

Wang Baochuan felt something was wrong, and asked tentatively: "Tang Chen, are you just a drug seller? Or a counterfeit drug!"

"No!" Tang Chen denied it with one word.

Wang Baochuan curled his lips: "Your elixir is much rougher than that of Tushiita Palace, and it's a little smaller in size!"

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(End of this chapter)

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