Shushan Wushen

Chapter 135 Giving Shoes to the Barefoot Immortal

Chapter 135 Giving Shoes to the Barefoot Immortal

Tang Chen solemnly told Wang Baochuan: "First, my main occupation is a student, so I can't be regarded as a drug seller. Second, if this elixir is fake, you will know if you buy a few gourds and go back to eat it."

Wang Baochuan couldn't stop laughing, and glared at Tang Chen angrily: "It's really hard for you to talk about the industry of selling counterfeit medicines so high! The coefficient of the face is cultivated, and the cultivation is not bad."

Of course, there is no field of white seeds in the world, and where there is sowing, there will be harvest.

The elixir sold by Tang Chen also became popular in the entire Tianji Academy.

In the Tianji Academy, the sound of crackling, booming, and pills can be heard everywhere.This seems to be a new way to show off wealth, which has become fashionable.If you don't have a little treasure gourd in your hand when you have nothing to do, you simply can't get along in Tianji Academy.

However, no matter how elegant and extravagant the trend is, it cannot conceal the fact that taking pills is [吃·药].

Three-drug.In particular, the existence significance of Tianji Academy is to train gods and men to become sons of gods.

This is an important stage in laying the foundation of martial arts and ancient martial arts.

No matter how good the golden core is, it is still squeezing the potential, even if it becomes a genius like a monster, so what?

When you reach the realm of the gods, there is no potential to tap, and your cultivation will stop at the gods forever, then it will be a sad reminder.

Such a large-scale [addiction of drugs] shocked the senior management of Tianji Academy.

The teaching director, Barefoot Daxian, was ordered to investigate the matter.

Tang Chen got Feng Sheng, and immediately panicked.I had no choice but to escape and went to 【Qiyao Moyi Tianxue Palace】.

Find Liuyin Xiaoshan for help.

Surprised, Liuyin Xiaoshan went to find Yang Jian, but was told that Yang Jian had been suspended from school and sent to be stationed at Guanjiangkou.Fortunately, Liuyin Xiaoshan found Wu Gang.

Wu Gang was very embarrassed. He said that he had a bad relationship with the teaching director, Barefoot Daxian.That guy's wine quality is so bad that he can still drink it.There is no friendship with each other.But he, Wu Gang, also had a wide range of contacts. After some inquiries, he actually recommended a candidate to Liuyin Xiaoshan.

His name is Wei Tuo.

Wei Tuo has a friendship with the barefoot immortal, and it sounds like that, in the past when Wei Tuo came to the God Realm, it was the barefoot immortal who acted as a messenger.

Liuyin Xiaoshan couldn't help having a headache, and waved out a hill of jade slips.

Wu Gang was speechless.

Wei Tuo was too persistent and decided that Liuyin Xiaoshan, a jade slip is a love letter.How infatuated this is, so much to write!
Tang Chen planned to give up and just fire him.

Liuyin Xiaoshan asked Tang Chen if he had a place to go, but Tang Chen didn't say anything about the Water Curtain Cave in Aolai Country.

Liuyin Xiaoshan stared at Tang Chen for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and went to find Wei Tuo.

Seeing Liuyin Xiaoshan taking the initiative to visit, Wei Tuo was overjoyed and asked for a drink.

Liuyin Xiaoshan refused and told about Tang Chen.Wei Tuo is also an enthusiastic person, and he agreed.

Urged by Liuyin Xiaoshan.The three rushed to Tianji Academy.

"Tang Chen, you have to prepare some presents later. He is a highly respected old man with empty paws, so he doesn't look very good."

Wei Tuo quietly mentioned Tang Chen.Tang Chen asked: "Then what gift should I give? How about Jindan?"

"Pfft!" Wei Tuo shook his head as if I had been defeated by you.Some words are lacking.


Wei Tuo's eyes lit up, and he pointed at the bronze combat boots under Tang Chen's feet.

"Are your shoes sturdy?"

Tang Chen was startled, a little dazed, raised one foot and dangled the bronze boots, "It's strong, of course it's strong, ancient bronze, it can prevent fire and prevent water and fire. Since I have it, I'm no longer afraid of the goddess. I have a toe."

"Pfft!" Liuyin Xiaoshan was amused, she was in such a good mood that she stepped on Tang Chen's toes hard.

She narrowly said, "If I don't step on your toes, I'm not a goddess? Then I have to step on a few feet."

Unexpectedly, this kick activated the formation and almost hurt Liuyin Xiaoshan.

Liuyin Xiaoshanxiu frowned slightly, looking very painful.

Tang Chen rushed over to support Liuyin Xiaoshan, and hugged him in his arms. Seeing that Wei Tuo was eager to try, but couldn't help shrinking his hands and feet, his brows were slightly frowned, thinking about it.

"Senior Wei Tuo, you can send Sister Liuyin Xiaoshan back first. I know that the Barefoot Immortal likes it, and that's enough. It's hard to accept gifts when there are too many people."

Liuyin Xiaoshan stared at Tang Chen meaningfully, feeling puzzled, puzzled, and more doubtful.Tang Chen nodded to her without further explanation.

Wei Tuo was overjoyed, embraced Liuyin Xiaoshan, put it on his shoulders, and ran away jolting.

Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head, Liuyin Xiaoshan was held on his shoulders, obviously uncomfortable, the best way at this time should be to support, support...

Wei Tuo, chasing Liu Yin Xiaoshan, obviously....The technical means are not enough.

Tang Chen looked at the boots under his feet, feeling quite impatient.This pair of bronze boots helped him a lot.But when you think about it, it's a big deal, and once you grit your teeth, it fades away.

He changed into a pair of normal combat boots, and as light as a swallow, he carried the bronze combat boots and went to the residence of the Barefoot Immortal.

The mansion of the teaching director is the important place of Tianji Academy.Students are not allowed to stay and make noise.This point is listed as a regulation on the jade slips for freshman admission.This also betrayed the residence of the Barefoot Immortal.

Following the clues, Tang Chen quickly knocked on the door of the dean's house.

"Who are you? Do you come here for something? Do you know where this is?" the servant of the Barefoot Immortal looked arrogant and almost scolded.

Tang Chen is well versed in the principle of seeing a servant and knowing one-third of the master.I feel that the Barefoot Immortal must be extremely arrogant.

"What's the matter?" There was a lazy voice, but it was extremely clear.

"God of the Academy. Carrying a pair of boots." The servant answered concisely and to the point, hitting the point.

"Oh? Come in and ask questions."

Tang Chen pursed his lips deeply.Wei Tuo's reminder is too necessary and accurate.Like a proper spring rain.

Entering the mansion, "Hey!" Tang Chen was shocked, and the heat wave hit people inside.

The Barefoot Immortal was swinging a pitch-black hammer, tinkling and refining the weapon!

Tang Chen suddenly realized, no wonder this guy has been refusing to wear shoes.No matter how good the boots are, if they are splashed with iron tears, they will be riddled with holes.It's better to fight hard with the skin, even if you are injured, you can heal yourself.It saves a lot of expenses.

The Barefoot Immortal threw the fiery red body into the water tank to quench it.


Thick white smoke immediately filled the entire space.

Tang Chen turned [Emperor's Looking Back] and saw clearly that the forging body was a cluster of arrows.

"Come here, come here. Why do you still bring things? As the dean, I won't have much influence. I'm very busy, and I'm helping Teacher Xiaoyi practice arrows. If you have something to say, talk about it first."

Barefoot Daxian grabbed a mottled and historic towel and wiped off his sweat.His eyes shone, and they fixed on the bronze boots in Tang Chen's hand.

Seeing this, Tang Chen smiled, and handed over the pair of boots respectfully.

"Oh, what a treasure! Tsk tsk, tsk tsk." The barefoot fairy picked up the boots, looked at the material, was pleasantly surprised, and was full of praise.

"Good baby! This is exactly what I want. If it is other gifts, I will definitely not accept it. Not only will I not accept it, I will give you a punishment! But this time, I will make an exception. This is really what I want .Speaking of which, why are you looking for me?"

Tang Chen cupped his hands: "Students have..."

"Barefoot, what's the matter with my Baiyang arrow?" A god with a big red bow came in.

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(End of this chapter)

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