Shushan Wushen

Chapter 201 The little blue pill is only for unlocking

Chapter 201 The little blue pill is only for unlocking

Sun Wukong is wearing an ocher-yellow robe, a leopard-print skirt, black stockings, and holds a steel pipe in his hand. The female fairy brought by him is dressed in cool clothes, winking like silk, very yellow and very violent. Not cheap.Not free anymore!It is even more profitable!

God, angrily took out the money, although he was unwilling to spend a high price, but this was a rigid demand.The blue pill is too overbearing!Desire is like a fire in the wilderness, ignited irresistibly.

Tang Xiaoshao, who was hidden in the dark, said: "Brother Chen, our method is too exaggerated, too erotic! I'm a little worried about playing with fire and making things worse. You won't smash our drugstore tomorrow, will you?"

"Don't worry, Brother Twelve, this is not in place!..."

The next day, Tang Chen sent someone to [Qiyao Moyi Tianwu Palace] to deliver a letter to Liuyin Xiaoshan.

The goddesses of Tang Chen's team came back one after another. They didn't go directly to the Shushan Medicine Shop, but scattered all over the Jade Emperor God Realm.Acquire the mirror image of the erotic palace at a high price.

"What? Acquisition..."

The purchase price offered by Qi Yu, Li Yiqi and the others was ten times that of Tang Chen's sale price!
God, be shocked!

Last night, a blue elixir and a mirror image of the erotic palace made many gods feel ashamed after blasphemy.They simply sold it to Tang Chen's team.

But after selling it, I regretted it.Rare things are more expensive, besides... in case Tang Chen no longer sells them....

They were excited and shuddered, worrying about gains and losses.I was so terrified of thinking about it, I didn't dare to think about it any more.

After the sale, although I made a small fortune, my heart was empty, as if I had lost something.

If there is a windfall from the sky, there must be something strange.

So these boring gods, sons of gods, even gods, and some god kings pretended to take a walk, wandered around and went to Zhushentai early.Try to catch the leak.Or, error correction.

Tang Chen arrived as expected, but this time, the price of the inscription plates and small mirrors sold was a hundred times higher than yesterday.The blue pill was given away for free.As the name suggests, donate the elixir to the king, unlock new moves, and challenge the impossible!

"This is a rare opportunity to correct mistakes! This seat should not be missed!"

Before Tang Chen started playing the erotic mirror image, there was a god-king level existence, and the impatient god asked.

God, it's so lonely.What else can you do besides practice?Tang Chen's erotic mirror image filled the void in God's heart.

Tang Chen was very soft-hearted, and told Tang Xiaoshao to sell several sets of inscription plates.

Unexpectedly, the hole opened like a dam breaking, like a torrential flood.

The scene became chaotic.Form a scramble.

Tang Chen hastily comforted: "Don't fight! Play the erotic mirror image first, and there will be [-] inscription disks for sale every time. Now line up, first come, first served. Be careful! Be careful, if you cause stampede, you will not All right!"

This sentence is undoubtedly very intimate.

The god who got the inscription plate and the small mirror image of the erotic palace was very grateful and couldn't help but thank you.I haven't bought it yet, but I also look forward to it.

Driven by primitive desires, these gods, gods, gods, gods, and kings have all lost their bottom line of shame.

Tang Chen nodded with a smile, with a savior's eyes of compassion.Apply comfort.

Even the god king could not help but have the urge to worship.

"Thank you! You are the greatest god! Praise you, Tang Chen!"

Many god kings, who thought their cultivation was amazing, put down their posture at this moment, and sincerely praised Tang Chen.

The god who sold the mirror image of the inscription pattern during the day also got a chance to correct his mistakes.They cherish it.With grateful eyes, put your hands together, and salute respectfully.He murmured his gratitude to Tang Chen.

More gods, because of their difficult life, have other thoughts, they want to continue selling tomorrow and earn the difference.But looking at today's price, I was dumbfounded.It was ten times higher than the purchase price!
Selling at a loss, I want to cry but have no tears!Standing in the projection of the mirror image of the erotic palace, the blue pill in his mouth melted quickly.The gate of desire burst open, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he joined the queue.

Tang Xiaoshao finally entered the state.He took out an inscription horn and shouted loudly: "One last time! There are ten left..."

"I want I want!"

"Five inscription discs! You return, we do not allow repeated purchases!"

"Please! Sell me another one!" the son of God begged bitterly.

"Get out!" Tang Xiaoshao let out a loud roar, which made the god son tremble in fright.

Tang Chen seemed to have stepped on Tang Xiaoshao's foot inadvertently, this was a secret signal.

Tang Xiaoshao suddenly became angry, moved his mouth close to the inscription horn, and stretched out his finger.

"What? What are you muttering about? The god king in black next to you, beat him up, and I'll leave one for you!"

Bang bang bang, fists and feet flying.Countless enthusiastic gods took the opportunity to show kindness to Tang Chen and Tang Xiaoshao.Beat that guy to death.Then they rushed forward, 'ignoring' their feet, and stomped wildly.

The god king in black got his wish, and in the envy of the god, he paid for an inscription disc.

Originally, he was not qualified.He is seventh.

Tang Xiaoshao also did it on purpose, and bought three more for Shenzi who performed well just now, and then held up the last one with inscription patterns and a small mirror.

"There is one last one!"

Not surprisingly, the success attracted the gods to fight because of the scramble.

Of course, this is a routine.Tang Xiaoshao was covering Tang Chen's operation.

Tang Chen quietly created the painting environment, and detained several gods who had not participated in the purchase but had been watching...

As for those god kings and gods, Tang Chen didn't let them go.Take them all.

In the territory of the painting, Tang Chen is the absolute master. Tang Chen probed their souls and found some clues.There are signs of prohibition.Jingshi Patriarch and their five magic weapon spirits took over this painting area and began to train them, trying to break the soul restriction.

This is an extremely long process.It even needs the power of time of the snow mastiff.

Tang Chen's inscription plate has been sold out.But it will no longer be refined and sold for the time being.It's just blindly selling inscription mirror images.This is very profitable.But it also caused the price of Jade Emperor God Realm inscription plate to rise.

Tang Chen is playing a big game of chess!
In the Jade Emperor God Realm, there are as many abilities as dogs, and the refining of inscription discs is not very advanced. Only by attracting more people to enter this industry, can it flourish and form an industry.

At the same time, it can also cover up Tang Chen's intention to harm the Jade Emperor God Realm.After all, a drop of water is the most perfect disguise only if it is hidden in the sea.

In order to destroy the gods, Tang Chen learned badly!

Tang Xiaoshao is on the road of learning to be bad, learning without a teacher, and thriving.

Tang Xiaoshao held the trumpet with the inscription pattern in his hand, arousing the emotions of the gods during the interval between the mirroring of the erotic palace.

"...Friends! Let's shout slogans!"

"The little blue pill, just to unlock!"

"The little blue pill, just to unlock!"

The gods, the sons of gods, and the gods all had blurred eyes and winked like silk. Under the double stimulation of the blue pill and the mirror image of the erotic palace, they went completely crazy, shook their heads, and roared loudly.

The sound shook the altar of death!
"The little blue pill, just to unlock!"

"The little blue pill, just to unlock!"

(End of this chapter)

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