Shushan Wushen

Chapter 202 Tang Chen Beats the Jade Emperor

Chapter 202 Tang Chen Beats the Jade Emperor

Getting more gods to put down their bodies to engage in the business of refining inscription discs is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

After all, God has the pride of God.

This kind of thing needs a period of stimulation and brewing.

Tang Chen instructed Qi Yu and the others to buy back the inscription plate at a high price.

He ran to Aolai country by himself.Sitting in the town in person, instruct Qinglong, Baihu to hurry up and supervise the backbone of the [Dragon Sect] such as the white-haired bear, and hurry up to spread the word on a large scale.

"...With the Aolai country as the center, it radiates to the east to win the Shenzhou."

Tang Chen personally trained the backbone of the Dragon Sect above Xiangzhu and above.

"In the form of a salon, believers are called together every day to watch the little mirror image of the erotic palace. For active believers, blue pills can be given!..."

This is disruptive thinking.Quite bold and jumpy, Tang Chen was determined to lead the atmosphere of the Jade Emperor God Realm to another direction.

With the sensitive identity of the Great Bull Demon King, the preaching was surprisingly smooth, and countless churches developed soon. Daqingzi and Xiaobai gave the inscription plate, and played the small mirror image of the erotic palace regularly every day.

Gradually, the huge religious group spread to every corner of the Jade Emperor God Realm.

Belief in Dragon Cult has become fashionable.


In the Jade Emperor God Realm, according to legend, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother would watch several erotic mirror images before going to bed.

The inscription plate is too profitable, and I can't help being jealous.Countless inscription masters put down the dignity of the gods, participated in it, and became rich in the blink of an eye.When the wolf came, Tang Chen stopped and instructed Qi Yu, Li Yiqi and the others to stop buying inscription discs.

Immediately, the price of the inscription plate plummeted.

Many inscription masters who realized it later refined a large number of inscription discs, some of which could not be sold, and even wandered in the streets all day long.Ask everyone you meet, "Do you want an offer?"

"What plate with inscription patterns? Do you want to send a mirror image of the erotic palace?"

"No! Only the inscription plate. So what..."

"No! No more ink! Get out!"

The inscription master spent countless precious refining materials, and finally threw them all in his hands.So helpless.

"Great God! Great God! Come on, how much can you give for this inscription plate without the little mirror image of the erotic palace? Please offer me a price, please!"

So the inscription plate quickly rotted on the street.extremely cheap.There are disadvantages as well as advantages, and the inscription plate quickly spread throughout the Jade Emperor God Realm.Tang Chen's wolf raising plan achieved unprecedented success.

Content is king!

Tang Chen's small mirror image of the erotic palace, ordinary people really don't have the ability to shoot it.

Of course, the God Realm is full of talents, and there is no shortage of people with keen minds.There are a few forces that have also started filming small mirror images of the erotic palace.With followers, Tang Chen stopped without hesitation and withdrew from the field of erotic mirror images.

This is Tang Chen's cleverness.The trend needs to lead, achieve the goal, and stop in time.

Not only that, even Tang Chen secretly recalled the backbone of the Dragon Sect.Let it develop naturally.Completely disregarded the relationship.

Afterwards, Tang Chen went to find the Barefoot Immortal.

"Master, the morale of the Jade Emperor God Realm has been completely corrupted. Those unsightly little erotic mirror images, alas! They are depraved!"

The Barefoot Immortal looked at Tang Chen in shock, and closed the inscription disk in his hand with a blushing face.

"Tang Chen, what you said made me deeply surprised. Didn't you make it up?"

"No, no, no! I stopped participating a long time ago. It's too wretched. It's really unsightly and indecent! It has nothing to do with me."

Tang Chen shook his head like a rattle.Resolutely denied it, not only that, Tang Chen even let out a long sigh.

"Master, after all, I am a teenager. I have not yet opened my heart. I am curious about the erotic palace. It is inevitable. But after calming down and thinking about it, I feel that this is too much. Not only is it not good for the body and mind, it even damages the mind. I suggest you You should remonstrate with the Jade Emperor!"

The Barefoot Immortal was an emperor of one dimension, so was the Scarlet Emperor.Thinking about this matter from the emperor's point of view, he immediately came to his senses.

"Tang Chen, I'm going to the Lingxiao Palace to meet the Jade Emperor to make a statement. It's just rumored that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are also surrounded by you. It's really difficult."

The Barefoot Immortal rubbed his hands together with a troubled expression on his face.

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Master, may I go with you?"

The Barefoot Immortal nodded, and took Tang Chen to the Lingxiao Palace to see the Jade Emperor.

The Barefoot Immortal is still popular today, and Tang Chen made a mirror image of the inscription pattern, which once again became popular in the entire Jade Emperor God Realm.Both the master and the apprentice are extremely popular!

The Jade Emperor simply ordered that a banquet be held in the Imperial Garden.Drink and discuss.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Before the Barefoot Immortal could say what he wanted.The Jade Emperor first said: "Tang Chen, I have taken in a holy beast and named it 'General of Rolling Curtain', claiming to have a close relationship with you, how about you come forward to persuade it to follow me?"

Tang Chen suddenly realized that the Jade Emperor was referring to the Queen Mother of the West.He nodded slightly, but did not answer.

The Jade Emperor thought that Tang Chen had acquiesced, so he clapped his hands. After a while, the heavily bound Queen Mother of the West was pushed to the banquet.

"Master! Hoho~."

Seeing Tang Chen, the Queen Mother of the West burst into tears.Struggling and yelling at the Jade Emperor.The body moved closer to Tang Chen.

"Sisi, you have suffered."

Tang Chen got up from the table, pushed the guards away, and untied Queen Mother Xi.

"You're useless, are you?"

Tang Chen was furious, and turned to look at the Jade Emperor.His eyes were indifferent and his tone was cold.

"Don't be rude!" The Barefoot Immortal hurriedly scolded Tang Chen.

Tang Chen had already made his move, picked up the glazed cup on the table, and threw it at the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor was caught off guard, and his head was 'opened' immediately!

"Tang Chen is presumptuous! How dare you attack me!"

The Jade Emperor roared, covering his forehead with his hand, and the glass cup was extremely sharp.Deep to the bone.Tang Chen's attack was very dark, blood arrows, Chi, Chi, Chi, lasing.The scene was extremely terrifying, bloody and shocking.

For endless years, the Jade Emperor has controlled the Three Realms, and no one has dared to disrespect the Jade Emperor. Even verbal offense is a serious crime, let alone hurting the Jade Emperor?This is to brag about the greatness of the world, and to shock the world and regret the vulgarity!

"Jade Emperor, you are so weak-hearted! How shameless you are to covet the beauty of my contract beast! What a shame."

Tang Chen is not an impulsive person, but the Jade Emperor is a star body.He knew that the body of the Jade Emperor was the current Three Realms.The entire Jade Emperor God Realm is the original star of the Jade Emperor's dantian.Due to the rules of the stars, even though he has the cultivation base of the [-]th rank of the Martial God, he can only perform at the [-]th rank of the Martial God.

The consequence of forcibly using super divine power is to explode and die!

Tang Chen is now at the tenth stage of the Martial God, so he has nothing to fear!Besides, another evil fire arose in Tang Chen's heart!
A memory came from Tang Chen's Yang Guang avatar in Dongtu, and the murderer Jing Xiuxiu escaped into the ocean of latitude!
Qi and blood are surging, both of which are bad news.Tang Chen was in a bad mood!

A thought ordered Feng Chong Jin Chanzi and Genesis Yuan Ling to go to the ocean of latitude, and cooperate with the spirits of the five magic weapons to hunt down Xiuxiu...

Almost instinctively, Tang Chen threw his fist over the rushing guard, and Tang Chen threw himself directly at the Jade Emperor.Press the Jade Emperor on the ground, bang bang bang, with a big fist.The Jade Emperor was beaten with big bags all over his head.

Tang Chen was also ruthless, fearing that the Jade Emperor would open his mouth and shout again, he waved his arms, and his big fist directly swept across the Jade Emperor's throat.

When the Jade Emperor opened his mouth, he could only utter the syllable "Ho Ho Ho Ho" and could not utter other sounds at all.Release the divine sense, will be separated from the body, Tang Chen crushed it with one punch.

The Barefoot Immortal was dumbfounded.Subconsciously took a few steps back, and even influenced by the inner likes and dislikes, he stepped hard and trampled several guards to death.

The palace maids serving the banquet were trembling with fright, and Queen Mother Xi tied them together unceremoniously.

Then, the Queen Mother of the West and the Barefoot Immortal just watched quietly.

Watch Tang Chen beat the Jade Emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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