Shushan Wushen

Chapter 210 Shi Zhongyu's Battle with Luo Cheng

Chapter 210 Shi Zhongyu's Battle with Luo Cheng

Cheng Yaojin urges his crotch to get off the horse, and is about to step forward and admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zhongyu raised his hand with a whip, and the white jade under his crotch covered the lion horse, "Xi Lv Lv" neighed, swish, and rushed to the battlefield.

This guy has a short-circuited head and wants to make a name for himself.

Zhang Pusen couldn't help but be astonished, this battle is self-evidently important to Beiping Mansion.It is not in the interests of Youzhou Beiping Mansion to lose directly.After all, the final winner is the Great Demon Kingdom of Wagangzhai.

"Don't you play cards according to the routine?" Zhang Pusen murmured to himself.

"Luo Cheng hurried to the battle!" Shi Zhongyu, who was now aliased as Pei Yuanqing, was waving the eight-treasure silver hammer, shouting in the arena.

Tang Chen was quite speechless, Shi Zhongyu was too noisy.Since it's acting, why not be more professional?Fortunately, you are still the backbone of the small mirror with inscription patterns.Why did you come here when you arrived in Dongtu?

Turning his eyes to the field, Zhang Pusen naturally respected the existence of this hero who was second only to Li Yuanba. The big gun shakes out the gun flower, blooming beautifully, but it has no lethality.

Shi Zhongyu was simmering with evil fire in his heart, and finally found a channel to vent it. There are not many opportunities to abuse his partners in an open and honest manner.

boom boom boom~
The sledgehammer crushed the big gun.

Zhang Pusen was forced to see sweat on his temples, not for any other reason, Shi Zhongyu was brave enough to die, Zhang Pusen was really afraid of making the wrong move and hurting his partner.

Inside Tang Chen's team, he made fun of Shi Zhongyu, he could do whatever he wanted, even if he was beaten to death, at worst Fan Wujiu would put his soul back.But with the presence of outsiders, Shi Zhongyu's dignity was tacitly maintained by his partners.After all, he is like a stone, so sad.

Forget it, let him make a fuss.

Tang Chen thought so, and so did Zhang Pusen.Tang Chen's team members have exactly the same idea.

Zhang Pusen deliberately cooperated, constantly showing his flaws, Shi Zhongyu was very powerful, and it was exaggerated, two big hammers collided in the air.An eardrum-swelling sonic boom.

Bang, bang, bang!
The scene was shocking, the fights were dazzling, all kinds of anti-kings, the eyes were dazzled, and the face could not help but dignified.They all inquired, who is this person?So mighty.

"Pei Yuanqing! His name is Pei Yuanqing!" Youfan Wang set up a secret operation in the Great Demon Kingdom of Wagangzhai.Know the inside story.

The name Pei Yuanqing was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.Unknown.

"Pei Yuanqing's number one hero in the Sui Dynasty!"

There was a shout from the anti-king, it was Gao Shida, the king of Jizhou.Youzhou and Jizhou are adjacent to each other, and there are countless contradictions and frictions between them.He was most happy to see Luo Cheng being crushed.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

For the same reason, Hebei Fengming King Li Zitong also roared loudly: "Pei Yuanqing, the number one hero in the Sui Dynasty!"

There was a warm current in Shi Zhongyu's heart, like spring water flowing over the dry permafrost, very refreshing, very refreshing.This guy also knows the general situation, the two horses pedaled wrongly, and very arrogantly hung the two silver hammers on the saddle's Desheng hook.Free arms crossed.

This is what it means to stop.

Zhang Pusen wanted to help him, pretending to be out of breath, and asked in bewilderment: "Hey! Pei Yuanqing, why did you stop? Do you want to let me go?"

When Shi Zhongyu heard the words, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he felt very happy, but this guy's acting skills are really superb.With a cold snort, he said.

"Flour noodles cold Yan Luo, Beiping Qiao Luocheng. I respect you as a young hero, the so-called heroes cherish heroes, let go today, and fight again in the future!"

With grief and anger on his face, Luo Cheng deliberately turned around to convey his expression, and then asked sharply, as if he had suffered a great humiliation.

"Pei Yuanqing! Since Wu Luocheng's debut, you are the only opponent I have encountered. You are too powerful to die by your hands. Luo Cheng regards it as an endless glory! Come on, use your hammer to smash my head .I will not resist."

The anti-kings from all walks of life were all shocked, as proud as Luo Cheng, they were waiting to be killed.Incredible!Unbelievable.

Shi Zhongyu suddenly showed an expression of infinite loneliness, sighing, but at the same time extremely confused, sighed, and said: "The heights are extremely cold, and invincible is the most lonely. Luo Cheng, you are my opponent, and you need to grow. How can I not give it to you?" Chance?"

After finishing speaking, patter, patter, urged the white horse under his crotch, and went straight back to the camp of the Great Demon Kingdom.Without looking back, he threw out a sentence: "I, Pei Yuanqing, admit defeat in this battle!"

Xiuxiu stood on the high platform facing the wind, she couldn't help but flickered, she was so surprised.This is very unexpected.In the end, although Xiuxiu guessed it, the process was too shocking.

The reason is nothing more than Jiajialou Qunyinghui, Luo Cheng is the 46th brother, and Cheng Yaojin is the fourth brother.The older brother gives the younger brother face, which is the meaning of the title.However, Pei Yuanqing was not one of the 46 heroes, and this created a problem.

Xiuxiu is also suspicious. The Pei Xiuyun she pretends to be is Pei Yuanqing's sister.So he thought suspiciously that Cheng Yaojin's love for Wu and Wu was just to promote his brother-in-law.

So, Xiuxiu got a little bit of a taste.He couldn't help turning his gaze to Cheng Yaojin.He felt that Tang Chen's team was trying to show their favor to her.

In fact, Xiuxiu's prediction was wrong, but if the wrong result was deduced according to this wrong process, if it was carried out, the partners of Tang Chen's team would also be able to forgive her.After all, she hasn't poisoned any living beings this time.are salvageable.

For one thing, the little phoenix is ​​Tang Chen's companion beast.Second, Cheng Yaojin also fell in love with Xiuxiu.Three, Xiuxiu is a divine beast, especially now that she has the body of the three-legged Golden Crow, Dongtu needs the blessing of the divine beast.

But Xiuxiu was too arrogant, in her eyes, whether Cheng Yaojin or Tang Chen, they were all like ants.Even if she wanted to win over Cheng Yaojin, she would not be reconciled.

After all, manipulating the rebellion and anti-Sui is a big plan against Tang Chen.Forcing Tang Chen to become Little Phoenix's favorite!Without this ending, how could Xiuxiu let it go?
At this time, under the high platform, the results of the first round had already been drawn.

Luo Cheng of Beiping Prefecture in Youzhou, Wang Shichong of Luoyang, Liu Wuzhou of Dingyang, Dou Jiande of Xia Ming, Zhu Can of Nanyang, Shen Faxing of Jiangnan, Gao Shida of Jizhou, Ma Delai of Ningxia, Xie Tianbao of Gansu, and the anti-king of the Nine Routes Sheng Sheng.

This is the order. As usual, there should be an anti-king bye all the way.But Xiuxiu glanced at Cheng Yaojin.He said in a loud voice: "In the first round, there are nine anti-Sui heroes in the qualifying round, and there is no match. The defeated nine teams will each have a general, and a hero will be selected to make up for the promotion."

Naturally, no one objected to this proposal.

"Xi Lv Lv~" the horse under his crotch roared.Shi Zhongyu appeared arrogantly again.

Hebei Fengming King Li Zitong sent his general to be his son-in-law Wu Yunzhao. Wu Yunzhao was a famous general in the Sui Dynasty, he was extremely warlike, he patted his horse and held his gun, and went straight to the Baiyu King Gao Tansheng of Xiangzhou.

In Yang Jian's era, Gao Tansheng was known as the King of Swords. He held a Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Sword in his palm, which weighed [-] catties and drank countless blood.Every time the knife is cut, people, horses, and weapons are all broken.

Facing Wu Yunzhao, Gao Tansheng grinned ferociously.

(End of this chapter)

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