Shushan Wushen

Chapter 211 Xiuxiu is unlucky and sad

Chapter 211 Xiuxiu is unlucky and sad

Talk about the sage, beat the horse and raise the knife, whoosh!A flash of lightning amazed the scene with its bright arc.

Wu Yunzhao just saw his good friend Nanyang Wang Zhu Can's strength to defeat Gao Tansheng, he had already made up his mind, his feet got off the stirrups, whoosh, his body tilted, seemingly avoiding the knife light, but in fact, his whole body turned under the horse's belly, and suddenly shot out , extremely fast.

Gao Tansheng's mount, the front hoof and leg bone of the Golden Horned Hummer, was instantly shattered.

Wu Yun summoned his gun to touch the ground, swish!Sit upright again.The movements are chic and smooth, and Wu Yunzhao has already completed it before anyone can see it clearly.As if nothing was done.

Gao Tansheng was also careless, thinking that Wu Yunzhao would follow Zhu Can's example and break the law vigorously, only the opponent's horse could not bear it, and the victory and defeat would be scored.Unexpectedly, Wu Yunzhao took advantage of the evasion and made a secret move.

Whoosh~, the Jiufeng Chaoyang Knife weighing three thousand catties in the palm, dragging Gao Tansheng's body forward, exposing the back of his neck...

Phew~, Wu Yunzhao was waiting for this moment, the big gun in his hand, "Pfft!" along Gao Tansheng's neck, directly smashed the spine.Wu Yunzhao turned his arm, and the spear tip crushed Gao Tansheng's neck.

Gao Tansheng's body, together with the injured horse, fell into the dust.


Jin Tiwang Zhang called Jin Dahai.Yazi was about to burst, and shouted: "Old Gao!" Zhang Chengjin and Gao Tansheng were both in-laws and children when they were young, and they had a deep relationship.

"Wu Yunzhao, take your life!"

Zhang Chengjin Yuema raised the saber, the eight-treasure camel dragon saber in his palm, with endless hatred, the saber light glowed, and he slashed down vigorously.

But this is a melee, Zhang Chengjin stood up on his mount, and his back was a big hole....


Li Feng, the king of Korea, very insidiously held up the Yin Zaoyang spear in his hand, and stabbed it into Zhang Chengjin's back heart.

"Your opponent is me!"

After Li Feng finished speaking, he even nodded to Wu Yunzhao.Wu Yunzhao turned his head to one side.Ignore him.Did not remind him.


Same thing happened again.Li Feng, the king of Korea, relaxed a little, and King Ha Hongtae's nine-treasure chain hammer smashed Li Feng's head with the gesture of a meteor chasing the moon.

"Pfft!" Poor Koryo King Li Feng, before enjoying the worship of his subordinates, he became a headless corpse.The war horse was ignorant, carrying the Goryeo king Li Feng back to the tent, and the Goryeo king immediately belonged, crying loudly.

Other anti-king subordinates directly plundered and massacred the leaderless Koreans.

Luo Tiehan, King of Shatuoluo, Su Dingfang, Marshal of Xiangyang, and Liu Dapeng, King of Jingzhou.He didn't even bother to fight again, threw out the white flag, and started to grab it directly.

Jinti King Zhang Chengjin, Xiangzhou Baiyu King Gao Tansheng, and Gaoli King Li Feng all fell one after another, and the three anti-kings died. The ownership of tens of thousands of troops directly affects the scale of future forces.Nothing is more important than that.

Shi Zhongyu was sympathetic to the heaven and earth, and when he saw countless soldiers being slaughtered, he immediately yelled loudly.

"Stop! These are all from the Great Demon Kingdom!"

The scene was too intense, some were busy killing, some were busy snatching horses and luggage.No one paid him any attention.

Shi Zhongyu was angry, the wrath of God.

Shi Zhongyu released the pressure of the God of War, and tens of thousands of people were immediately thrown into the air.

Shi Zhongyu was very smart, raised two sledgehammers, bang~, bang~, bang~, knocking continuously, water mist rose, it was a sonic boom.Use a sonic boom to cover up the might of the Valkyrie.

Xiuxiu already knew that Cheng Yaojin was a partner of Tang Chen's team. Seeing this scene, her eyes lit up, and the way she looked at Pei Yuanqing suddenly changed.After careful examination, she discovered that the so-called Pei Yuanqing was not a mortal, but Shi Zhongyu!

Everyone in Tang Chen's team can be recognized by Xiuxiu, but the appearance after dressing up is difficult to discover without careful speculation.

Xiuxiu was murdered.She felt that Tang Chen's team would definitely spoil her good deeds.

Phew, Xiuxiu didn't show the three-legged Golden Crow's beastly body, she still looked like Pei Xiuyun, with her face covered in white silk and her whole body in plain clothes.It turned into a white light and shot straight at Shi Zhongyu.

"You really can't help it?"

Tang Chen flicked his fingers, and a [Burst Show Chrysanthemum].


Ruthlessly shoot at Xiuxiu.It's not a straight line, but controlled by divine thoughts, shuttles through the canopy of the tree, bypasses Xiuxiu's line of sight, goes behind Xiuxiu, and suddenly appears a [Explosive Xiuxiu]!
Shi Zhongyu had also been on guard against Xiuxiu for a long time, there was a buzz~, Shi Zhongyu threw the single hammer in his hand, and hit Xiuxiu head-on.

This silver hammer can be called lore for mortals, but for Xiuxiu, it is really not enough.

Xiuxiu didn't evade, and directly resisted with her body, "Peng!" Xiuxiu's body released white flames, and the silver hammer vaporized before it got close, turning into fine silver tears, dripping like rain, and shining brightly.

It fell on the faces of the rebels, causing waves of mourning.Countless people failed to escape in time and were scalded to death.

Shi Zhongyu had already expected it, and the inscription flashed between his fingers.One, two, three, six [Explosive Chrysanthemums], whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.There is no delay!
"Wow! Shi Zhongyu is fighting. Have you used all six?"

Qin Qiong was shocked and awed.Tang Chen's team members are equipped with six [Explosive Chrysanthemums] as case for need.At this time, not only Qin Qiong, but also other members of Tang Chen's team, were extremely shocked by Shi Zhongyu's determination and ruthlessness.

The impression that Shi Zhongyu had left on his partner was not like this, he was joking, no matter how much he ravaged him, he would not be really angry.It's still easy-going, but these six [Explosive Chrysanthemums] completely changed the perception of the partners.

Shi Zhongyu is far from being so kind, nor is he easy to deal with!

Xiuxiu knows the goods, and realizes the extraordinaryness of these six magic weapons, whoosh!Hovering in the air, sticking out the palm, trying to capture.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled, Xiuxiu's face turned red, and she unexpectedly glanced at Cheng Yaojin.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

Xiuxiu let out a shrill howl, extremely shrill.

The form of the three-legged Golden Crow appeared impressively!This is a firebird with three legs. The front half is still intact, but the feathers are blown, and the fire feathers are falling to the head. Looking at the second half, it is really miserable.

The wings of this fire bird are golden yellow, but the tail is dripping with blood, shocking!

Obviously, there was some powerful magic weapon that blew up Xiuxiu's ass.

Xiuxiu was - exploded -!

This is not the end!

It's just that Tang Chen succeeded in a sneak attack.

Xiuxiu didn't have time to capture Shi Zhongyu's six [Explosive Xiuchrysanthemums]. At this moment, Xiuxiu hurriedly turned around and rushed to the high platform.But they ignored it, and even underestimated [Bang Xiuju].

Because she, Xiuxiu, didn't even know that it was [Bang Xiuju] who pierced and shattered the buttocks.

Six!One is enough to level a mountain.

How powerful is it?

Xuxiuxiu, controlled by Shi Zhongyu's divine sense, suddenly accelerated, puff puff puff, perfectly pierced into the ripped buttocks of the three-legged golden black skin, and then exploded together.



Xiuxiu trembled in the air in pain, her afterimage swayed, the three-legged Golden Crow body that she had nourished with the precious blood of the phoenix was in dilapidated condition, which also caused Xiuxiu's spirit to be withdrawn passively.

The physical body is severely injured, and the soul replenishes it.The power of the soul is passively withdrawn in large quantities to promote the hematopoietic function.However, the blood vessels were broken, and the precious blood from the heart was like a rain of flowers, sparkling and shining.The fragrance is tangy.

(End of this chapter)

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