Shushan Wushen

Chapter 216 Xiuxiu Xiao 3 High Rank 【Shushan Martial God Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 216 Xiuxiu's mistress is superior

In the infinite dimension, the Jade Emperor's body is infinitely vast, an inverted mountain with a face, standing majestically in the endless chaos, surrounded by stars, and several hanging galaxies hanging obliquely on his body.The divine light is shining, and all treasures are shining.

Suddenly, there was an indescribable breath, terror came, broad and vast.The Jade Emperor woke up with a start, his eyes were still full of ignorance, and the future would return to clarity, not to mention panic.

Quietly, it turned into a cloud of interstellar dust.Annihilated.

The only remaining spiritual thought of the Jade Emperor in Lingxiao Palace, whoosh, backed away, and inadvertently crashed into Xiuxiu's arms, buzzing, and the moment the destructive aura came, he retreated suddenly.

The Jade Emperor was already in despair, terrified, trembling, out of instinct, he put his head in his hands, let Xiuxiu hold her, and screamed in terror.This is an instinctive fear of dying.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor exchanged tears and reflected.Surprised.The main body has fallen, why does the divine sense exist alone?

Does God have the virtue of good life?Do not!The Jade Emperor soon found Xiuxiu behind him, with a layer of flames all over her body.The sun was blazing, and Xiuxiu cried out in the thick flames, shrill and desperate.

Karmic fire?

The Jade Emperor controls the Three Realms, and he has the divine right to bestow karma.Turning his mind, he instantly understood the key point. It turned out that the karmic fire caused the destructive power to retreat. Although it did not dissipate, it was afraid to move forward.

This is a silver lining.Like a distant light in the dark night.The Jade Emperor saw hope.

The Jade Emperor stepped forward, he was very provocative, "Xiuxiu, I am willing to accompany you to suffer the fire of karma."

Xiuxiuye burned herself, she was already delirious, she stared blankly with big lifeless eyes, let the Jade Emperor hug her tightly, 咻~, an afterimage entered the Jade Emperor's bedroom.

The Jade Emperor quickly confirmed his judgment that the fire of karma never retreats, and the power of destruction of the law of heaven will not come down for the time being.But the Jade Emperor shared the karmic fire for Xiuxiu. The karmic fire has a spirit, and the punishment is doubled. The Jade Emperor has never repented, and the karmic fire will not retreat.

Just like that, the Jade Emperor and Xiuxiu hugged each other hungrily in an intimate posture, with flames flying around their bodies.Both of them are supreme powers of heaven and earth.One is a divine beast, and the other is the emperor of the soul clan.Soon it will be clear again.Aware of each other's needs.

So they became gangsters and hooked up with each other.

The Lingxiao Palace has turned into history and disappeared forever. The bricks and tiles are broken, but the coercion is still there, and the aura is extremely strong.It's useless, just a pile of garbage.

The earth-shattering changes here shocked the Queen Mother, who rushed here from Yaochi in a hurry.Yaochi from Tang Chen's team also followed.

The Queen Mother's concerned and anxious eyes fell on the Jade Emperor's face, and then froze on Xiuxiu's blushing cheeks.From a worried look, the speed changed to thunder and fury!
"Jade Emperor! You have gone too far!"

The Queen Mother looked crazy, she swung her five fingers, clicked, scratched, Xiuxiu didn't care about it, and kicked the Queen Mother's stomach, whoosh~, the Queen Mother, who is noble and respected endlessly, has been loved by others for endless years. This kick woke me up completely.

"Jade Emperor! You fell in love with Chang'e, persecuting the sacred beast of time, and Aijia knew that he was old and decrepit, so he just turned a blind eye. Who would have thought that you would fool around with this goblin again before you succeeded! Shamelessly embracing openly, lusting and lusting, still wanting to respect myself!"


The Jade Emperor opened his mouth and wanted to say 'this is a misunderstanding', but as soon as it started, Xiuxiu whispered: "With me without her, with her without me! Please think about it, Your Majesty!"

The words were soft, like a feather gliding over the soles of the feet, and I was terrified when I thought about it carefully.full of threats.

"I like Xiuxiu, I don't want you anymore! You go away. The relationship between the martial couple is terminated from now on."

"What?" The Queen Mother was shocked, she staggered, Yao Chi was close, and she held her back.

"In the endless years of Aijia, I have never seen such a shameless person like you! Without my treasured peach, how would you advance like a broken bamboo? Without my plan, how would you fall to Pangu? Without my help, how would you strengthen the gods?" Soul seal? Crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, ungrateful, how to awaken martial arts forever?"

The queen mother reprimanded loudly, and asked sharply: "Don't you want to wake up? Don't tell me that Baxu doesn't want to return, did the eight golden veins give up and open up?"

The Jade Emperor blushed, and Xiuxiu struggled lightly, as if she wanted to break free from her embrace.The Jade Emperor suddenly woke up, this was a threatening routine, a terrific move.

"Let's go, the relationship between husband and wife is over. You are useless. It's better to get together and break up, don't embarrass each other. You are excellent, graceful and luxurious, elegant and elegant. After thinking about endless years, I always feel that I am not good enough for you , feel ashamed. I have to let go, let go is the only last thing I can do for you."

The more the Jade Emperor talked, the more slippery he was, and the Queen Mother was sobbing and speechless.

After a long time, the queen mother sighed deeply, "I was set up by you in such a way back then. At that time, I thought you were definitely not a kind person. I never thought that I betrayed the entire human race for you, but I failed to get half of your sincerity. Now I want to come to this seat I really lost my original intention. Brother Pangu, I am sorry for you."

The queen mother broke the secrets of the world with one word.With a hunched waist, leaning against Yao Chi, he staggered away.

Looking at the Queen Mother's back, the Jade Emperor curled his lips, and said contemptuously, "You idiot, you really thought I wouldn't get tired of her. Hmph!"

Xiuxiu stroked the Jade Emperor's chest with her fingers, charming and enchanting: "Your heart is really cold enough, I am trembling for it."

The Jade Emperor shook his head, "Originally, I still have room for her in my heart. She is shameless and scratched me. Forget it, the relationship is over. From now on, I will be a fellow martial artist with you, and we will awaken together. Eight meridians! See through the emptiness of the heaven and earth, and live forever.”

"Da Xiaoyao, Da Zi Zai? Hehe, many people have told me that. I don't believe it!"

Xiuxiu, cute and charming like a young girl who has not experienced much in the world.This pair of Jade Emperors was undoubtedly provocative, and the Jade Emperor rubbed Xiuxiu with his big hands: "The queen mother is just a concubine, I made you queen! Xiuxiu makes the Jade Emperor happy, so you can be called Empress Xiudou!"

"Hehehe, you are so funny, you are such a nasty guy."

Xiuxiu's mistress is in the top position, in a good mood, teasing to her heart's content....

The moment Tang Chen and Yang Guang's avatar fell, the real deity under the Five Elements Mountain had a feeling.The thinking and memory of each other are connected, but they act on their own.Tang Chen sighed very much, but at that time, this was undoubtedly the best way.

Knowing his shame and then being brave, Tang Chen speeded up his cultivation again, the Five Elements Mountain trembled with "hum" and "hum", and the mountain obviously couldn't restrain Tang Chen anymore.Tang Chen can leave with one punch now.

However, the power of the five elements, deifying the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and the balance of the five elements are too difficult to find.It is not easy to find it again.Sharpening the knife without cutting firewood by mistake, Tang Chen carefully controlled the 99-level cultivation of the Valkyrie.Concentrate on refining.

Suddenly, beside my ears...

"Tang Chen, Monkey King! Give the Buddha the power of the five elements, don't be too greedy."

(End of this chapter)

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