Shushan Wushen

Chapter 217 Sister Guanyin

Chapter 217 Sister Guanyin

Tang Chen was forcibly awakened, and through the thin mountain body, as if through glass, above the sky, there was a graceful and graceful figure, shining with silver light, it was a small tree.

"Liuyin Xiaoshan?"

"Huh, huh."

Tang Chen and Monkey King smashed a rock and shot up into the sky.With an eager look on his face: "Liuyin Xiaoshan, how did you find this place?"

The small silver tree, "Peng" turned into a human form, quite sullen: "I am Guanyin Bodhisattva, so don't mention the common name again!"

"Hee hee, sister Guanyin, Tang Chen obeys."

Under the Five Elements Mountain, in addition to witnessing the bloody magnetic field mirror image, it is boring practice.Seeing Liuyin Xiaoshan and the reunion of old friends, Tang Chen lost his composure.

"Amitabha, Tang Chen, don't mess around, look at Chihulong, this monkey head doesn't even bother you."

Liuyin Xiaoshan's face was sallow and rather haggard, Tang Chen suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Liuyin Xiaoshan, what's the matter with you? What's wrong?"

"Guanyin, please call me Guanyin Bodhisattva?" Liuyin Xiaoshan intentionally got angry and avoided Tang Chen's questioning.

"No! You're sick, very sick! Tell me. If you still consider me a friend."

Tang Chen knew that Liuyin Xiaoshan was soft-tempered, breaking the law vigorously and messing up his size was the kingly way.Sure enough, Liuyin Xiaoshan quickly revealed the truth, she took in 110 nine members of Tang Chen's team in [Qiyao Moyi Tianwu Palace].The cost is huge.

She is not a rich god, she has nothing but money after a meal, borrows money everywhere, but she is not enough to last until the third day, she is also a real person, she even showed her true body, picking leaves in exchange for cultivation resources and food.

As a result, Yuanyuan was hurt. Fortunately, Tang Chen returned and recalled the goddess.Otherwise, Liuyin Xiaoshan would have disappeared.

Later, Yang Jian came back and saw that something was wrong with Liuyin Xiaoshan, so he hurriedly contacted the imperial doctor to see him. After some consultation, Liuyin Xiaoshan was a special life born from the cultivation of the spiritual root of heaven and earth.Trees generally need spiritual water to irrigate, but Liuyin Xiaoshan needs a different wind.

Fengchong Fengchong is so hard to find, and it is a great fate to meet one. Later, the Tathagata learned about this, personally intervened, and appeared to take it back to Buddhism.500 years of teaching scriptures.Only then was it informed that Chi Hulong was imprisoned in the Five Elements Mountain under the pseudonym Sun Wukong.

On the one hand, Liuyin Xiaoshan came to seek a different wind, and on the other hand, he had the prophecy of the Buddha.

"The sages shed blood, the east returns to protect the treasure, suppresses the great demon, and the parents return."

"... Hiss!" Tang Chen was shocked and suddenly realized.Secretly admire the depth of Tathagata's scheming.This is both a temptation and a test.People outside the Tathagata clearly harbor compassion from all directions.Can't join the WTO directly, it's just a fake hand Tang Chen.

One light and one dark, the cooperation of God.

Tang Chen understood in seconds, Tathagata hoped that Tang Chen could hold the treasure of the Eastern Earth, destroy the Jade Emperor, and resurrect Pangu.Restart Dashi.In this way, it is quite unfair to Dongtu.After all, the seven heavy treasures are Dongtu's world-suppressing artifacts.But for this world.Only with the help of Chongbao's power can the alliance between Xiuxiu and Jade Emperor be completely suppressed.

This is indeed a coup step.On to the idea!
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Tang Chen felt the thoughts coming from the decree.Suddenly lost his voice.

"Okay! The Buddha once said that you look happy. If that's the case, please take me to the underworld and renew my life. A detailed plan will be presented at that time."

Tang Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought, the Tathagata's mana is profound.But the Five Elements Mountain is so extraordinary.Facing the catastrophe that has been going on for endless years, he never made a move.There must be no secrets.

As for what exactly is hidden, it is still unknown.But one thing is certain, the Jade Emperor's combat power should not be inferior to Tathagata.From this, it can be judged that Tathagata does not want to destroy this world, or does not want to stick to killing...

No matter what, Liuyin Xiaoshan's life must be saved!
"Chihulong, quickly apply a strange wind to Liuyin Xiaoshan."

Chihulong had already prepared, and a strange wind poured into Liuyin Xiaoshan's body.Liuyin Xiaoshan's divine body swayed, but strangely, a blush rose on his face, his breath was a little stronger, and he quickly returned to normal.

"This? What's going on here?"

Tang Chen and Chi Hulong were both shocked, and Liuyin Xiaoshan was also a little flustered.

"Creator Yuanling, do you know the reason?"

When Tang Chen asked, Chuangshi Yuanling said he didn't know, but the ancestor Jingshi told the truth.

"The tree is the body of vegetation, and the chi, tiger, and dragon are of the coral nature. The water vapor dissipates, and the air of earth and stone is strong. It's just a temporary relief. Why don't you let Jin Chanzi try it."

The wind bug Jin Chanzi appeared immediately, but it was still useless.It's too woody.

Tang Chen said: "Avalokitesvara Tears attribute host! First go to the underworld to drink some [Pluto Soul Tea], and the wind insect Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara is also in the underworld."

Liuyin Xiaoshan looked at Chihulong: "Sun Wukong, you can't leave yet, this is the decree of the Buddha, and it has its own mystery!"

Chi Hulong responded with a grin: "No, absolutely not! I can't bear to part with this rare opportunity to practice."

In the Underworld, 【Bitter Spring Palace】, Tang Yingxiong took out a white jade bottle, which was very broken, with clear finger marks on it.It was crushed by a god-level power.

The wind insect Avalokitesvara burst into tears, releasing a strange wind, and Liuyin Xiaoshan moaned uncontrollably: "Hey, huh~"

This is the restoration of the original source, and it is the most comfortable and perfect feeling between heaven and earth.Although it's just a small whirlwind of strange wind, boom~, it's like a thunder pool tilting the sky and the earth, and the silver fir is shining all over, dazzling.That light contains infinite vitality, which is the bloom and bloom of life!

clap clap ~
A few silver leaves gushed out from the flower buds, not silver, but tender green, the green ones were very fragile, as if they would shatter if blown gently.It makes people feel compassionate, until they can't bear to breathe.

"I've advanced!"

Liuyin Xiaoshan shouted in surprise.

The silver light on her body evaporated and became lush.A fresh breath rushed over.The aloofness and arrogance brought by the silver glow were swept away.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful! It's so wonderful, Tang Chen, thank you. Uncle Tang, thank you!"

Liuyin Xiaoshan bowed deeply.Tang Chen waved his hand, and said guiltily, "You are also a partner of Tang Chen's team. It's good enough that I can have a chance to make amends."

Liuyin Xiaoshan took advantage of the situation and said: "Since you mentioned remedies, then I really have a remedy here. The Buddha asked me to give it to you. It's about Xiaoyao Universe."

"Uh? Happy Universe?... Hiss!"

Tang Chen, Tang Yingxiong was shocked.The uncle and nephew looked at each other with complicated eyes.This is the long-cherished wish they have been working hard for.

Liuyin Xiaoshan said: "There is a star in Xiaoyao Universe, called Cool Star. Do you know?"

Tang Yingxiong interrupted eagerly, and said: "I know! We are all cool star natives! Born here and raised here. But what's the secret?"

"That's the shadow of Great God Pan Gu!" Liuyin Xiaoshan lowered his voice.

"Shadow? The shadow of the Great God Pan Gu?" Tang Chen and Tang Yingxiong looked confused.

(End of this chapter)

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