Shushan Wushen

Chapter 221 2 Jieshan Tang Monk Sapo

Chapter 221 Tang Monk Sapo in Liangjie Mountain

Tang Chen took out the [Seven Fragrance Chariot] and pulled Tang Sanzang and Guanyin Bodhisattva across endless dimensions, returning to the original latitude coordinates of Dongtu.There is a teleportation array here, called Liangjie Mountain.

Liangjie Mountain, high above Qingxiao, Cui Wei is precipitous.It was originally the last Ascension Pool in the Pangu God Realm.At this moment, it was Dongtu going to the Jade Emperor God Realm, the first teleportation array.

In front of the Two Realms Mountains, Tang Chen sighed and took out the [Abusive Show Cassock] and threw it into the Qixiang cart. Xuanzang's body was too fragile to withstand the tearing of the latitude ocean.Xuanzang puts on the [Abusive Show Cassock], and his temperament changes.

Xuanzang got out of the [Seven Fragrance Chariot] with a straight waist and the air of an eminent monk.

Tang Chen solemnly told Tang Sanzang that the cassock was lent to him and he would return it to him in the future.

Tang Sanzang's debating skills are superb, he rolled his eyes, pulled down directly, and said while pulling, monks, pick out the three realms, not in the five elements, no gentleman does not support monks.Since the cassock has already been worn by the poor monk, it is alms from the benefactor, and it can be regarded as alms for me, Tang Sanzang.There is no reason to borrow clothes to wear!Give it back to you!
"You don't want to die?" Liuyin Xiaoshan hastily released his divine power to imprison him, yelling loudly.

"Poor monks don't wear borrowed things!" Tang Sanzang seemed very backbone.

Tang Chen couldn't help being speechless, looked at Tang Sanzang, and blurted out: "Wow, you just want to blackmail me for a cassock."

Tang Sanzang squinted at Tang Chen, confidently saying, "Tang Chen, you should know who I am, the younger brother of the Great Tang Emperor, a disciple of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and I may also be the reincarnation of the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha. It doesn't matter if you donate alms, it's just a cassock, I don't even bother to use the word 'borrow', I'm giving you face by giving it to me!"

"What?" Tang Chen, Liuyin Xiaoshan, and Qi Qi were shocked, astonished, and dumbfounded.I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such high-sounding, arrogant, and unimaginable to this extent.

"Your shameless skin, I can only praise you for its astonishing thickness, it can be said to be against the sky!"

When Tang Chen complained, Liuyin Xiaoshan felt the same way and couldn't help nodding.Unexpectedly, this completely angered Tang Sanzang, and the guy roared, extremely indignant.

"You two have to show your tricks! You keep talking about the old monk Du Huaben, but you beat me without saying a word. The pain still hurts, and then when I communicated with the Tang emperor, you dragged me away. I haven't had time. To strengthen the friendship. You are ruining my chance! I still have a few of my subordinates locked up in the prison. I also want to borrow the imperial doctor from the emperor. You say you are so ignorant? I also have a big family and a big business. It’s a big deal, you beat and scolded me, abducted me here, it’s just a tattered cassock, and it was actually lent to me, do you think you’re going to pick it up?”

"I, this is Xingchen, the hometown of Han Xiangyi from Tang Chen's team..." Tang Chen was shocked, and even explained a sentence.

This made Tang Sanzang see the dawn, he concealed his emotions perfectly without any trace, and questioned Tang Chen sharply.

"Do you think it is more important to learn scriptures or a cassock?"

Tang Chen raised his head suddenly, a stern light flashed in his eyes, he wanted to beat this guy up.Tang Sanzang has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and his strong words are very irritating.

"Of course it's important to learn from the scriptures, forget it, don't be angry with Tang Chen." Liuyin Xiaoshan swayed, and inadvertently blocked Tang Chen's attacking route.

"Tang Chen, you can give it to him first, and I will coax you down later."

Liuyin Xiaoshan's voice sounded in Tang Chen's mind, it was the sound transmission of spiritual thoughts.

Tang Chen had no choice but to say, "Okay Xuanzang, I'll give you this【Abusive Beauty Cassock】. As long as you learn the scriptures with peace of mind, the Jade Emperor will send someone to rob you, and you don't have to run away."

Tang Sanzang proudly rushed to Yin Xiaoshan, shook his head, and winked his eyes, very embarrassing.Liuyin Xiaoshan couldn't laugh or cry, Tang Sanzang was too lazy.However, Tang Sanzang was even more shameless when he slapped his face: "What a bad name, [Masochistic Cassock] insults the concept of Buddhist compassion, what is it called..."

Tang Sanzang frowned, trying to figure out a name for [Masochistic Cassock]. He was also a man of knowledge, and he was a monk in Buddhism, so he didn't have a good cassock for appearance, which looked shabby and cheap.This cassock is his true love, and he has already decided to keep it for himself at all costs.

Suddenly, Tang Sanzang's eyes brightened: "It's called [Jin Lan Kasao]! It's a good name. That's the decision."

Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan stared at Tang Sanzang in astonishment, shocked by Tang Sanzang's inner strength.

Tang Sanzang waved his hand arrogantly, "Let's go, don't waste time. It is very important to learn from the scriptures."

Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan looked at each other, feeling like being counterattacked.Not wonderful.

"Let me attract the Jade Emperor to rob me. This is a personal risk. I risked my life to cooperate with you. It can be described as a high-spirited man. A role model in the world does not need your admiration. At least you must respect it. After all, life is so important. Precious, right, undeniable."

Tang Sanzang's debating skills were astonishing, Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan, who spoke a few words casually, were speechless.

"Can you please nod your head?" Tang Sanzang turned his head suddenly, staring at Liuyin Xiaoshan.

Liuyin Xiaoshan couldn't help but nodded, suddenly realizing something was wrong.

Sure enough, Tang Sanzang grinned in a very embarrassing way: "Sister Guanyin, Tang Chen even gave me a [Brilliant Cassock], and it's the meaning of the question that you express your heart. I don't dislike it, as long as you feel It’s good if you can get it. I’m not picky.”

"You don't choose? You still have to feel that you can do it? Are you going to test my taste?... Hiss!" Liuyin Xiaoshan was inexplicably shocked and speechless.Take a deep look at this strange thing.

Tang Sanzang resolutely confided in his heart: "I'll give you a chance, lest others say you are stingy and make me angry. I have a very bad temper, and I will go crazy when I get angry. In order to protect your reputation, I have to fight, but in case I get hurt If you kill someone, you will humiliate the dignity of Buddhism. I believe that under your beautiful appearance, the soft heart will not let me go all out to kill, right?"

"Shut up! You..." Seeing Liuyin Xiaoshan's face turn pale, Tang Chen was obviously confused by this guy.He raised his hand to beat Tang Sanzang.

Liuyin Xiaoshan hurriedly grabbed Tang Chen's arm again.

"Forget it, forget it Tang Chen, just give him a gift. Don't be rough, from now on..."

"Are you willing to let him beat me in the future? Sister Guanyin, your reputation of being merciful and merciful is like a thunderbolt to my ears. It is also your duty to protect the disciples under your sect."

Tang Sanzang twisted his foot, adjusted the angle with Tang Chen, and stood on the extension line formed by Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan, threatening seriously.

Liuyin Xiaoshan can see clearly that Xuanzang is not easy, converting him is like leading a wolf into the house, and there is still a long way to go to truly convert him.But the two worlds are in front of us, and maintaining stability is the top priority.

"Here you are, this is the nine-ringed tin rod given to me by the Tathagata Buddha, a treasure of Buddhism."

As soon as Liuyin Xiaoshan took out the tin rod with nine rings, Tang Sanzang snatched it with his hands, he was also afraid that Tang Chen would obstruct him.

Tang Sanzang was pleasantly surprised, but then turned into annoyance.

"Huh? The nine-ringed tin stick, why only six rings? Broken magic weapon to scare me?"

(End of this chapter)

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