Shushan Wushen

Chapter 222 Daqingzi and Xiaobai

Chapter 222 Daqingzi and Xiaobai

Liuyin Xiaoshan blushed and took out three more rings.

"Sister Guanyin, could it be that the nine-ring tin stick is more mysterious than the nine rings?"

Tang Sanzang also reacted quickly, asking hastily, and at the same time took the three rings casually.

Liuyin Xiaoshan nodded: "Indeed, each of the nine rings has its own mysteries in refinement. These three rings are gold, tight, and forbidden. The three hoops can be used to bind and enslave."

"Dare to ask Sister Guanyin, how to comprehend?"

Tang Sanzang asked obediently, but he didn't see the arrogance and unruliness just now.

Liuyin Xiaoshan was at a loss for words, she should have told Tang Sanzang, but she was afraid of falling into Tang Sanzang's language trap.Captured as a laborer.Jianghu emergency, look to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen's breath was stagnant, and he thought, I can't stop you, you shoot yourself in the foot with a stone, and let me make a mistake for you when you get into trouble.

This is the most disturbing and embarrassing thing.There is no way out but to go forward.Tang Chen is one hundred people who don't want to be the head of this spear, and be ordered by Liuyin Xiaoshan.

In desperation, he thought of a way for Liuyin Xiaoshan, and passed a spiritual thought to Liuyin Xiaoshan: "Sell him the method of comprehension. One question per question."

Seeing Tang Chen's displeasure, Liuyin Xiaoshan also came to her senses. It was clear that just now in a hurry, she accidentally 'pretended' Tang Chen inside, making Tang Chen not a human being inside and out.The meaning of this divine sense is nothing more than Tang Chen's unwillingness to personally rescue the siege.


Liuyin Xiaoshan sighed, and realized that he had lost his composure again, so he simply said: "Tao should not be passed on lightly, it has a weightless prestige. If you sincerely seek the solution, what will you do in exchange?"

Tang Sanzang rolled his eyes: "Xuanzang has a sincere heart, worships the Buddha all his life, and is obsessed with saving all sentient beings. I think this is the best repayment for Sister Guanyin. After all, I have no long-term possessions, and you, as a Bodhisattva, are not easy to accept me." stuff, right?"

"What you said is true!" Liuyin Xiaoshan was inadvertently tricked by Tang Sanzang again.

Tang Chen saw it, and was quite anxious about Liuyin Xiaoshan's EQ. "That ring is your own!" Swish!Another divine thought reminded her.

"Uh!" Liuyin Xiaoshan was stunned, and hastily changed his words: "The three rings that I came to understand, but they poured into my endless heart. Tang Seng, do you understand?"

This "Tang Monk" shocked Tang Sanzang.What Liuyin Xiaoshan said clearly alienated her. "The monk of the Tang Dynasty", which means that Liuyin Xiaoshan no longer regards him as one of his own, and at the same time is extremely sullen, thinking of abandoning him.

Tang Sanzang glanced at Tang Chen secretly, then at Liuyin Xiaoshan, he felt bad.I also realized that I had gone too far and touched the bottom line.

"Hehehe, Sister Guanyin, you are actually the same as me, you are eager to pursue the ultimate perfection. Learning from the scriptures is a big matter, and I am also afraid of delaying your mission."

While speaking, Tang Sanzang stuffed a ring into Liuyin Xiaoshan's hand.

Liuyin Xiaoshan picked it up and took a look, she was also kind, and replied: "This is a tight ring, as long as you comprehend the spell in this ring, you can bind your opponent."

Tang Sanzang's eyes brightened sharply, Tang Chen couldn't help shaking his head secretly, Liuyin Xiaoshan is not good at handling things, and has no routine at all.Such a simple god, I have only seen it in my life!To put it bluntly, it is pure, but to put it bluntly, it is stupid.In a blink of an eye, the powerful situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

Fortunately, Tang Sanzang didn't go too far this time, so he directly handed over another Huan'er and stuffed it into her hand, and then saluted respectfully: "I beg Sister Guanyin to pass on the spell of this Huan'er to me."

Tang Sanzang shook the last ring in his hand.

Liuyin Xiaoshan looked at Tang Chen, Tang Chen had already turned his face aside, admiring the beautiful scenery of the latitude ocean.Focus on nothing else.


Liuyin Xiaoshan had quite a headache, but he was blackmailed by Tang Sanzang to go to a ring.

"This is a magic spell, you listen to me teach you."

Tang Sanzang put up all his energy and memorized the magic spell by heart.Then recite the experiment.Sure enough, the ring was activated, and after a spell, it shone brightly and tightened quickly.

"What a treasure! Thank you, Sister Guanyin."

Tang Sanzang thanked him sincerely, and then vowed to show his loyalty.In a blink of an eye, the haze in Liuyin Xiaoshan's heart was completely expelled, and all the grudges disappeared.

Tang Chen's face was cold, and he waved him into Qixiang's car.Rush towards the Two Boundaries Mountain.

"Hey! Stop!"

Whoosh, two figures jumped out from Liangjie Mountain, blocking the way of Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan.

"Ah! Dragon and tiger? Run away!" Tang San hid in the Qixiang chariot showing a bald head, panicked.

"Shut up!" Tang Chen snapped.

"Who entered the Two Realms Mountain indiscriminately?" The white-haired tiger looked arrogant.

The ferocious green dragon slapped the white tiger on the head, "Hun Dan, do you have any dignity? Brother, do you understand first?"

"Last time, didn't you say that it was the younger brother who spoke first, and the elder brother wanted to be arrogant?" Bai Hu was beaten for no reason, with a confused look on his face.

"Changed!" Qinglong responded casually, and flicked the dragon's tail dismissively.Its body was as majestic as a vast mountain range, and the white tiger jumped up hastily, avoiding this 'accidental injury', and crashed to the ground.


Qinglong let out a miserable scream, opened his bloody mouth, and looked at Baihu angrily.

The white tiger stepped on the tail of the dragon, with a bewildered look on his face, and asked, "What's the matter, Da Qingzi?" At the moment when the green dragon was about to explode, the white tiger was as nimble as a cat, and quickly changed its position, showing a hint of cunning and complacency in its eyes.

"Daqingzi? Xiaobai?"

Tang Chen's eyes were bright, and he blinked playfully.

"Oh? Do you know me? Who are you?"

Qinglong and Baihu stopped fighting and looked at Tang Chen suspiciously.

Tang Chen walked slowly towards Daqingzi and Xiaobai, feeling the coercion of these two divine beasts, which was obviously majestic, especially the blood aura, which was full of vitality.The closer you are to the front, the more you feel the extraordinaryness of Qinglong and Baihu.

"Patriarch Guangchengzi is well?"

"Patriarch? Are you from the Kongtong sect?" Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

Da Qingzi was not as scheming as Xiao Bai, so he blurted out: "No, the Patriarch is still recovering."

"Take me to see the Patriarch!"

Tang Chen raised his finger, whoosh, whoosh~, two [Shushan Golden Pills] shot at Daqingzi and Xiaobai respectively.

"Oh, are you a pharmacist? Are you still a disciple of the Kongtong School? This Pingshui Thirty Fingers is not weak." Xiaobai didn't take the [Shushan Golden Elixir] directly, and a divine power imprisoned the [Shushan Golden Elixir] and suspended it in front of his eyes. Watching and testing Tang Chen.

Da Qingzi has natural talent and supernatural powers, he is not afraid of all kinds of poisons, he chewed the golden elixir.He was full of admiration: "Not bad! Very good."

Swish!Only then did Xiaobai put away the golden pill.It is not willing to eat.

But it still vigilantly asked about Tang Chen's origins, Tang Chen told it about the Shenwu Mountain in the Kongtong Mountains, and mentioned Banfan.And showed 【Pingshui Thirty Fingers】.Only then did Da Qingzi and Xiao Bai look sad.Put up with this fellow.

"Tang Chen, your rescue of Kongtong Patriarch—"

Xiaobai sighed bitterly, expressing bitterness...

(End of this chapter)

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