Shushan Wushen

Chapter 223 Jade-faced Fox

Chapter 223 Jade-faced Fox

Xiaobai frowned, very desperate and bewildered, and said: "Back then we left Cool Star to go to Pangu God Realm, but ended up passing through Ascension Ponds and ascending step by step, and when we reached Liangjie Mountain, we were trapped here! The Pangu God Realm is too far away!"

Tang Chen couldn't help feeling sad and sad, and couldn't bear to tell the truth, but he couldn't hide it after thinking about it, so he said: "Pangu God Realm is not far away, after leaving Liangjie Mountain, it is Pangu God Realm. But Pan Gu God Realm is no longer It exists, and now it is Dongtu!"

"Ah! Great God Pan Gu has fallen? This is impossible!"

Da Qingzi was extremely shocked, even terrified.

"Could it be that this world no longer exists?"

Xiaobai was taken aback, shook his body, and kept wandering, presumably there was a turbulent wave in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Go! I'll take you to see Guang Chengzi."

Da Qingzi couldn't accept the disappointing news that he was short of success.It can only be pushed to Guangchengzi to judge.


Tang Chen stared at the front from a distance, and couldn't help being startled.

"Lord Hu! I can't do anything about it! This is really impossible!" Guang Chengzi gave Hu Jiuwei a submissive look, panicked to death.

Hu Jiuwei's face is like a crown of jade, handsome and handsome, with a harmless appearance to humans and animals, but once he understands his cultivation level, he will respect her like a god and dare not offend her in the slightest.Hu Jiuwei is a prehistoric beast with a violent temperament, and Guang Chengzi is also afraid of being beaten.


Hu Jiuwei smiled triumphantly, and said: "It's very easy to stay in Liangjie Mountain, hand over the Kongtong Promise Fist mentality, otherwise I won't agree to leave!"

"You..." Guang Chengzi frowned, and was in a dilemma for an instant.

You must know that Kongtong Promise Fist is very important to him, it is the bottom-of-the-box unique skill, the last life-saving trick.

What's more, Guang Chengzi didn't practice Kongtong Promise Fist to the extreme. If he taught someone with stronger combat power than him, Guang Chengzi would be unable to mix it up!This is Dao!
You must know that Guang Chengzi also leaked the heavenly secret at the moment of Pangu's fall, and by chance, he got the opportunity of this exercise, and then comprehended the Kongtong Promise Fist, Hu Jiuwei will be even more shocked!
"Strange! When will it be the turn of a nine-tailed fox to call the shots at Feisheng Pool in Liangjie Mountain?"

At this moment, a young man in his early twenties walked over leisurely.

"My lord, you, are you the envoy sent by the Pangu God Realm!" Guang Chengzi immediately greeted him with a face full of surprise.He waited here with a dragon and a tiger for endless years.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Hu Jiuwei looked at Tang Chen with a look of disdain, and asked.

"The Pangu God Realm has long been transformed into the Eastern Earth, and now it is the Jade Emperor God Realm, who are you?"

Tang Chen smiled lightly, and said, "I do come from the Pangu God Realm, but it's called Dongtu now, but no matter what it's called, it doesn't matter. The point is who allowed a wild fox like you to bully our Kongtong Patriarch?"

"Neighbor Mala! Who do you call a wild fox!" Hu Jiuwei was furious, calling him a wild fox, he couldn't bear it.You know, Hu Jiuwei is the most honorable ten-tailed fox in the world, a remnant of the prehistoric times.However, after being injured for endless years, he barely recovered to Nine Tails!

Back in the day, ten-tailed foxes roamed the prehistoric martial arts forest, and they were also amazing existences.Moreover, the ten-tailed fox was highly valued by Pan Gu, with his lofty status and power, and he was so awesome that ordinary martial gods would not dare to provoke him.

Unexpectedly, a brat like Tang Chen would dare to call him a wild fox, and he would call him face to face in front of Guang Chengzi, who was as weak as an ant!This is simply a great shame!
Seeing Hu Jiuwei's anger, Daqingzi and Xiaobai felt nervous for a while, for fear that Hu Jiuwei would become angry and turn Tang Chen into a hornet's nest on the spot.

The Daqingzi and Xiaobai in front of them are the gods and beasts themselves, not the two gods that Tang Chen is familiar with. They have not yet understood Tang Chen's combat power, and they also know the unfathomable depth of Hu Jiuwei's cultivation best, so they will naturally worry about this.

It's all right to suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, I'm afraid that Tang Chen's words will be bad, and Hu Jiuwei will abolish his dantian, then how will he go on the road of the rivers and lakes...

However, facing Hu Jiuwei who was furious, Tang Chen was not afraid at all, and said with a smile: "Naturally raised, no one takes care of it, chatting everywhere, isn't this a wild fox?"

"Hun Dan! Young man, you have pissed me off!"

Hu Jiuwei was furious, and roared: "If I don't give you some flair today, what will I do in the Liangjie Mountain in the future?"


As soon as the words fell, Hu Jiuwei directly took a step back, bang bang bang~.

I saw a big river that was crystal clear and shining, and it was split down impressively.

Tang Chen's eyesight was astonishing, and he could see clearly in an instant that what the big river flows is not water, but giant needles, dense and sharp, with each root erected.Like the blue forest of the Queen Mother of the West.

But at this moment, it is no different from a huge mace!
"Master Hu! Don't!"

Guangchengzi was shocked.

"It's over... Master Hu is angered... This boy is about to suffer..."

Guang Chengzi looked terrified, and had already begun to mourn for Tang Chen in his heart.

"Hmph! That little idiot is doomed! How dare you provoke Mr. Hu! I really don't know how to do it!"

One of Hu Jiuwei's followers, Xiao Yao, sneered.

The other servant Xiao Yao also had a gloating expression on his face: "My Master Hu is a master of the [-]th rank of the Martial God! One finger can crush that kid to death a hundred times! One! Hundred! Times!"

"What? One hundred thousand ranks of Martial God?" Fear appeared on Liuyin Xiaoshan's face.

Tang Sanzang pursed his lips tightly, clenched the golden ring even tighter, and kept rehearsing the mantra of the magic spell in his heart.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Tang Chen.

But in the next moment, every gaze was completely stunned, never dreaming that there would be such an ending.


Tang Chen let out a cold snort, and raised his fingers together, whoosh, whoosh, brought out endless afterimages, and the void was shattered.

"This is Pingshui Thirty Fingers!" Guang Chengzi was shocked!He knows the goods, but he looks envious, he has not practiced to this level.

Pull out the needle!One by one, the hair needles were pulled out and fell straight into the ring with Tang Chen's inscription pattern.

"Ouch... ouch..."

A miserable scream came from Hu Jiuwei.Without hair needles, this tail is bald a lot!

All of a sudden, another big river was cut down out of thin air like a mace.

Tang Chen was angry: "I don't know if this is a warning?"

Clutching the tail just now, he swung his hand to create a series of spirals, swish, swish, swish!
The two tails were actually entwined.

"Aw~, Hundan!"

Hu Jiuwei was also angry, and the remaining seven tails were overwhelming, as if the world had been destroyed...

"Is it just so capable? What is there to be arrogant about?"

Tang Chen's voice did not finish.


Hearing a series of crisp sounds, Hu Jiuwei, known as the jade-faced fox, was rolled into a ball of wool.

"Boom!" Tang Chen slapped out with a palm.Soaring into the air, the 'ball of wool' drew a beautiful arc, and Hu Jiuwei flew out directly backwards.

The two little demons ran over and quickly untied the pattern made by the tail, Hu Jiuwei was ashamed and angry.

"Humph! Let's go!"

Hu Jiuwei, the jade-faced fox, went against Feisheng Pool, that is, through the teleportation array of Liangjie Mountain, and headed for Yingchou Stream.

Tang Chen watched from afar, seeing everything in his eyes, retracted his eyes, and said with a smile: "The jade-faced fox left Liangjie Mountain and will never come back. Patriarch Guangchengzi, you can practice here with peace of mind from now on."

Guang Chengzi looked grateful, but he smiled shyly...

(End of this chapter)

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