Shushan Wushen

Chapter 224 Eagle's Sorrow, Little White Dragon

Chapter 224 Eagle's Sorrow, Little White Dragon

Guang Chengzi said with great guilt: "Tang Chen, I'm sorry, your cultivation level is higher than mine, and I still can't teach you the Kongtong Promise Fist. But when my cultivation level surpasses that of you, I will definitely teach you all."

"Patriarch, Tang Chen's Ping Shui Thirty Fingers came from the banishment!" Da Qingzi was very honest and slapped him in the face.


Guang Chengzi was momentarily stunned.Looking at Tang Chen, he trembled a little, he didn't know if it was anger or fear.But one thing can be confirmed, his faith has collapsed.

In the so-called Kongtong Promise Fist, the mental formulas come from Banfan, and Banfan focuses on inheriting the theory.As for the power to destroy the world, it is amplified and stimulated through the Kongtong seal.

Therefore, the Kongtong seal is a magic weapon, and it is also the ultimate warrior of Kongtong Wujiquan.In other words, Kongtong Promise Fist is a mantra for manipulating [Kongtong Seal].

In fact, the human body is not a magic weapon, the soul is, it is a spell, the way of heaven uses the spell to manipulate people's thoughts, build and maintain or, is ordered to create difficulties, disasters and opportunities for others!

The world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog: the sage is not benevolent, and treats the people as a straw dog.Tang Chen was also constantly creating a painting environment, and only after imprisoning a part of the world did he understand the mysteries of the way of heaven.

People, as long as they do things seriously and do their duty steadfastly, it will be fine.Of course, if this point can be clearly understood, then it is impossible for any religion to attract believers.Because it is useless to ask for it.

Mission is fate, if someone bullies you, kill him.If you don't have the guts, it means that your destiny is a stepping stone to the tragedy.

It is used to be humble to set off the dignity of others.

As for saying, my life is up to me, and I have to control my life by myself. It is right to struggle, but the ending and process are already doomed.

Tang Chen and Guang Chengzi had a conversation, they didn't agree with each other, they exchanged a few polite greetings.Tang Chen took Liuyin Xiaoshan and Tang Sanzang to the teleportation formation in Liangjie Mountain.

Unlike Guang Chengzi, Daqingzi and Xiaobai are extremely close to Tang Chen. Tang Chen is also trying to seduce them, telling them that Daqingzi and Xiaobai from Huaguo Mountain in Aolai Country have both surpassed the eighth stage of the Martial God .

As a result, as soon as these words came out, Da Qingzi and Xiao Bai immediately became depressed.The two of them have been trapped in the third stage of Wushen for endless years.There is no opportunity to advance.Tentatively, Tang Chen was asked to tell Guang Chengzi that the two of them had revealed their intention to follow.

However, Daqingzi and Xiaobai are also divine beasts and holy beasts, and they both have the blood of the prehistoric.There is a beginning and an end to doing things, but at the moment Tang Chen soared into the sky, he changed his mind again.It is said that Guang Chengzi, an old man, does not have the coercion of their blood to intimidate the monsters in Liangjie Mountain.He has already hung up.

Tang Chen and Da Qingzi knew Xiaobai very well, and they knew each other's temperament and temperament by heart, so they knew this beforehand, so they took advantage of the situation and took their spiritual thoughts, and handed them over to Da Qingzi and Xiaobai of Aolai Country when they went back.

With the previous foreshadowing, this is of course not a problem.And thanks to Dade, he sent a lot of strange spiritual fruits.Especially Liuyin Xiaoshan, Xiaobai is very good at pleasing girls, and even picked a bunch of [Tequila] specially.

Liuyin Xiaoshan's divine crown was obtained from Tang Chen, and there was an aura of orchids in the empty valley, which fit very well.Liuyin Xiaoshan couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, deeply intoxicated by it.Put it in a jade bottle and don't want to put it away.

The teleportation array of Liangjie Mountain reaches the teleportation array of Yingshoujian.This is normal delivery.In fact, if this was in the Pangu era, it would have been demoted.The plane of Yingshoujian is obviously more desolate than Liangjie Mountain.

The teleportation array is on the top of the mountain, looking around, the trickling cold veins pass through the clouds, and the bright and clear waves reflect the red sun.The sound shakes the night rain and hears the deep valley, and the colorful hair and the morning glow dazzle the space.Thousands of waves fly and smash jade, and a pool of water roars with the breeze.The flow returns to the vast expanse of smoke and waves, and the gulls and herons forget each other and never catch each other.

Tang Chen suddenly felt bored, and just wanted to go to Heifeng Mountain through the teleportation array.I don't want to, there are many changes.

A white light flashed, swish! ~


Liuyin Xiaoshan yelled in shock, her face paled.

Tang Chen's eyesight was astonishing, and he saw clearly at once that he was Chi Hulong's cousin, the Fifth Prince of Yulong!Ao Bing died, Chi Hulong committed suicide, and this guy became the third prince of Yulong!Was thrown by the Jade Emperor into Yingchoujian.

The little white dragon was originally attracted by the breath of [Tequila], and eagerly appeared.He was surprised to see Tang Chen at this moment.I was so scared that I ran away.

Tang Chen was about to make a move, but it was Tang Sanzang who made people speechless and shocked.

Tang Sanzang, the moment the white light fell into his eyes, whoosh~, shook his hand and threw out the golden ring!
The golden ring swelled against the wind, like the crown of a god king.

"Hey! What magic weapon? Could it be auspiciousness?"

Xiao Bailong didn't feel the evil spirit of the golden ring, but was endlessly peaceful, so he was amazed, it was like a flash of light and flint.

Tang Sanzang had already recited the [Tightening Mantra] that he knew so well by heart at least three or four times.The golden ring was at a speed visible to the naked eye.Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, shrinking rapidly.

Xiao Bailong was also unprepared, and it was too late to realize that something was wrong.Hooped on the dragon's head.

This guy Tang Sanzang was also very hot, he muttered in his mouth, and continued to chant the [Tightening Curse].I saw that Xiao Bailong's head was tightly tightened, and the golden ring shrank into his flesh.The huge faucet has actually deformed.

"Ah, oh, oh, oh, forgive me..."

The little white dragon plunged headlong into the pool, the disturbing aquatic plants shot all over the sky, and the big fish flew across the sky.The water beats the clouds and cliffs.The boulder shattered.It hurts so much.Getting out of the water, howling again, bang!Boom!Boom!Hitting all the way with the dragon horns.

"Do you want to eat dragon meat?"

Tang Chen patted Tang Sanzang on the shoulder and asked jokingly.

Tang Sanzang's answer was also sincere, he looked at Liuyin Xiaoshan, and asked: "Sister Guanyin, dragon meat is not meaty, right?"

"Wood grass!"

Tang Chen raised his hand and slapped Tang Sanzang, "You're serious."

"Tang Sanzang, your heart is still alive, so you should be punished for collecting firewood."

Liuyin Xiaoshan was tempted.With a serious face, he licked his lips.

Tang Sanzang's eyebrows fluttered, his eyes lit up, Liuyin Xiaoshan was slightly disappointed.

Unexpectedly, Tang Sanzang was not excited about being able to eat meat, he was a routine.Want a show of loyalty gimmick.

Tang Sanzang clasped his hands together and said a Buddha's name: "I don't have hair! I converted to Buddhism. The Buddha said that you should not kill or eat meat. How could Xuanzang break the precept? I hope that Guanyin will understand, Amitabha, so kind!~"

Then, with a dignified face, Faxiang became solemn.

"Damn! This is a show! How shameless!"

Tang Chen couldn't help but swear.Liuyin Xiaoshan had a blushing expression on her face. It was a test, but it seemed that she was counterattacked.It doesn't feel good.

Looking at Tang Sanzang again, he hooked his fingers to the third prince Yulong very sanctimoniously.

"What's your name?"

Little Bailong was also afraid and didn't want to, trembling, he leaned closer: "Return to the holy monk, Ao Yu!"

"Ao Yu, it's a long way to go to the west, and my feet are already blistered. Fortunately, Tang Chen's benefactor has Qixiang car to borrow. But it belongs to someone else after all. The Martial God has a perverted and violent personality. Of course, Tang Chen has a good personality, but -"

Tang San couldn't hide his spear and stick, hurt Tang Chen secretly, and winked at Ao Yu with his eyes, Ao Yu was not stupid, this was a threat, there was nothing he could do about it.He wanted to refuse, but when he thought of Tang Sanzang's method just now, he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​being brave.

"I beg the holy monk to accept me as a disciple, and I am willing to carry you behind my back."

Tang Sanzang didn't raise his eyebrows, and said flatly: "I can't do it behind my back, and I don't want to accept apprentices. Let's let it go."

As soon as the words fell, the corners of his mouth moved, and a string of obscure syllables rushed out, turning into spells...

(End of this chapter)

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