Shushan Wushen

Chapter 225 Barking Moon Snow Beast

Chapter 225 Barking Moon Snow Beast

This is a tight curse, the third prince of Yulong collapsed immediately.


Tang Sanzang's dharma face was solemn, and he looked very puzzled: "I am just reviewing the [Tightening Curse], so why do you violate your original intention? You must know that monks jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements. You can see your nature clearly and point directly to your original heart! The heart is the original heart..."

"You are so long-winded! Have you finished your ink, let's go, go to Heifeng Mountain!"

Tang Chen looked annoyed at Tang Sanzang's posturing.Xiao Bailong gave Tang Chen a grateful look.

Tang Sanzang was so good at talking, he put a golden hoop on the little white dragon's head, tortured him, and disturbed his thinking. This was a two-pronged approach, physical and spiritual torture.The little white dragon Aoyu was also on the verge of collapse.

Tang Sanzang glanced sideways at Tang Chen, he was very resentful, he was taking in younger brothers.In the end, he was disturbed by Tang Chen, and the next time he was brainwashed, he would definitely not have the peace of mind and effort this time.He has a deep understanding.

"What are you?"

Tang Chen seemed to have eyes in the back of his head, and turned his head to look at Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang was taken aback, and wanted to 'pretend' in front of Xiao Bailong to establish his prestige.In the end, Tang Chen didn't show face, and seemed to want to slap him in the face.

Tang Sanzang didn't dare to respond, 'What are you doing? ’, he walked over, walked around behind Tang Chen generously, lightly dusted off the dust, and said earnestly: "Look at your back, it's full of foam. As a martial god, you must pay attention to your image."

"I'd like it! I made it myself! I'm not happy about the lack of dirt!"

Tang Chen sincerely dismantled the stage, and angrily rebuked Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang smiled slightly, with a broad-minded look.self-deprecating.

Looking at Liuyin Xiaoshan, he said: "Look at this violent temper, if you want to use your [Seven Fragrance Car], I am an old monk, I always have lingering fears. I don't care, but it is not good to hurt sister Guanyin. Look, The road is so rugged, the rocks are so sharp, and the green grass tip is like a small knife. Tsk tsk, I don’t even have hair, so good, so good!.”

Tang Chen's face was gloomy, and he almost ran away.His fingers turned white.creak.

Tang Sanzang saw it, turned his face and continued, and said to Xiao Bailong: "However, how can the Martial God lose his temper? This is called character, and this is the main reason why I admire Tang Chen. It’s very painful, but without the chili, I really don’t have the appetite to swallow the bland rice…”

Tang Chen and Liuyin Xiaoshan looked at each other and raised their hands to slap their heads.Big headache.

It is undeniable that Tang Sanzang is very good at seizing opportunities, such as the golden ring that he just got, and he used it in the blink of an eye.He also got a pure-blooded real dragon. It seems that there is no suspense about the little white dragon being ridden to the west by him.

Suddenly, Tang Chen felt something in his heart.

"We won't take the teleportation array, let's go to a place first."

"Where?" Liuyin Xiaoshan asked before getting into Qixiang's car.

Tang Chen whispered: "Five Elements Mountain."

"Oh?" Liuyin Xiaoshan was thoughtful.

Latitude ocean, between the two teleportation formations of Yingshoujian and Heifeng Mountain.There is a mountain in the shape of a broken hand, with the aurora criss-crossing, the light is bright and dazzling, I don't know when it started, the mountain of the broken hand looks like glass, and the scenery here can be seen from the opposite side.

There are interstellar pirates trying to refine this mountain to make a magic weapon. Unfortunately, the wish is good, but the road is extremely bumpy. When he jumped up and climbed the Five Elements Mountain, his body collapsed. At a speed visible to the naked eye, he belonged to Five Elements.

It's weird, and it's scary.

However, the more this is the case, the more people come to take risks.

There are even many masquerading powers hidden in the depths of the latitude ocean, who also come to try their luck by flying war beasts.

Tang Chen's Seven Fragrance Car was unremarkable among this group of people.Sitting in the car, Tang Chen stared at these martial arts heroes looking for opportunities from a distance.

"Aoyu, later you will become a beetle, and I will sit on your back in the future. Sitting cross-legged. Oh, it's not good, it's too smooth, my cultivation is limited, oh! You will turn into that tortoise, with patterns on the shell , very exquisite, and also has friction..., no! That white horse with wings is not bad..."

Tang Sanzang was nagging, Tang Chen frowned from time to time.This guy brainwashes Ao Yu from time to time, the routine is very vulgar, violent and annoying.Xiao Bailong has been made crazy by this fellow.

If it wasn't for the immortality of the dragon's blood and the immortality of the dragon's soul, he would have wanted to commit suicide a long time ago.It can be seen how annoying Tang Sanzang is.

"Hahaha, this mountain is weird, I'm going to give up. Please get out of the way." Someone flinched.Step on the flying war beast and go down the mountain in reverse.

Under his feet is a barking moon-condensing snow beast. Its four hooves are snow-white, and its whole body is crystal clear like jade. Especially its wings are like ten thousand years of snow on the top of a distant mountain.

This is a strange beast, a Tianma variant of the primordial bloodline.Stronger than Pegasus, it has combat effectiveness. A pair of wings can be used for both offense and defense. Of course, the more important function is to fly.

Those who covet the Five Elements Mountain are all stunning and ruthless people who dominate one side. Some people have already taken a fancy to this [Yueyueyushen Beast] with the idea of ​​harvesting mulberry elm in the east.

"Taoist Kong Xuan, I have always been in awe of you. I didn't expect you to be such a cowardly and incompetent person. I am really sorry for my endless years of worshiping you!"

Someone started making trouble.The man looked disdainful.Not loud, but loud enough to fill the space.


Taoist Kong Xuan couldn't help being stunned, looking from a distance, but he had a kind face, not very familiar with him.This is also unknown.Walking in the rivers and lakes, if you encounter such a thing, you can only deal with it carefully.Before finding out the details, you must treat each other with courtesy.

Taoist Kong Xuan clasped his fists away.

"Thank you for your wrong love! I still have self-knowledge. The so-called martial arts do not exceed the rules, and everything is based on the heart."

Unexpectedly, one stone stirred up thousands of waves, Taoist Kong Xuan was neither humble nor overbearing, and did not resolve the situation.On the contrary, there is a suspicion of showing cowardice.After all, there is no one to help, and this alone proves that Taoist Kong Xuan is only one person.

swoosh swish~
Several interstellar warships and a large number of flying war beasts seemed to inadvertently block Taoist Kong Xuan's way.

Taoist Kong Xuan panicked.He couldn't handle so many people.Looking back, the Five Elements Mountain still stands.Very few people.

Kong Xuan yelled: "What are you going to do? Do you have to force me to set foot on the Five Elements Mountain? Could it be that I'm behind, do you enjoy watching it?"

"Give me a flying war beast, and our heat mercenary group will escort you away." Someone solemnly stated that he was the leader of the heat mercenary group.

"We send you the flying saucer with the inscription pattern, please believe in the integrity of the Sirius bounty hunter team." The second leader of the Sirius Gang said that he trampled on others.

Several forces, without losing the opportunity, set out conditions.

Taoist Kong Xuan looked sad and angry, he finally understood that almost everyone has taken a fancy to the flying war beast [Baking Moon Snow Beast] under his crotch!
(End of this chapter)

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