Shushan Wushen

Chapter 226 Love and Not Love Have Different Endings

Chapter 226 Love and Not Love Have Different Endings

The Five Elements Mountain cannot be approached by Liuyin Xiaoshan, nor can Tang Sanzang. Once contacted, the five elements that are rich in the mountain are extremely pure, and will quickly form reverse osmosis, draining the body, including the soul, and even the five elements contained in the soul. element.

This is a basic attribute of elements, aggregation.

"Master, I want to kill the little dog."

Seeing that the crowd of onlookers had disappeared, Chi Hulong couldn't bear it, so he jumped out.A volleying somersault cloud landed in front of Tang Chen with a look of surprise.

Although Chihulong and Tang Chen do not exist [War Beast Contract·Eternal Allegiance] now, Chihulong himself sincerely takes refuge in it.He is one of Tang Chen's iron fans.Whether there is a contract or not, he is sincere.

Chihulong has an innate fear of loneliness and indifference, and it is more dependent on Tang Chen's team than anyone else.Tang Chen is very clear about this, since he went to Dragon God Palace last time, he also understands it.

This is a desperate guy, living a miserable life, except for the old dragon god, everyone wants him to die.Or, never see you!

Tang Chen and Chi Hulong hugged each other big.Tang Chen solemnly said to Chihulong.

"Chi Hulong, I hope you, from now on, will cheer up forever, and stop calling yourself a dog leg. It's okay to joke, but only occasionally. You, after all, are a member of Tang Chen's team, and you are my best friend Tang Chen !"

Chi Hulong petrified, stared blankly at Tang Chen, was stunned for a while, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Tang Chen, you have always regarded me as a friend."

Tang Chen put his arms around Chi Hulong's shoulder, and patted lightly: "You are my best buddy! The kind you can talk to, you know my secrets. It's hard not to consider you as a friend."

This is a simple transition. Tang Chen's intention is to free Chihulong from his emotional emotions through communication.Then zoom in.

This guy's inner quality is too fragile, not so sensational, hot on the scene... Tang Chen knows very well that if he directly magnifies his tricks, it will definitely collapse.Even crazy!
Chi Hulong smirked, very relieved, Tang Chen saw warmth and satisfaction through his eyes.This product lacks everything, but it will never feel safe, and a heartwarming word can make it burn for a season.

Extremely lack of love!

"This is Liuyin Xiaoshan, this is Tang Sanzang, and this is Tang Sanzang's white dragon horse."

Tang Chen solemnly and calmly introduced them one by one. When Chihulong saw Qixiangche's exposed dragon head, his expression changed drastically.It rushed over like crazy, dragged the faucet, checked carefully, and after confirming that it was Ao Yu, it burst into tears.

Hugging the body of the third prince Yulong, he wailed terribly and was in pain.

"Fifth brother, fifth brother, why did you leave? Who did you get murdered by? Fifth brother, do you know? When you babbled and called out the first big brother, I was so happy. , even though you were ignorant again and again. But elder brother knows that your nature is not bad, woo woo woo, fifth younger brother, fifth younger brother, don’t worry, elder brother will go to Dragon Tomb to pick you back to Dragon God Palace when he becomes stronger..."

Tang Chen glanced at Bai Longma from time to time. Bai Longma was extremely shocked at first, then showed contempt, and finally scratched his hooves impatiently, very anxious.Tang Chen blocked its vocal cords.Otherwise, this guy would have already attacked Chihulong.

Little White Dragon knows the weakness of Chihulong. In fact, no one in the Dragon Palace knows the temperament of Chihulong. It's just that the feeling of trampling on others at will is too good, which makes them want to stop.

Tang Chen originally thought that Xiao Bailong could still have a little remorse, but unexpectedly this guy's performance was extremely disappointing.

Aoyu, a little white dragon, is impure in nature and has long since lost her original intention.In any family or group, it is not worth communicating with, let alone deep friendship.To put it nicely, it's heartless and ungrateful, but to put it bluntly, it's heartless and indifferent!
This is Tang Chen's last test for the little white dragon. If Ao Yu passes the test, then the matter will be dropped and will never be mentioned again. But now it seems that Ao Yu is trying to die, and Chihulong has a great chance.

The body of the third prince of Yulong is very long, covering eighteen thousand miles, majestic and continuous.The scales are exquisite and mysterious, and each piece is filled with nine-colored holy light. Although it loses the blessing of the dragon soul, it still does not lose its majesty at all.

Tang Chen put away the Qixiang cart, helped Chihulong smooth the dragon's body, took out a brand new towel, and wiped the scales one by one.

Occasionally it summons swarms of water elementals to wash away the dirt in the folds of its scales.

There were a few scales on the head, which were broken. After Tang Chen signaled, Liuyin Xiaoshan helped to repair it at the cost of his source.

Tang Sanzang was rarely very quiet, silently took out a monk's robe, and helped wipe the wet water stains...

"Thank you master, thank you sister Liuyin Xiaoshan, Sanzang thank you..."

Chi Hulong had a sad face and wept unceasingly.Bow again and again.

Tang Chen scolded: "I'm your friend and the boss of Tang Chen's team, don't you consider me a friend? Is it me, Tang Chen, who is a member of the noble Dragon Clan? Don't call me master again! Okay? Okay? Okay?" Okay? Say important things three times!"

Chi Hulong raised his head sadly, with tears in his eyes, and a monkey face, it was difficult to express solemnity, a very disobedient tone, and he roared: "Brother Tang Chen! Brother Tang Chen! Brother Tang Chen! Important people, shout three times!" !"

"Hahaha, good buddy! Good buddy! Start your new life! Be an authentic dragon! Come on!"

Tang Chen looked at Chihulong with utmost encouragement, and with a wave of his hand, he threw the white dragon horse with its hooves up into the parallel space painting environment.This guy can't bear it anymore, it's going to make trouble.But Tang Chen did a great job, but Xiao Bailong could still see this scene.

Liuyin Xiaoshan, Tang Sanzang also saw Tang Chen's routine, one on each side, patted Chihulong's back, held Chihulong's arm, and kept persuading.

"Is this okay? This is the fifth brother's physical body... Hiss? I can't."

Chi Hulong was very embarrassed, looked around deeply apologetically, and turned his gaze to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen said seriously: "Did you kill Ao Yu?"

Chi Hulong shook his head: "No! Of course not!"

Tang Chen said again: "Is Ao Yu treating you well?"

"This..." Chi Hulong's face was tangled, his teeth grinned in pain, and the corners of his mouth even made a sound of "hiss, hiss, hiss, chi chi~".Scratch your ears and cheeks.This does not require the dragon soul to dominate, subconscious movements, body language.

Little White Dragon Aoyu, deeply remorseful, he felt a little remorse, but it was really too late.

It understood that Tang Chen would no longer give it a chance, and only now did it wake up.Tang Chen just left it outside, deliberately did not introduce it, just wanted to observe it, and then decided to persuade Chihulong.

But such a precious opportunity was abandoned by Ao Yu himself.It didn't cherish it at the time, and still followed the inertial thinking of others, which killed itself and pitted itself.

(End of this chapter)

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