Shushan Wushen

Chapter 234 Nowhere to See Remnant Blood on the Residual Bridge

Chapter 234 Nowhere to See Remnant Blood on the Residual Bridge

"I think back in the day, I, Mu Fengling, was willing to give up my beloved son's life to cultivate myself, but also to save Xiaoyao Universe, now it seems—"

"Never regret it!"

Tang Longwang scolded angrily, and Mu Fengling blushed.He is a dull and honest person, he does not lose his temper easily, and is always accommodating to Mu Fengling, but at this moment, only by insisting on his belief can he maintain his almost meaningless self-esteem, even though it is so fragile and pale!

Tang Chen looked at his parents quietly, without saying a word.He reached out and patted their shoulders comfortingly.

"The decree has arrived!"

With a sharp shout, the eunuch who passed the order strode in.

Since Tang Chen was the Duke of the former emperor, he naturally didn't need to accept the order, and hid in the back hall.And Mu Fengling and Tang Longwang, as citizens of the empire, should also avoid them, but instead of entering the back hall, they followed Liu Qifeng respectfully...

Tang Chen shook his head slightly and sighed from the bottom of his heart.It's just that the parents are flustered.

"Following the fate of the heavens, the Emperor Batian said: Prince Wushen led the prince to fight in the valley of the undead, slaughtered countless ghost beasts, and expanded the territory of the Jinduo Empire. I am so relieved that I granted his request and donated the general's merits to Tang Chen. Tang Chen is now canonized as the Duke of the Undead of the Jinduo Empire, and an edict will be issued today to turn the Valley of the Undead into Tang Chen's fief, and the Valley of the Undead will be forever town..."


Liu Qifeng was shocked, and Tang Chen was also shocked.The Valley of the Undead is one of the areas where ghost beasts gather, and it is surrounded by the ghost beast mountains. There are no fertile fields and water sources, and there is no one inhabited there...

This is clearly driving away Chaoge!

"I want to enter the palace to face the saint!"

Liu Qifeng looked angry, and the eunuch who passed the decree smiled, and looked at Mu Fengling and Tang Longwang: "You two are Tang Chen's parents, right? You can also go to the palace to face the saint together."

Tang Chen couldn't help smiling wryly when he heard the words in the back hall.I have made too much credit for this, no matter whether it is the Tangmen of Shushan or the Jinduo Empire, no one is willing to accept it.

On the one hand, treating Tang Chen as a hero would definitely offend the Jade Emperor.That is offending the gods.No one would dare to do that.

The second and the most important thing is that Tang Chen lost his cultivation, and he has the Jade Emperor as a shame. This is an insurmountable chasm, and he has no potential for development in his life.

Sure enough, after the three of Liu Qifeng returned from the palace, Mu Fengling and Tang Longwang were awarded the title, and looked at Tang Chen with apologetic expressions.

"Chenchen, you are an adult, Batian Great Emperor is right, you should go to practice..."

Tang Chen's face was extremely calm.With a wry smile in my heart, is the last family relationship really lost?But he smiled and replied: "Father, mother, it's good if you can stay in Chaoge, I will go to the Valley of the Undead alone to make contributions!"


Tang Longwang and Mu Fengling, who were apprehensive, applauded at the same time!

Tang Chen's heart was in pain like a knife was cut and crushed.With a pale complexion and a forced smile, he looked at Liu Qifeng and said, "Lord Martial God, you took in my Tang Chen family three months ago, and almost suffered a catastrophe. Tang Chen knows it well. I will write down this feeling."

After finishing speaking, I solemnly bowed my hands.Liu Qifeng waved his hand, carefully told: "Don't mention this matter!"

This is a taboo, it would be bad to let Liu Batian know.

Tang Chen left Chaoge alone, but there was no one to see him off.Even Tang Longwang and Mu Fengling were busy with socializing, and they didn't even say a word of farewell.Not to mention those heart-warming, heart-warming exhortations.

Tang Chen was abandoned by everyone...

Tang Chen's body is light and light, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, walking on the post road, his heart is like a vast ocean of latitude, helpless, and nothing to worry about!

Tang Chen smiled, smiled, and the yellow dust flying on the post road outlined the landscape of mountains and rivers on his face.Two meandering rivers flow in twists and turns.

"Being abandoned by everyone proves that I am incompetent at the moment! However, just because I enjoy the treatment of abandonment, this also proves that I, Tang Chen, was valuable in my existence! People do things in their lives, but they only do things according to their heart! Be loyal to yourself Faith is enough."

A realization came to my mind, boom!He opened his frown.

Seeing that there was no one around, Tang Chen, hey~, as if he inadvertently grabbed a wandering phoenix feather Liu Yanmei, flicked his fingers, and created a picture scroll.He looked up to the sky and sighed.Quietly exhaled a mouthful of original breath.His face turned pale with a 'shua'.

The cultivation base is lost, but this body is still extraordinary, and the physical body is sanctified.But pulling away a trace of the original energy made Tang Chen grow old.

Injecting the original energy into the picture scroll, it becomes the painting environment.

Tang Chen retreated into the painting environment, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.The clairvoyance of the Jade Emperor God Realm is like a light on his back, watching him all the time.

At this moment, falling into the line of sight of Clairvoyance, Tang Chen in the painting scene, hidden in the grass, sat cross-legged in meditation.

As for Tang Chen's real body, he adjusted his breathing rate, swish!Precious light rose from his body, hey~, it disappeared.

Tang Chen went to the underworld.

"Ah, what happened here?"

On the other side of the Wangchuan River, the blue flowers on the other side are withering, while the red flowers on the other side are in full bloom, with luxuriant branches and leaves, wandering spirits are everywhere, and ghosts cry loudly.

Tang Chen stopped and watched, on the other side of the Wangchuan River, there were ruins, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, a piece of wreckage, blue dark blood, glittering and translucent, extremely ominous.

Walking all the way along the Wangchuan River, I was surprised to find the Naihe Bridge.

Po Meng's eyes were wide open, and she died in terror, with a withered and severed hand still clutching her shoulder.The bridge of Naihe was broken, and the middle of Duke Meng's body was broken at that end, and his blood was dark red with black light.It is not far from Huashen.It's a pity that he died.

Although Meng Po is not a god, she has become a god in the flesh, and her soul is annihilated, and she will surely perish.


Tang Chen let out a long sigh: "I don't see the porridge man on the Naihe Bridge again! I don't hear Meng Gong's screeching screams anymore. No soul can cross the river of forgetfulness!"

Tang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Yuliu's eyebrows, creating a painting environment, turning countless ghost beasts and dead human souls into a [Picture of Ghosts in Hell], and putting them into the inscription ring.Avoided the tragedy of turning into flowers on the other side.

A few drops of clear tears, several sighs.That's all Tang Chen can do!
The present does not force the past, the divine power in the past was against the sky, but now it is just a mortal.The ability is too limited.

A ray of precious light spontaneously emerged, and Tang Chen activated [True Listening: Howling Panting] again, broke through the barrier, and returned to Cool Star.

Then Tang Chen adjusted his position and descended to the underworld again.

This time, with intentions, he came to the city of the underworld.

Tang Chen buried Meng Gong with his own hands.After going to Bitter Spring, I was shocked to find that [Bitter Spring Palace] was nowhere to be seen.Tang Chen felt hopeful in his heart, he really hoped that Feng Chong [Eating Coffin and Strange Tomb] could lead the disciples of Tang Sect to escape this catastrophe.

Tang Chen had many guesses in his mind, but he couldn't figure out what caused the destruction of the underworld.It should be known that the underworld is the most important supporting part of the Three Realms.Specializes in reincarnation.

Without the support of the underworld, the human world is like water without a source and a tree without roots.And the God Realm has since lost the supplement of fresh gods!

"No! This is a big deal. I want to see the Tathagata. Ask me why!"

(End of this chapter)

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