Shushan Wushen

Chapter 235 Goodbye, Gao Laozhuang

Chapter 235 Goodbye, Gao Laozhuang

Tang Chen led his companions to refine the teleportation array all the way.It quickly approached the range of the Jade Emperor God Realm.

Gaolaozhuang, looking from a distance, the fields are criss-crossed, the land is flat and open, and the houses are like houses.Chicken and dog hear each other.A gigantic pig with an unusually large body bowed its head to the ground.

"Tang Chen, that big pig, why does it look so familiar?"

Shi Zhongyu wiped the animal milk from the corner of his lips, and said casually.

Tang Chen was busy refining the teleportation array, so he didn't pay attention just now. Hearing this, he turned his gaze to the giant pig; the big pig was sweating profusely, covered in weeds and fresh soil, but the fur color patterns on the giant pig were extremely delicate and mysterious.Obviously extraordinary!

"It can't be the piggy running around—" Chen Ye guessed tentatively.

"What nonsense are you talking about? A piggy will slam on the ground? That's a proud time priest!" Ding Yin was very disdainful.

"Let the little pig slap the ground with its nose, unless Chang'e! Hahaha, but Chang'e should be reluctant!" Luo Yao cast a mocking look at Chen Ye.


The giant pig's body trembled when he heard Tang Chen's team mates talking, huh!Turning the pig's head just happened to meet Tang Chen's eyes...

"Tang Chen!?"

"Running?..." Tang Chen exclaimed in surprise, even though the size of those familiar eyes was enlarged, they were still familiar and couldn't be more familiar.And Xiao Zhu ran to question, which also proved Tang Chen's judgment.

The little pig quickly jumped towards Tang Chen, and at the same time, his size rapidly became smaller...

Dirty and dirty, he smiled meanly, and stretched out his little hoof to shake hands and even hug.

"Damn! The smell of manure on Renran's body is so strong!" Chen Ye and Shi Zhongyu ran away while complaining.


Little Pig Zanran looked very disappointed, his eyes were red.

"No, no, no, don't worry!"

Tang Chen hugged Xiaozhu Ranran, Shi Zhongyu, Chen Ye and Luo Yao, they also felt Xiaozhu Ranran's loneliness.Hastily turned around and snatched the little pig, and took turns hugging.

The little pig ran away, laughing through tears.

Chen Ye told the truth: "If you don't treat me as a partner, why would we despise you so much?"

"Yes! Renran, what happened to you? Why are you still helping others?" Qin Qiong asked.

Han Xiang also grabbed a river carefully, and Shi Zhongyu and other partners rushed to help the little pig bathe.

Tang Chen even took out a dozen incense sticks from the inscription pattern ring to drive away the stench for the little pig.

"Jade Emperor God Realm, it's gone!" Little Pig spit out the soap bubbles in his mouth, and also spit out these words.

"The Jade Emperor is gone, so of course the Jade Emperor God Realm is gone!" Shi Zhongyu responded while rubbing the little pig's nails.

"It's not what you imagined, but the plane is gone! The Three Realms have all disappeared!" Xiaozhu Renran explained solemnly, with fear in his eyes.


Tang Chen made a silent movement, preventing Tang Chen's team members from asking questions.The little pig let out a long sigh and spoke eloquently.

"Xiu Xiuqiu settled accounts and demoted me from the Jade Emperor God Realm to the mortal world, and stationed in Gao Laozhuang's teleportation formation. She was also afraid that I would be picked out privately, and she returned to the God Realm to report on her duties on a regular basis. When I went back several times, I only saw endless void. Last time Going back is the latitude ocean, and the trace of the Jade Emperor God Realm... is gone!"

Tang Chen saw the little pig's eye circles turn red again, knowing that it was thinking of Chang'e.Directly off topic.

"The Jade Emperor God Realm is gone, but fortunately there are Cool Stars..."

"Aw!~, Cool Star? The Happy Universe is gone!" the little pig wailed, kicking the little pig's legs in pain, splashing Shi Zhongyu and Chai Shao's faces with bath water.

With a heavy heart, the partners wiped it away silently without pursuing it.

Just at this moment, a monstrous scream suddenly sounded.

"Damn stupid pig, lazy again! Why don't you work?"

Before anyone arrived, the voice came first, Tang Chen followed the voice with a cold face, and suddenly lost his voice: "Gao Cuilan?!"

Dang clap~

Without paying attention, Gao Cuilan stepped on the rake, and the handle of the rake suddenly stood up... Boom!Just as it hit her on the head, Gao Cuilan fainted with an "Aww~".


The little pig jumped out of the barrel with a "hoo", picked up Gao Cuilan, and called out anxiously.Sincerely.

Tang Chen sighed, he never dreamed that the little pig would fly by and become a seed of infatuation.

"Here is [Shushan Golden Pill], feed her to eat it."

With a flick of Tang Chen's finger, a shining treasure pill was handed over to Xiaozhu Zanran.

Gao Cuilan woke up leisurely, fixed her eyes on the little pig, and cursed at her.Obscene language is unbearable!
The partners of Tang Chen's team looked at the little pig in shock and astonishment.

Han Xiangyi even greeted Gao Cuilan's face with his hands, but Xiaozhu Zhanran stopped her with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Tang Chen felt bored, impatiently released the power of the world, and directly refined this world.At this point, Gao Laozhuang also returned to Dongtu.

"Old Cheng, I have never seen such a tough woman! Today, take a look!"

Cheng Yaojin's words pierced the hearts of his partners.

In the ocean of latitude, Tang Chen's team members all felt lingering fear.I mourn for the little pig in my heart.

Tang Chen and his companions walked and chatted, feeling very sad.

Xiaozhu Renran was originally a love-loving person, but he became like this after being infected by Chihulong's eccentricities.It is also the meaning of the title.

Shi Zhongyu's bad taste came up, and he was curious about the second episode of the love story.Encouraging Tang Chen to speed up the passage of time in Gao Laozhuang.

Tang Chen couldn't bear the constant bewitching of his companions, so he regained his divine power and led Tang Chen's team to the east.

The time is leisurely and fast.

Under the hard work of Xiaozhu, Gao Laozhuang has been harvesting year after year.But Xiaozhu Zhanran is in a bad mood and absent-minded in doing things.He was repeatedly abused by Gao Cuilan. One day 1 years later, Gao Cuilan was so angry that she called Zhuang Ding and tied up the little pig...

Kill the New Year Pig!

Tang Chen was shocked, and hurriedly used the power of the world to save the little pig Rianran, and used [creation] to make a fake substitute, let the Zhuang Ding go in with a white knife, come out with a red knife, kill the pig and let the blood out...

There are many people and strength, and that pig body quickly turned into a delicious pork.

Gao Cuilan ate quite happily, was very full, and started to cry when she was full.

First weeping softly, then crying loudly, and finally crying loudly, crying very sadly, and passed out several times.

Little Pig Zanran couldn't bear it, and turned his face away.The eye circles are red.

The partners of Tang Chen's team looked at each other, and saw enlightenment in each other's eyes!
What is love?

The shape of love lies in its essence. If you are a straight tree, I am a soft vine, and you are a water plant, and I would like to be a big river.When we are both wild beasts to each other, then I hope that I am the wolf king and you are the embarrassing king.If not, then hurt each other until the body is completely shattered, or, the end of life.

Complementarity is important, and mutual respect is even more important.

The little pig quickly covered his chest with his hands, and it could be seen that it was heartbroken and riddled with holes.Sighing: "Chang'e is so beautiful that the Jade Emperor covets her. In the end, I failed to keep it and was taken away. One kind of pain, two wounds! Gao Cuilan was born ugly, and I wanted to stay together for a lifetime. I don't want to..., alas!"

"Ugly people do more tricks!" Han Xiang also said.

Tang Chen shook his head.Said: "People are not beautiful because of their appearance, but because of their character."

"No matter how beautiful you are, you are just a skin. If you have a bad personality, that is a worthless face. Therefore, I have decided that when I look for a martial partner in the future, I must find someone who looks the same."

Ding Yin's eyes sparkled, and he realized a lot.Confidentially swear.But when he looked up, he froze.

Tang Chen's team members, including Xiaozhu Zianran.

They all pointed at... Gao Cuilan.

"Just think about it,..."

Piggy, after all, attaches great importance to love and gathers divine power. With a wave of his hand, he takes Gao Cuilan's nine-toothed nail rake into his hand.

Tang Chen's team members patted Little Pig on the back one after another.Knowing it is the last farewell.

"Daughter country! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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