Shushan Wushen

Chapter 252 Ya Concubine's Courage

Chapter 252 Ya Concubine's Courage

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Tang Guangde turned his head and said: "Just send it to Zhu Tai, he is your grandfather's best friend."

Tang Yin responded.Slowly stood up to build up momentum, and walked out of the box.

"You say that my paintings are made under false pretenses. What evidence do you have?"

Tang Chen handed in a sentence, Tang Yin learned a sentence.

Hearing this, Zhuang Bifang turned her head and glanced unkindly at Tang An not far away.

"Do you dare to paint in class?"

"Why don't you dare? What's the difficulty?... But are you worthy?" Tang Yin said.

Yuan Tianding yelled from downstairs: "Tang Bohu, who do you think is worthy?"

The corners of Tang Chen's mouth twitched, and Tang Yin relayed: "Why? What qualifications do you have to ask me to paint?"

At this time, Yafei also saw the situation clearly.Her face remained the same, but her smile was lacking.

"Mr. Yuan, I have an autumn grain auction here. It's a big matter. Please take a seat under the stage. Don't make any noise."

Yafei is protecting and favoring the Tang family.Because the Tang Bohu in her cognition, it is absolutely impossible to make such a masterpiece that can be handed down from generation to generation.Her concubine Ya is also very righteous when she walks in the muddy water.

However, in this way, Yuan Tianding and Zhuang Bifang were offended and offended.For the auction house, this is very uneconomical.However, Yafei still stepped forward.

Mutel in the background nodded appreciatively.He took a few steps back and sat in a chair.He grabbed the teacup with peace of mind, and the expression on his face relaxed again.Yafei did what he wanted to do.Why is he not at ease.Besides, Yafei couldn't stand it anymore, and Mutter still had room for maneuver.

This situation is considered favorable for old friend Tang Guangde.

Tang Chen stared at Ya Fei from afar, and was immediately amazed.The charm of a woman is not only pretty in appearance, but also scale and courage in acting.

"This woman is extraordinary!"

Tang Chen told Tang Yin: "Go downstairs and paint!"

Tang Yin then cupped his fists at Ya Fei, "Sister Ya Fei, please delay the auction for a while, and allow me to paint on the spot to seal the mouths of these boring guys! How about doubling the commission for painting auctions?"

Ya Fei smiled sweetly, "That's naturally excellent! The commission for calligraphy and painting is much higher than that of Qiu Liang. Hehehe~"

With Ya Fei's confidant smile, the atmosphere became relaxed and wonderful.

Yafei ordered people to prepare rice paper and paint brushes.Tang Yin stepped onto the auction stage slowly.

Tang Chen also intentionally teased Concubine Ya, so he gave Tang Yin some instructions.

Tang Yin also felt Tang Chen's commotion, and smiled at Concubine Ya, "Sister Yafei, what would you like to draw? I will draw whatever you like. Come up with an artistic conception."

Yafei laughed, looking at Tang Yin's respectful eyes, her unrestrained speech, she felt a strong sense of disconnection, just like the abrupt gravel in the [Picture of Standing Stones and Flowers].

"Girls, I always like flowers and plants, so you can draw some flowers and plants. Hehehe~"

She originally wanted Tang Yin to paint the portraits of the characters, but one was time-consuming and laborious, and the other was that the painting was going to be auctioned. With her intelligence and experience, she knew that if this painting fell into the hands of some people, it was hard to guarantee that she would not make it Something shameful.

Very nasty!

Tang Yin's crappy communication with Ya Fei was actually very laborious. The words were conveyed to Tang Chen, and he respected Tang Chen very much. Seeing that Tang Chen liked Ya Fei, his eyes were naturally full of respect.

In the eyes of Ya Fei, who is used to seeing big scenes, it is just a boy's "little shyness".However, in the eyes of Yuan Tianding, Zhuang Bifang and other troublemakers, they are a bit pretentious and timid.

How could a little guy with such sentiments create such a majestic and majestic painting?There must be something strange about this matter!
So they became even more arrogant.

If it was said that Tang Chen would just draw [Standing Stones Cong Huitu], they would be helpless, after all, Tang Yin should have at least copied it.I can only pick out some faults in the brushwork.

Obviously, Tang Yin was showing off his talent.Or, playing tricks.

Just when they were about to watch a good show.Tang Yin spoke again: "Yuan Tianding, Zhuang Bifang, you just openly questioned my Tang family. Don't you want to explain this matter?"

"Confession? What confession? There is no need to explain this matter. Besides, it is still unknown whether you can make paintings of this level!" Zhuang Bifang looked arrogant.

"Stop gossiping. If you can't do it, then refund the painting money and kowtow to everyone to admit your mistake." Yuan Tianding urged impatiently.Greed and viciousness rose in his eyes.

Tang Yin stared at Yuan Tianding, and then looked at Zhuang Bifang: "I don't want to talk about you two, I'm afraid you have taken a fancy to the painting I auctioned. Huh! If I make this painting, the level of the painting will not be inferior to those two Shui Mo Danqing, how about you kowtow to everyone in the audience to make amends and pay all autumn grain commissions on this stage?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

The commission for the autumn grain auction is really not high.But I can't stand the large number.There are thousands of stones and ten thousand stones at every turn, and when they are accumulated, the autumn grain commission is also thousands of taels of silver for one transaction.

This is equivalent to the annual salaries of four or five court officials.It's a huge sum of money.

Zhuang Bifang and Yuan Tianding looked at each other. Zhuang Bifang was not driven by profit, so he shook his head, losing money if he lost, and no benefit at all if he won, so what's the point?But Yuan Tianding was tempted by Zuoyan's 1 taels of silver, so naturally he refused to give up.

Yuan Tianding urged: "Brother Zhuang is shrunken and timid this time, his literary name has something to do with it."

Zhuang Bifang's body trembled and became rigid.Sigh and nod.His knot lies in the fact that Tang Hui didn't accept him as a student back then.The villain is always on the same page.

However, this investment seems a bit risky.

Without waiting for the two to express their opinions, Tang Yin had already written a contract, still under the feet of the two, slyly said: "Let's sign it! In case you lose, you won't admit it."

Yuan Tianding was extremely treacherous, and he had a trace of uneasiness and uneasiness in his heart.Seeing that Tang Yin deliberately humiliated them.Inner ecstasy.

He said in his heart, "Boy, so you are trying to find a breakthrough here. If we don't sign, you will use an excuse to settle the matter. Fortunately, I am very smart, and I almost fell into your trap."

He bent down to pick it up, pulled Zhuang Bifang to the table, and signed it.He laughed loudly: "Tang Bohu, what reason do you have to shirk? Hurry up and paint!"

Tang Yin smiled calmly: "You don't have to step down, it will save you the trouble of kowtowing on stage later. In addition, be prepared to pay the autumn grain commission to the auction house. Remember, don't beg Uncle Mu for a discount! It's embarrassing, no one can do it. did it."

These words were very heartbreaking and blocked their way of retreat.It also put a layer of armor on the Zijin auction house.

Yuan Tianding urged impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense! Tell me if you can paint or not, and return the money for the painting quickly.~"

Tang Yin stretched out his hand and clicked in the air: "Since you want to lose your fame, then I, Tang Yin, will fulfill the two of you today. It's really bad luck."

After repeating Tang Chen's original words, Tang Yin walked towards the rice paper.The rice paper has already been rolled out.Tang Yin took several brushes and held them between his fingers one by one.Turn your wrist and feel the weight of the brush.Shake the switch joint.Only then did I go to the inkstone pool to dip in ink.

Tang Chen manipulated the strength of Tang Yin's fingers, soaking only the nib of the pen, and just as the pen came out, Ya Fei, Yuan Tianding, and Zhuang Bifang were on the stage.Everyone in the audience just had a blur in front of their eyes, and the brush had a continuous afterimage, puff puff puff, ~

It was directly stuck on the rice paper, like blood splattered on the spot.Vivid or bright, as well as obscure pink, ... a large cloud of stains.

"...Hiss! You're messing around!" Zhu Tai suddenly stood up.His face was gloomy.

"Oh!" Yafei exclaimed in surprise.

"Bai Blind, this first-class emblem has been announced! Tsk tsk~" Zhuang Bifang curled her lips, gloating at his misfortune as if relieved of a heavy burden.

"Hahaha! Exposed! Ruthlessly exposed! Refund the painting!" Yuan Tianding looked happy.Fingers trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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