Shushan Wushen

Chapter 253 Make an Advertisement Randomly

Chapter 253 Make an Advertisement Randomly

【so sleepy!But I am still insisting!Ask for a blood transfusion!Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month!Book friends, let's do it!I update every three hours!You are cool, so am I!Everyone is cool~!Let's go!The author's biggest motivation is the monthly support of readers!A mere 100 yuan will support the little brother with a monthly ticket, sincerely for sincerely, I am grateful for your life!I will never forget it~!support me!Ask for a monthly pass! ~~~~~~~~~~Thank you! ! ! 】

Tang Yin straightened up, his body swayed slightly, thinking, this big brother Tang Chen also took great pains in order to please Concubine Ya, this moment's control of strength, changing from heavy to heavy, moving from point to point, is really killing him.

Yuan Tianding was also greedy for profit, so he took a step forward and reached out to pat Tang Yin on the shoulder: "Hurry up and get a refund..."

Suddenly, an extremely ingenious force caused Yuan Tianding to lose his forehead balance. He slipped, flew into the air, and smashed hard on the auction stage, "...Hiss!" untie.

Just raising your hand, how could you jump up and fall so hard?This is too bad luck.Tang Yin didn't even touch the front of his clothes, so his feet slipped.

Looking down at him, he wanted to cry but had no tears.It turned out that a drop of ink was accidentally touched by my toe.Who can resist the mysterious "S" line without falling?

Bad luck, really bad luck.Why do you carry it like this?Could it be that when heaven is about to send a great mission to people, they must first suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, cut their bodies and walks in vain, and do not mess with their actions.

Thinking of this, Yuan Tianding thought it was a harbinger of getting rich, so he became happy again.Lying on the ground and dancing, it is amazing.Someone pointed in surprise.

Seeing this, Tang Guangde called Tang An, and gave orders with a smirk.If the senior dandy doesn't make a move, then it's a kill.

Before the end of this period, there were rumors in the big circle of Suzhou Mansion; Yuan Tianding actually fell into a fool at Zijin Auction.Taking the initiative to pay the autumn grain auction commission for the grain merchant... and so on.

Looking at Tang Yin again, dipped in the ink again, his wrists moved wonderfully, extremely mysterious.The pen tip flows in different shades, and it is done in one go in an instant.

At this moment, look at that mass of pink stains, the shades are suitable, in the meandering like a dragon, the layers of peach blossoms are really bright and colorful, and the fragrance of flowers suddenly comes out through the paper.

There is only a large area of ​​blank space, which is a bit abrupt, and it is too cramped when it is prosperous to the peach blossom.

Ya Fei quietly made a gesture of tearing it down, which was her suggestion.

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing, but Tang Yin was in a daze.This painting is indeed too incongruous.

"I chant, you write."

Tang Chen's voice rang in Tang Yin's ears.

Tang Yin followed his words and filled his pen with thick ink.

"Peach Blossom Nunnery in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Fairy under Peach Blossom Nunnery."

Ya Fei frowned unknowingly, shaking her fair and delicate neck: "Huh? Writing poetry? But, this artistic conception is too plain~"

Tang Chen chanted again: "The Peach Blossom Immortal plants peach trees."

Ya Fei pursed her lips and blinked her eyes. "It smells a little bit."

Tang Chen raised his eyebrows and kissed Ya Fei's lips quietly.Yafei noticed something.However, as Tang Chen recited, Tang Yin slowly wrote: "Picking peach blossoms to sell wine again!"

"Nice poem!"

Tang Chen was caught unexpectedly by Ya Fei's lips against his own.

Ya Fei was shocked and felt the heat of the humidity, but there was no one in front of her.At the same time, she was also fascinated by this [Peach Blossom Temple Song].Thinking that just now is an illusion!

She chanted quietly: "Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Fairy in Peach Blossom Temple; Peach Blossom Fairy planted peach trees, and picked peach blossoms to sell wine. It's so beautiful, ethereal and full of fun. I really like Peach Blossom Fairy in Peach Blossom Temple..."

Yafei's pupils filled the whole picture of peach blossoms, the pink color was bright and unparalleled, and she became more bright-eyed and kind-hearted.

"The old man bids 2 taels of silver! Bohu, sell it to Grandpa Zhu!"

With a shy old face, Zhu Tai looked at Tang Yin earnestly.

"I offer 5 taels of silver! Ah no, [-] taels of silver!" Someone stood up and shouted the price.

This hasn't started the auction yet.The event was so lively.It seems that this is not a picture of peach blossoms, but a magic picture with great magic power!

However, there are many crazy asking prices of "6 taels of silver...", "5000 taels of silver..." and "10 taels of silver...".Make the scene chaotic.

Under Tang Chen's suggestion, Tang Yin kept calm, calmly took out the big seal, bang!print it.Then he cleared his throat and shook his wrist.

"Grandpa Zhu, this painting will not be auctioned. My father told you to keep it as a souvenir. Peach blossoms bloom every year, and the old man is there every year!"

"Woooooh~" the old man Zhu Tai burst into tears.Staggered and trembling, a few charming maids stumbled and hurriedly helped them together.Rush to the auction block.

His old Zhu Tai quickly rolled up the scroll and ignored Tang Yin.Get closer to Yafei.

"Ya Fei, tomorrow I invite you to my house to enjoy paintings and drinks, is that okay?"

Ya Fei thought about it for a while and nodded.

Tang Yin was reminded by Tang Chen, and hurriedly said to Ya Fei: "I will give you a sketch of Laoniunen later."

Yafei's pretty face suddenly became cloudy and rosy, red as blood.More bright and moving.

Zhu Tai grinned, revealing his pink mouth, and cursed angrily: "Little bastard, it's a good thing to be a bad grandpa. Grandpa won't have many days to go, and he doesn't pay attention to respecting and respecting the elderly. Hmph!"

The words were harsh, but he stroked Tang Yin's head lovingly, and sighed: "Tang Hui's grandson is very good. That old man should be content. When you are free, you can go to my house and play with your brothers and sisters. Which one do you like? Grandpa will give you another house and daughter-in-law!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Zhu. The Zhu family already has a marriage contract with me. I don't dare to be greedy. However, the elders can't deny the gift. I will go to the mansion tomorrow to choose relatives."

Tang Yin was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly clasped his fists in thanks.

"Hahaha, okay, okay. Grandpa will arrange it for you tomorrow."

Zhu Tai glanced at Ya Fei again, hugged the peach blossom picture with his own hands, walked off the auction stage tremblingly, and left without stopping.Just at the moment of going out.Body shaking.

For no other reason, Tang Yin took advantage of this to make an advertisement: "I have written a lot of untitled poems in the past few years. I have selected some poems with neat rhythm and good artistic conception. They will be published in a collection and will be sold in bookstores soon. I hope everyone will correct them. ...Welcome to all literary friends, it enthusiastically."

"This Tang boy has published a book. It's too embarrassing for the old man. Tang Hui, your grandson is really outstanding, just watch how I can turn him into my grandson-in-law!"

If it is said that Tang Yin's previous paintings caught people off guard, then when this remark came out, it was earth-shattering.

Someone turned pale with shock on the spot.What does it mean for the Tang family to rise again?It's time for Tang Guangde, the biggest dandy in Suzhou and Hangzhou, to stir up trouble again.

"Tang Demon King is really lucky. A young man relies on his father, a middle-aged man relies on his son, and he has opened a restaurant with his tail between his legs. It has only been three years. Damn it!"

Someone complained enviously, and was slapped on the face by a big man next to him.

The big man warned sharply: "If you dare to swear about my boss behind your back, you are courting death, aren't you?"

After finishing speaking, he stood up and shouted to the second floor: "Boss Tang, Xiao Sigou caught a guy who spoke ill of you behind his back!"

Tang An also followed Tang Guangde for a long time, poked his head out from the second floor, and responded enthusiastically: "So it's the fourth master, go upstairs quickly."

The little four dog carried the 'Certificate of Voting' proudly and climbed up the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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