Shushan Wushen

Chapter 255 Sorry, You and I Don't Have a Destiny! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 255 Sorry, You and I Don't Have a Destiny! 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

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Tang Chen quietly restrained Xingzang, but released a divine thought and followed Ye Mengmeng out of the room.

The Zijin Special Envoy is the elder of the Zijin Auction House Headquarters, which can be called a high position and weight.Temperament is generally not very good.In the eyes of Zijin Special Envoy, Murtel is like an ant.

Temur was well aware of this insurmountable gap, and he seemed quite anxious waiting for Ya Fei.If it wasn't for Ya Fei being a girl, he might have broken into the house long ago.

"Why did you come out? The special envoy who came this time is playing with fire, and has a very violent temper. You have to be careful."

Mutter chattered like a bitter woman.Ye Mengmeng just let out a "huh".Tang Chen's voice beside her ears was as thin as a gossamer.Ancient Martial God-level kung fu method [Transmission of sound into secret].

"Mengmeng, be careful, I can't see through this Zijin special envoy's cultivation, you and I may not have much chance of winning together. If the situation is not good, you run away, and I will stand up for you, young master. Remember!"

There was a warm current in Ye Mengmeng's heart.This feeling of being cared for by a loved one is really good.It's so wonderful!

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the hall, and the entire Zijin Auction House was shaken.A wave of heat rippling over, several maids inside flew upside down, coughing up blood.

"It's broken! Special Envoy Zijin is going crazy."

Mutter exclaimed, and Ye Mengmeng was also taken aback.

Tang Chen said apologetically, "Blame me, he found out that I had a divine sense. He made a flame chrysanthemum. Let me blow it out. He attacked everywhere like crazy. But it's fine now, and he was knocked out without me. .”

"You can really cause trouble!" Ye Mengmeng was angry but not blaming, full of concern.

In her mind, even if Special Envoy Zijin dies, it doesn't matter, as long as Tang Chen is safe, it's great.

Temur was stunned for a second, then turned around and asked Ye Mengmeng, "Do you know Xiao Yan?"

"No! I don't recognize it. I'm not qualified to go to the headquarters yet."

The Zijin Auction House is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. It is a huge monster that crosses the two planes of gods, demons and mortals.The Zijin Auction Field of the Ordinary Plane is unobtrusive and exists in a low-key manner.But in the plane of gods and demons, that position is extremely detached.

Pills, magic weapons, warriors, armor, talismans, pet guards, almost all transactions in martial arts practice are covered.

rub rub rub~
Two figures, Mutter and Ye Mengmeng, entered the living room through the billowing smoke.Zijin special envoy Xiao Yan stood on the spot with a dull expression.

Xiao Yan stared at Mutter, his face became ferocious, and he roared loudly: "Temur, your auction house is so weird? This envoy has got the point. My [Different Fire Square] has been snatched away."

Mutter looked terrified, "I'm sorry, special envoy..."

"Zijin special envoy!" Xiao Yan solemnly urged, there are many levels of special envoys, and the Zijin level is both honor and seniority.His arrogant capital.

"Yes! Master Zijin Special Envoy." Mutel clasped his fists respectfully.

Ye Mengmeng smiled and hid the front: "Master Zijin Special Envoy, I'm sorry, we didn't take good care of you, we should send someone to protect you. The world of ordinary people is not peaceful either."

Xiao Yan was suffocated and choked on his neck.The dignified Zijin special envoy is the tyrannical presence of force in the Zijin auction house. When he came to inspect the ordinary world and was robbed of his magic weapon, it was still the most important magic weapon. If he passed it to the headquarters, he would be ruthlessly ridiculed.

This in itself is a bizarre event.

"Without the Heavenly Flame Square, what can I do to cultivate? Sigh!" Xiao Yan was dejected.Rather disheartened, he took out an official document and threw it to Mutter.

"Approved? Yafei, that's great! From now on, you will be in charge of the Zijin Auction in Suzhou Mansion."

Mutter opened the document in surprise, Ye Mengmeng glanced at Xiao Yan, feeling something was wrong.

Sure enough, Mutel suddenly changed color, and his eyes shot at Xiao Yan with anger.His fingers trembled violently.

Xiao Yan returned to normal, proudly puffed out his chest, and shouted majesticly: "What are you looking at? Are you confused? The code name given to Ye Mengmeng by the headquarters is [Yafei]. I think you can use your brain a little bit to be able to I understand! Hmph!"

"What?" Ye Mengmeng snatched the document.

Tang Chen also saw the content of the official document.It turned out that Ye Mengmeng wanted to marry the present Xiao Yan immediately, and leave an heir for the Xiao clan.

"This is ridiculous!" Tang Chen was furious.

Ye Mengmeng was very annoyed, and asked sharply, "What are you? You coveted me! I came to Zijin Auction to work, not a female slave to be sold at Zijin Auction!"

Xiao Yan shrugged, spread his hands, and said helplessly, "This envoy is also helpless. This is an order from the family. Don't shout at me. Since you regard this honor as a female slave, then you will be the envoy's female slave." Bar."

"Presumptuous! Who do you think you are? At worst, I will quit my job! Hmph!"

How could Ye Mengmeng bear this.She has a very bad temper.Reaching into his bosom, he took out the Zijin Auction's identity plate.Throwing it to Xiao Yan, he turned around and left.

"Crack!" Xiao Yan caught it with his hands up and shouted angrily, "That's up to you."

The figure flickered and suddenly appeared at the door.Turning around with a ferocious expression, he glared at Ye Mengmeng.

"Get out!" Ye Mengmeng slapped her hand.This palm seems to be light and fluffy, and it seems to be effortless.But Xiao Yan was horrified.Quickly dodge.

Mutel didn't know, thinking that Xiao Yan was sympathetic.However, when he carefully looked at Ye Mengmeng's palm.Can't help being shocked.

The single palm that Ye Mengmeng waved was ordinary, but there were faint black lines in the surrounding space.The void is shattered.

This is the most basic realm of the Martial God, Shattered Void!But this is very common, what makes Xiao Yan inexplicably terrified is the invisible Liu Yan.Phoenix sky fire!
If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's cultivation of the fire attribute technique, he would have turned into a pile of ashes at this moment.

"Ya Fei, you are so vicious!" Xiao Yan scolded sharply.

Ye Mengmeng also got Tang Chen's guidance and realized that Xiao Yan's cultivation was extraordinary.Go all out.Almost sneak attack.It's a pity that I didn't succeed.Ye Mengmeng was also quick-witted, she quickly stopped her hands and put her back on her back, her breasts were tall and her beautiful eyes were dignified.

He said indifferently: "As the special envoy of Zijin, you should have outstanding military power. Your cultivation level, Xiao Yan, is not as high as you imagined. Virtue is not worthy! So, I'm sorry! I can only let you down and the person behind you. You I'm out of luck!"

Ye Mengmeng tried to control the situation, and turned against the customer.At the same time, this is also a step for Xiao Yan.

But Xiao Yan was very clueless.He smiled arrogantly: "Yafei, this special envoy said, it's not a question of whether you like it or not. It's a question of whether I like playing with you! The three concubines of you, Feng Yasong, are my Xiao Yan's concubine! You have a special blood! It's fate!"

"No!—" Ye Mengmeng refused loudly.

Xiao Yan is also cunning, and his verbal communication is to sacrifice a magic weapon to cover him.

In an instant, a bright red glow rose from Xiao Yan's hand.Blazing like fire, gorgeous like an aurora.The light caught people's eyes, shining brighter than the sun.

Tang Chen's divine sense was suddenly taken aback.Consciousness pauses.

The time is extremely short, and it is not allowed to react, and the light has disappeared.

Tang Chen's body has already appeared without any scruples.

But after taking a closer look, "...Hiss! Where's the person?"

(End of this chapter)

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