Shushan Wushen

Chapter 256 Can't Lose You Again

Chapter 256 Can't Lose You Again

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"where it goes?"

Tang Chen ignored Temur's astonishment and shock, and roared.A majestic pressure that almost destroyed the world was suddenly released.The overwhelming divine thoughts are like meteors chasing the moon, whistling~, dense and swiftly leaving the body.

It was divine light, extremely sacred, with brilliant golden light, covering Tang Chen like a god.

The spreading divine light quickly filled the entire mortal plane.

"This fallen mountain?" Tang Chen stared fiercely.See something suspicious.It was a majestic inverted mountain, but the inverted mountain was dazzling.Can't see clearly.The divine sense that rushed into the light curtain was disconnected like a mud cow into the sea.

Tang Chen's body in Zijin Auction quickly faded away, and finally disappeared completely.A faint golden afterimage disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Where did this great god come from? It's so terrifying!" Mutter was shocked.He is scared.He didn't know where Tang Chen came from, and he didn't even know if he was an enemy or a friend.

Tang Chen's figure was ethereal, like a golden mist, covering the Daoshan who was catching up.

The whole body of the inverted mountain is golden yellow with a faint purple halo, which is very extraordinary to look at.The breath is even more frightening.What made Tang Chen even more vigilant was that there was a majestic devouring power lingering around this fallen mountain.

If it's just that, just avoid and keep a distance.But this Mountain Falling is obviously a magic weapon, and its rank is not low.The spirit of the magic weapon exists!
"This is not Xiao Yan's method. It is the spirit of the magic weapon."

Tang Chen was very anxious.It is even more unknown.He and Ye Mengmeng split up and joined forces, and with great difficulty, they accepted each other despite their past suspicions.I never thought of such a dirty thing.

"No! I can't lose Ye Mengmeng no matter what."

With a thought in Tang Chen, a big black stick suddenly appeared in his hand, and the petals of Jiugong plum blossoms on the stick fluttered, quickly covering Tang Chen's whole body.

Tang Chen suddenly accelerated, and in the image of a flower man, he broke into the light curtain and climbed up the inverted mountain in one step.

"Hey! It's unsightly."

Tang Chen couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover his eyes.

Xiao Yan was lying on a strange and ugly woman, sitting shyly.And on both sides of the big bed, were bound two stunning beauties.

"Concubine Ya, Concubine Song, you learn a little bit. See how Concubine Feng cooperates. This is your great opportunity and great luck. What we want is to be free and at ease. You two are too immature. You don't understand style!"

The ugly Concubine Feng was panting again and again.It seemed as if he might die at any time.Let out a piercing scream.

Ye Mengmeng and Concubine Song turned pale with anger.

"I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen you two so shameless!"

"Shameless! Bitch!"

Just at this moment of lightning, embarrassment and anger.

A fragrance that does not belong to this world breaks through the light curtain and blatantly enters.

Tang Chen is here!

Tang Chen saw everything clearly through his fingers.

Whoosh~, she ran to Ye Mengmeng's side, and waved her hand to remove the restraint.

"Tang Chen!"

Ye Mengmeng opened her arms and hugged Tang Chen tightly.

"No! It's an illusion!"

Tang Chen reacted quickly, Ye Mengmeng's body was so hot, and it wasn't soft enough.

Tang Chen was shocked, his body shook, he broke free from 'Ye Mengmeng', and kicked him flying.

"Hahaha, the reaction is quite fast. It's a pity that you are a mere one-star Martial God, and it's not enough to watch! Let's go!"

A corner of the light curtain spread out, revealing four figures including Xiao Yan and Ye Mengmeng.Xiao Yan smiled darkly.The image fades.

"Afterimage? It's not that easy to escape!"

Tang Chen picked up the Nine Palaces Plum Blossom Tree, opened the covering light curtain, followed a trace of scorching breath, and chased after it.Bright kidney wings, floating Jiugong plum blossoms.Angry, with a peerless and handsome face.

Tang Chen looked extremely powerful and unstoppable.

"He...he actually has both kidneys deified to such an extent, where did I provoke this evil god?"

Xiao Yan was horrified, and his voice was timid, and he pushed the mountain downhill to run like lightning.The void is shattered.Gradually, Tang Chen fell behind.

Tang Chen became anxious, growled, want to compete in speed?
He put away the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree, took out the Hot Wheels and put them on his feet.Holding a pointed gun, the wind helps the fire to turn into a streak of flames, like falling stars, shooting stars chasing the moon.

chi chi chi chi ~

The void burned and trembled, resounding through the mortal plane. The concave shield-shaped air sound barrier in front of Tang Chen emitted a huge thunderous sonic boom, and the sound was extremely terrifying.

"He's catching up! His magic weapon is really powerful!"

After all, Xiao Yan had to bring three women with him, and Ye Mengmeng and that concubine Song had been looking for opportunities to escape.He is very distracted.Hastily begged the spirit of the magic weapon.

Zijin fell down the mountain, and the Zijin auction house distributed the life-saving things to Zijin's special envoy.Very extraordinary.Realizing that Tang Chen was tricky, the magic weapon spirit also went all out.


The mountain shrinks sharply, and the golden light flourishes.The more blazing fog of light surged surging.The light is billions of feet.All over the world!

Tang Chen roared: "No!..."

The blood vessels on the neck are protruding, and the veins on the forehead are coiled and crouching.Watching the Zijin upside down mountain burning and blooming, shrinking sharply.Very anxious.

"Ye Mengmeng, I have already felt your friendship, I, Tang Chen, will never lose you again! Please trust your young master Xiaochen!"

Tang Chen secretly made up his mind, he had never cared so much about any girl in his life.This was the first time in my life that I felt true love.

Mo Dao's slander is like deep waves, and Mo Yan's pursuit of guests is like sinking sand.Thousands of scouring and thousands of drums are hard work, but after blowing all the wild sand, you will see gold.

This is the expression of true feelings that have gone through several lives and calamities.

Tang Chen finally bravely faced up to his inner feelings.This love is long-lasting, very precious, and as mellow as old wine, Tang Chen was intoxicated by it.

Tang Chen stood on top of the hot wheel, the flames all over his body were soaring, and the golden light was brilliant.Like a golden god of war.His face was ferocious, and his aura was extremely terrifying.He took out a magic weapon.It was the 【Different Fire Square】 that Xiao Yan snatched!
[Different Fire Square] This magic weapon is very precious. On the simple and exquisite huge stone plate, there are 23 flame pillars.It is like a shadowless lamp in the palm of your hand.But this is only the appearance, in fact, the heat wave hits people.

Chi Chi Chi..., the void melted, burning out a large piece of nothingness.

"Damn it! You stole the Yihuo Square!"

Xiao Yan glanced back hastily, seeing this scene, became furious and gritted his teeth.The 23 pillars of fire, although they are the child fires of different fires.But you can meet but not ask for.Invaluable, extremely precious.

Tang Chen broke off a pillar of fire without hesitation, guided it with his big hand, and threw it into the hot wheel.

Fenghuolun made a dull vibration of "Ga...", and it went straight to burn and dissolve the void, rolling and rushing.The speed broke through the sound barrier, and the sonic boom disappeared.

"Wow, that brat broke my magic weapon! I'll fight you!"

Xiao Yan was also anxious and really angry. At this moment, they were all flying above the sea.Vapor rises from the vast sea.The dense forests on some islands were roasted and blackened, and the trunks of the fallen trees were overwhelmed, with flaming red textures, which were extremely hot.

Tang Chen was afraid that Xiao Yan would run back to the mysterious plane, and he didn't know what was going on there.Chasing it in hastily is life-threatening.But it is impossible to give up.Xiao Yan's anger hit Tang Chen's arms.

Xiao Yan is very strong, fluffy~, the purple gold robe on his body is cracked inch by inch, revealing his muscular muscles.


(End of this chapter)

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