Shushan Wushen

Chapter 257 Qiuxiang's popularity

Chapter 257 Qiuxiang's popularity

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"Who are you? Why did you trespass on my Hundred Flowers Sect!"

The old man in the gossip robe raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and with a flick of his whisk, a mighty plant demon appeared behind him.

Tang Chen's pupils shrank for a moment, and he squinted his eyes and face. The plant monsters facing him had an extraordinary aura, shrouded in divine light, and some even had divine crowns behind them.At least more than 100 Zhiyao are at the one-star level of Valkyrie.There are even more plant monsters, Tang Chen can't see their realm at all!

This shows that the martial arts cultivation of these plant monsters on the opposite side is higher than that of Tang Chen.

"Take it!"

The old man in gossip robe had a cold face and waved his whisk.


"Don't hurt Qiuxiang!"

"Lord Bodhi, don't hurt Qiuxiang!"

The plant demons that had already transformed into forms on the ground cast out their divine light one after another, the light was dazzling, and the spiritual mist rose.In an instant, all kinds of bright rainbows bloomed in the valley, with different levels of cultivation and different intensity of light, but such clear layers made it even more extraordinary.

In the whole valley, the rainbow light is uneven, reaching directly to the sky.Looking at it with a cold eye, it is as sharp as a sharp sword.

"Have you rebelled presumptuously!"

Hearing this, the ground turned into a monster and argued loudly: "I beg Lord Bodhi to let Qiuxiang go. It's not easy to practice."

"Lord Bodhi..."

At the same time, Tang Chen has already stepped out of the [Nine Palaces and Fifteen Steps] in the air.咻咻咻~, change direction, avoid those martial arts masters, and bully yourself by the side of the one-star martial god.Even if you are surrounded and beaten, you still have to pick soft persimmons.

Tang Chen is not someone who is willing to suffer.If you can't beat it, you have to get the opponent covered in blood.

"Master Bodhi, are you forcing us to blow ourselves up?" A plant demon wept.

Countless plant demons showed determination.

Bodhi angrily said: "This is not an osmanthus plant demon, this is clearly a human being!"

Before the words fell, the high-level Zhiyao summoned by Bodhi had already started.

boom boom boom~
How could Tang Chen sit still and wait for death?The body is ethereal, and the fingering is sharp and weird.A large number of one-star Martial God Zhi Yao suffered a dark loss and retreated one after another.


Tang Chen put his fingers close to his nose, his eyes burst into surprise.

Where is Zhiyao!It's clearly a pill demon of a high-level pill!
Tang Chen is blessed to the heart, swish!Taking out the dilapidated [Heavenly Fire Square], with a loud roar, phantoms appeared again and again, and a large number of Dan Yao were restrained by the different fire, fearing them like tigers.

Like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, Tang Chen grabbed the pills one by one with his hands, shook his hands and threw them into the original stars of his dantian, imprisoning them with the power of the world.

In an instant, Tang Chen's dantian was full of aura, and the aura suddenly appeared, and the light illuminated the original star field, like countless suns hanging straight into the sky.At this time, Tang Chen's body was full of light, and every cell in his body was nourished, shining brightly.

"God stop! God stop!"

Bodhi was shocked immediately.At the same time, puff puff~, countless plant demons on the ground exploded, and at almost the same time, at least one hundred thousand plant demons burned their cultivation bases and released them concentratedly.form a terrifying force.

The majestic energy storm even sent Tang Chen flying.

Tang Chen didn't know it, taking advantage of the gap in the barrier, his figure flickered, whoosh! ~, get out of trouble and go!

There is only Patriarch Bodhi among the humans of the Baihua Valley School.The rest are special life forms such as flowers and plants, and the backbone is Dan Yao!

"You..., you..., oh~!"

Patriarch Bodhi stamped his feet and beat his chest, unexpectedly this time he suddenly provoked a demon.Facing the mess in Baihua Valley, I want to cry but have no tears!
"Do you know that he is not Qiuxiang, but an out-and-out human race..."

"No! He is Qiuxiang!"

"...he is Qiuxiang!"

"Qiuxiang's breath can't be wrong!"

The plant demons questioned loudly.The angry Bodhi patriarch twitched with a "ga".

Qiuxiang is very popular in the Baihua Valley School.

Never thought that Tang Chen would end up with a favor.But he didn't know it.

It was not until later..., after endless years, that Tang Chen understood the cause and effect of this.

Tang Chen only had Zijin Auction in his heart.After rushing out of Baihua Valley, he was anxious and didn't think much about it. He wanted to find Xiao Yan and rescue Ye Mengmeng through Xiao Yan's clues!
Flying over a hundred and eight thousand miles, I finally vaguely saw a city.

Tang Chen quietly pressed the cloud head and entered the city.

"Excuse me, how do I get to the Zijin Auction?" Tang Chen found a benevolent old man and asked, clasping his hands.

The old man stared at Tang Chen, stroked his beard, and curled his lips: "Young man, do you want to go to the Zijin Auction to participate in the selection? I have an application guide here, ten yuan a copy."

Tang Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words, he leaned close to the old man, sworn to cover, and released his spiritual thoughts, and quickly located the location.

"Thank you! But I don't need it, I'm sorry!" Tang Chen smiled, turned and left, with a seemingly slight step, staring at his figure, he was already ten feet away.

"...Hiss~, it looks very powerful." The old man stroked his beard, his eyes suddenly changed.Dispel unrealistic thoughts.

Tang Chen was slightly moved in awe. On the plane of gods and demons, a one-star martial god is an ordinary person.Martial gods are as numerous as dogs, roaming everywhere.Grab a handful.

Have to guard against!Be careful.If you meet a ruthless character, your life is in danger.

However, if a one-star Martial God wants to advance to the rank, just as the real warrior knight in his hand said, it is extremely difficult.There is almost no way out.

This is because the road that the predecessors walked, after walking, that road no longer exists.There is no possibility of copying.It is too difficult, too difficult to embark on the same road and advance to the two-star Martial God!

Therefore, if you want to pursue higher pursuits in martial arts, you must read the notes of all the schools carefully, read the strengths of all the schools, collect the essence, and learn the strengths of the schools.One is to avoid repeating the same mistakes, there is no way out.More importantly, how did those who advanced to the two-star Martial Gods obtain their karma?What is the mystery!
However, the road to ascension is so narrow, and it is rare to be able to advance to the two-star Martial God.Notes on those cultivation experiences.How precious it is!How can it be easy to share?

The sect, the family, the Kingdom of God, and the Zijin Auction House, which has extremely large funds and scale, can only pay a huge price, exchange or buy, and use all means.Only now have I accumulated a few two-star Martial God experience notes.

Therefore, the promotion experience notes of the two-star Martial God can be called the treasure of the town.Without one or two experience notes, there is absolutely no cohesion!
At the same time, without the support of a large number of refreshing natural treasures and panacea, it would be impossible to study the experience notes.

If you can't touch the strands of mysterious resonance, then it's useless to watch.If you indulge in it all day long, it will affect your own path.

HD is learning to walk, and the foundation of martial arts has collapsed, so the loss outweighs the gain.After all, this is also very common!

"Go to the Zijin Auction House, looking for opportunities undercover?" Tang Chen hesitated.Walking around in front of the Zijin Auction House, with a gloomy expression on his face, it was quite difficult to choose.

Entering the Zijin Auction House, although it seems to be very close to Ye Mengmeng on the surface, in fact, the Zijin Auction House has a wide variety of jobs and tens of billions of employees.The working area is distributed throughout the plane of gods and demons, so it is not so easy to meet in person.

Although many employees are colleagues, they are invisible all their lives, which is extremely common.

Suddenly, a whisper sounded in Tang Chen's ear.

"Don't worry if you haven't passed the initial test at the Zijin Auction House, the Tang Sect of Shushan Mountain will relieve your worries."

"What? Shushan Tangmen?!"

Tang Chen turned his head in shock...

(End of this chapter)

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