Shushan Wushen

Chapter 258 Tang Sect Red Stick

Chapter 258 Tang Sect Red Stick

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Tang Chen nodded in agreement, and praised: "This statement is true. Thank you, Mr. Tang Da, for your enlightenment."

Mr. Tang Da's fat face burst into a smile.Invite Tang Chen and several other Martial Gods who passed the selection, into the living room of the main room.

After the guests and hosts are seated, Mr. Tang Da will personally invite Tang Chen, and several other Mr. Tang Da will invite several other warriors, and set up an enchantment to block the sound and talk separately.

"Tang Chen, are you willing to join the Tang Sect and join our Shushan Sect?" Mr. Tang Da asked directly.

Tang Chen smiled without saying a word, and looked at Mr. Tang Da with a smile.

Mr. Tang Da frowned slightly, and then came to his senses, for an astonishing and enchanting Martial God like Tang Chen to be promoted to a two-star Martial God, it was just a little chance plus the precipitation of time.How proud they are!The plain solicitation will certainly not be able to convince Tang Chen to submit.

Mr. Tang Da thought about it and said: "According to the rules, we must not take the liberty to inquire about your origin and name before you give a formal reply. Please forgive me, of course this is not a curiosity. It is a routine. I wonder if it is convenient to answer?"

Tang Chen smiled slightly, and was a little more comfortable using honorifics to Mr. Tang Da.So he said: "My origin is not ulterior. One thing I can guarantee is that I have absolutely nothing to do with Tangmen, the plane of gods and demons. I come from the plane of mortals."

Mr. Tang Da was shocked when he heard this.But politeness was not interrupted.Wait for the following.

Tang Chen said again: "My name is Tang Chen, hehe, this is my real name. I didn't intend to curry favor with the Tang Sect."

Mr. Tang Da had a charming smile, but he smiled without saying a word.Encouraging eyes, showing a trace of kindness.

Tang Chen said: "I want to know what kind of help I will get when I join the Tang Sect?"

Mr. Tang Da clapped his hands and laughed, looking into Tang Chen's clear and pure obsidian-like eyes, he knew it clearly.

"Cultivating ultimate strength is not easy! You must have a great opportunity and great luck, and you must also have a big pattern and a strong character. If you join the Tang Sect, you will definitely become the backbone of the Tang Sect disciples. At that time, the Patriarch and elders of the Tang Sect will be favored. Maybe a marriage will be granted. The surname Tang is well deserved!"

Tang Chen restrained his smile and sat upright.Serious answer: "That doesn't appeal to me."

Mr. Tang Da waved his hand, and said again: "Marriages are all voluntary, not just marriages, you don't have to worry about it, Tang Chen. What I want to talk about here is the cultivation resources. The Tang Sect has clear rewards and punishments. As long as you follow the tasks issued by the Tang Sect and carry out step by step, Not to mention the vulgar items of gold, silver and treasures, the routine spiritual jade, cultivation techniques, and references to promotion notes are all must be provided. The Tang Sect attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents, and they are very generous. The supply of elixir is even higher than that of Zijin Auction house!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Chen and asked, "Hero Tang Chen, is this attractive to you?"

It is also an honor to be honored as a hero by a two-star martial god.It shows that Mr. Tang Da attaches great importance to Tang Chen and does not alienate him.But these are important to Tang Chen, but they are not what Tang Chen is eager to get now.

Tang Chen said with a smile: "The Zijin Auction House must be able to give these."

Mr. Tang Da was not arrogant, and explained: "The Zijin Auction House is powerful and has strong financial resources. It must give more than our Tang Sect. But by virtue of Tang Sect's recommendation to enter the Zijin Auction House, you can also receive a share of resources. That’s double pay.”

Tang Chen looked at Mr. Tang Da indifferently, there was no wave in the ancient well.This is a deal, not a fight.Presumably, Mr. Tang Da will not rely on force to forcibly do something that violates the morality of the martial arts.

Mr. Tang Da also restrained his smile, and said solemnly: "I don't think your ambition is here, so I will simply grant you a privilege within my authority. That's how it is, if you can use your own force to enter the top ten in this Zijin Auction , the Tang Sect will award a red stick..."

"Tang Clan Red Stick?" Tang Chen was shocked immediately and blurted out.

Mr. Tang Da gave an inscrutable smile and nodded heavily.Responding: "Yes! That's right! Tang Sect Red Stick!"

"This..." Tang Chen was overwhelmed with surprise, a turbulent wave set off in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.incredible!So he asked: "Is the Tangmen red stick a magic weapon?"

Mr. Tang Da smiled and explained: "The Tang Sect Red Stick is indeed a magic weapon, but more importantly, it can command hundreds of people to obey. There are our Tang Sect disciples in the Zijin Auction. With the Tang Sect Red Stick, there will be a hundred Tang Sect disciples. The disciples are at your disposal."

"Hmm~, very good." Tang Chen lowered his jaw and let out a sigh of relief.I didn't expect that all the dispatching regulations of Tangmen in Shushan here are so similar.Really surprising.

When Mr. Tang Da saw Tang Chen's relieved look, he smiled knowingly.He took out a Lingyu brand and handed it to Tang Chen.

Tang Chen took it without hesitation, and forced out a drop of blood, dripping blood Wen Yu.A ray of soul was stripped out and sent into the space opened up by the blood in Lingyu.

This is the [Martial God's Destiny Card]. Tang Chen was born in the cool star Shushan Tang Sect, so he naturally knows the secret.From now on, Tang Chen's life and death can be fully controlled through the [Martial God's Fate Card].

Tang Chen's method is very formal.Mr. Tang Da looked surprised.

Tang Chen returned the [War God's Fate Card] to Mr. Tang Da and explained casually: "Although I come from the mortal plane, I am also from the Tang Sect. There are some things that cannot be said to others. I'm sorry!"

Seeing Tang Chen explaining calmly, Mr. Tang Da didn't ask any more questions, and he said in relief: "Everything about Tangmen's outer disciples is determined by their abilities. There is no need to explain this point. Who has no chance to be promoted to Martial God? You can't say this. Haha Haha~."

Tang Chen cupped his hands, with a smile on his lips.

Mr. Tang Da put away Tang Chen's [War God's Destiny Card] and then explained: "The Zijin Auction House is a plane of gods and demons that can be called an empire. Our Tang Sect has business dealings with it. Therefore, we need to send some Tang Sect disciples Residing in the Zijin Auction House. These disciples of the Tang Sect belong to the Zijin Auction House, and are usually dispatched by the Zijin Auction House, and are mainly responsible for negotiating business with the Tang Sect."

Tang Chen understood.

Mr. Tang Da said again: "But you are different. You can go to participate in the selection later on your own. At that time, you will act as a hidden stake for the Tang Sect. Keep in touch with Shushan at ordinary times, and do your part for the Tang Sect at critical times."

Tang Chen was overjoyed.This kind of errand, which uses strength and strength, is a good thing delivered to your door.wish for it!
But Tang Chen didn't show any emotion on his face. After asking some details, he said: "Mr. Tang Da, I'm new to the plane of gods and demons. Please tell me about the distribution of various forces in the plane of gods and demons."

"Since you have joined the Tang Sect, you don't need to call me Mr. Tang Da. My name is Tang Yuxi, and I am the third elder of the Tang Sect Hidden Weapon Hall. As for the distribution of power in the plane of gods and demons, I have a jade slip here, which is the master of the gods and demons." The latest distribution of the forces in the plane, from now on you will be the red stick of the Tang Sect, this jade slip will be distributed to you to share at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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