Shushan Wushen

Chapter 259 Selection of the Purple Gate

Chapter 259 Selection of the Purple Gate

Swish! ~

In front of the majestic building of the Zijin Auction House, the space was rippling, and Tang Chen appeared impressively.Walk up the stairs calmly.

"Is the person here participating in the selection of the Martial God?"

A purple-robed Martial God greeted Tang Chen.Majestic shouted.

Tang Chen nodded and said nothing.The purple-robed Martial God didn't think so, and took out a mithril glazed mirror to infuse divine power, and the mirror released a bright divine light, shooting at Tang Chen.

Tang Chen didn't dodge, letting the divine light envelope the divine body.Take it easy.

"Okay! Human blood, qualified. Please!~"

The purple-robed man verified his identity, and another purple-robed man greeted Tang Chen, and took the mithril glazed mirror.Read the above data, and take out a stone slip to record.

"Cultivation; one-star Martial God peak. Becoming a god bone age; one 17 years old....Hiss! A genius with great potential!"

The purple-robed man looked at Tang Chen in surprise, with a hint of kindness on the corner of his mouth: "No wonder he dared to break through the void and come to the Zijin auction house. He is indeed a young and arrogant young man, with arrogance still remaining! Your Excellency, please follow me!"

Tang Chen bowed his hands in thanks, and followed his pace.

A genius monster like Tang Chen who became a god at a young age is destined to have extraordinary aptitude.Moreover, the young man's heart is firm and resolute, and a solid foundation has been laid.As long as some suitable resources are tilted, there is great hope for promotion to the two-star Martial God.

"Excuse me, your name." The purple-robed man asked Tang Chen politely as he ushered Tang Chen into the hall of the auction house.

"Next to Tang Chen!"

The purple-robed man nodded and pointed to a foot-high purple-gold gate.

The Zijin Gate is placed on the table in the center of the hall.Surrounded by clouds and mist, shaded by brilliant clouds, the dull purple-gold golden glow is restrained and low-key but still compelling.

Against the backdrop of the fairy-like soft spirit mist, the sharpness of gold is even more hard and extraordinary.

The softness of the world surrounds the rigidity of the world...

complement each other.A mysterious and strange artistic conception filled the soul.Tang Chen's state of mind changed awe-inspiringly, and then he remained calm as before.His complexion was the same as usual, like the water was slightly rippling, but there was no wave in Tang Chen's ancient well.

The purple-robed man quietly observed Tang Chen, secretly praising him.Looking at the selectors in other directions, some of them coughed up blood and their faces were ashen.Occasional sweating is not bad.

The purple-robed man clasped his fists at Tang Chen: "Congratulations Martial God Tang Chen, you have passed the primary selection. Now please enter Zijinmen to participate in the second round of re-examination."

Tang Chen smiled.Undercover the deceitfulness of the Zijin Auction House.If you are caught off guard, release the big move.The selectors are hard to guard against!

The purple-robed man handed the stone slips in his hand to Tang Chen, and confessed in a low voice: "The purple-gold gate sent over is a secret realm, where there are seeds selected from various places in the plane of gods and demons, and their origins are all extraordinary. Treat it with caution, if you lose to Crushing Stone Jane, you will be sent back."

Tang Chen smiled and said, "Thank you for reminding me. Are there any rules?"

"The rules can't be explained, and I don't have enough authority, so I don't know what the rules are. Sorry!"

Seeing Tang Chen's puzzled eyes, the purple-robed man showed embarrassment.

Tang Chen's brain speed was astonishing, and even the artistic conception of Zijinmen hit Yuanhun, and he immediately came to a judgment.He thanked Zipao Ren, whoosh~, jumped up and kicked Zijinmen.

Tang Chen's combat boots approached the purple golden gate, and the spiritual mist that surrounded him quickly became smaller, and then Tang Chen suddenly turned into a small black spot like a flying bird in the distance.

In Tang Chen's eyes, Zijinmen seemed to be rising against the wind.Originally it was only a short distance away, but it was no less than a hundred and eight thousand miles away.Flying into the front of Zijin Gate, the eyes are full of luxury and vicissitudes!

Tang Chen's eyesight was excellent, and he easily saw through the light blood stains in the depths of the marks, and the numerous scars from knives, hacks and guns on the exquisite lines were shocking!This couldn't help but remind Tang Chen of the Zijin Gate of the Kongtong School's Zijin Peak.Although the systems are different, they also witness slaughter and iron blood.

Although the main purpose of ancient martial arts training is to strengthen the body and prolong life, but the pursuit of Taoism in martial arts is all about maintaining one's own responsibility.The great chivalrous man has a home country and a world.

In the world, there are always people who like to make troubles, and there are always heroes who need to stand up and level the uneven roads in the world.As a martial god, although Tang Chen was helpless, there was nothing he could do.Only in this big net intertwined with power and desire, struggle!


Where is the pure land?
Where is the pure land?
Tang Chen's heart trembled because of it, a sense of desolation and loss came to his heart, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"There is no pure land in this world. The pure land is the warmth under the wings of others. The pure land is the shelter given to others under one's own wings. Since no one protects me, then I will protect this world, and it is not in vain for me to come to this world." Go around!"

While Tang Chen was in deep thought, a sharp light burst out from the Zijin Gate.Fiercely bullying Tang Chen's temple.

Tang Chen remained unruffled in the face of danger, with his feet on the horse, his rock taking root, and his upper body leaning back.Sa~, the blade of the sword is full of autumn water, the light is clear, and it makes Tang Chen's eyes sting.A half-inch wide light and shadow impressively illuminated Tang Chen's eyebrows and nose.

Tang Chen stroked where the sword light came from with his left hand, trembling like a spirit snake, a line of divine power was highly compressed, and the hasty silhouette turned out to be a spear!Or a brush!

Tang Chen sensed that he succeeded.

Taking advantage of the attacker's old sword moves, he twisted his toes and heels continuously, and saw the wrist holding the sword, with five fingers running [Ping Shui Thirty Fingers].


Like a five-toothed saw, he cut off the servant's wrist.


There was a scream from inside the Zijin Gate.extremely dire,
"Bang!~" The severed hand and the sword fell to the ground.

"come out!"

Tang Chen let out a low shout, swung his arms horizontally, "Whoosh~!" and pulled out a big bearded man.

Tang Chen tapped the hilt of the sword with his toe, "Whee~!" It pierced into the chest of the bearded man.

Immediately, blood flowed profusely, and a pair of blood-red eyes lost their expression in an instant.

Tang Chen shook his hand and pulled out his sword, chopping off the head of the bearded man.Bending down quickly stripped off his storage ring.Before he had time to check, he leaned against the door frame, gasping for breath, with lingering fears in his heart.

If Tang Chen lowered his head to dodge just now, even if he dodged this abrupt sword, he would inevitably fight a second time and become entangled.But at the same time Tang Chen leaned back to dodge, thunderbolt thunderously struck out.Seize the flaw and turn defeat into victory!

The strength value of Qiuran Martial God is not weaker than Tang Chen.That is to say, Tang Chen's reaction was too quick to catch a glimpse.

In the blink of an eye, he was swimming on the edge of life and death.Almost lost his life.It's so mysterious!

Although Tang Chen was already mentally prepared, he did not expect such an unexpected encounter.

"Be cautious. Be cautious. Be more cautious!"

Tang Chen repeatedly reminded himself to stabilize his mind, "Bang!~" kicked the underground corpse into Zijin Gate.

Tang Chen followed closely behind and flew in!



Several warriors spit out cold lights, and the body of the bearded Martial God turned into a rain of blood.

Tang Chen's pupils shrank.

"It's so frightening! Fortunately, I didn't jump in directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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