Shushan Wushen

Chapter 261 The 3 Caves of the Cunning Rabbit

Chapter 261 The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit

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"It's not right! Withdraw quickly!"

A female voice exclaimed sharply, followed by the sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom~~" in a hurry.The lingering Valkyrie hurriedly fled out of the cave.

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.After such a short period of time, that is, a little more than one breath, the three Martial Gods rushed straight into the [Treasure Map of Nirvana].

In the picture scroll, the three warriors relied on their powerful souls to fight desperately, but unfortunately it was in vain.Tang Chen is naturally an expert at manipulating the picture scroll treasure map that he personally created.Come at your fingertips.

The three Martial Gods were subjected to Tang Chen's tricks, and soon fell into extinction.Although it didn't turn into a dry bone, it also lost most of its vitality and divine power.The connection with the original stars was forcibly severed.

Valkyrie is abolished!

Tang Chen sighed dissatisfied: "I didn't expect their laughter to have the effect of connecting. It's really deceitful."

Outside the cave, the nine Martial Gods who didn't get hit looked frustrated.Sigh.

"Fifth brother, let's zoom in!" A martial god said angrily.

"Okay! I support Thirteenth Brother's suggestion!" A martial god echoed.

"Okay!" The martial god known as the fifth brother nodded in agreement.

They took out a piece of bamboo pipe one after another.This bamboo tube is very unusual.The pink is crystal clear.Hold it in your hand and smell the fragrance.Hearing this, his heart trembled, and he felt ashamed.

【Succubus Bamboo】!
The color of succubus bamboo is bright and gorgeous.The bamboo is hollow but has a thin layer of inner membrane.It has the medicinal effect of charm and extremely strongly stimulates the meridian and blood flow.Those who have been recruited will have internal energy disorder, and in severe cases, the dantian will collapse.

More importantly, the inner membrane is extremely unstable.The ignition point is low, the combustion is rapid, and the heat energy released is too concentrated.

Emperor Wudi used internal force to shatter the inner membrane of the bamboo tube and burn it.In this way, it is difficult for the cramped bamboo tube to restrain the sudden majestic energy.

Whoosh~, whoosh~, whoosh~
Several succubus bamboos were thrown into the cave.

Boom~, Boom~, Boom~
The shattered succubus bamboo released a large amount of pink smoke.

The ant nests and rat holes near the caves have inadvertently suffered disasters.

An ant aggressively climbed onto a mouse, intending to do something wrong.The mouse was also crazy, its hair was disheveled, and it moaned anxiously.

There are four beautiful warriors outside the cave.Involuntarily blushed on the face.She shyly turned her head in the other direction.

Suddenly, a beautiful Martial God suddenly exclaimed: "That kid is there!"

Follow the reputation.The nine Valkyrie looked indignant.

Tang Chen calmly sat on the branch of a tree, seeing their gazes, even smiled and waved, and then left calmly.

"Chase!" Brother Wu waved his hand and rushed forward first.

Tang Chen's body shape changed, leaving afterimages, and his eyes followed the trajectory, tracing to a cave.

Seeing Tang Chen flashing in with a triumphant cheer, Fifth Brother's eyes were dark and he rushed in after him.

"You can't run away, stop!..."

Fifth Brother roared all the way, bit Tang Chen's figure and chased after him.

Tang Chen's clothes fluttered, and he changed direction a few times. The fifth brother's eyes blurred, and he lost Tang Chen's figure in an instant.


As a martial god, Fifth Brother has extraordinary hearing, and when he heard a slight movement in the distance, he could not doubt it.The movement is no longer stagnant, and he accelerates forward.

Tang Chen spread his body as far as possible, flattened against the cliff wall, and held his breath to concentrate.His eyes swept over the nine martial gods, "嗖嗖嗡~" floated in front of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled into an arc.

"Wow! The three caves of the cunning rabbit! We have been recruited! This kid designed us!"

Fifth Brother felt that the blood flow suddenly accelerated, his heart fluctuated, and his emotions rose and fluctuated strangely.Immediately let out a loud roar.Unleash divine power to block the toxicity of [Succubus Bamboo].

Unfortunately, it's too late!
Moreover, the toxin of the succubus bamboo is very strange, it can be called a gem-level toxin.Can be integrated into divine power.

Shield is invalid!

The Martial God moved too fast, before Fifth Brother finished speaking, the other four Martial Gods had already followed Fifth Brother's pace.Hearing the reminder, he turned his head and ran away without thinking.

rub rub rub ~.

Tang Chen had already set up a bureau, waiting for it.

[Treasure Map of Nirvana] lies in the passage.The six Martial Gods who retreated relatively quickly plunged in.

Tang Chen knew very well that greed cannot be tolerated at this time.Take it when you see it.Hastily put away the picture scroll of silence, a few dodges, made a detour, and kicked off the camouflage.Whoosh, whoosh, quickly escaped from the lair of the liger, tiger and rabbit.

In the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, Tang Chen really took pains to find a suitable place to set up the game.

There is a saying that there is no wasted effort in the world, after this battle.Of the thirteen Martial Gods, there are only three Martial Gods left who suffered from their own consequences.

Be careful and take a chance at the right time.Or with luck, these three candy-shaped Valkyrie encounter other Valkyrie in a team.Also hung up.

Tang Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, these three days were really too disturbing.Uneasy, a little negligence, the result falls short, and my life is in danger.The feeling of walking on the edge of life and death is really unforgettable.

Tang Chen couldn't help but blush when he heard the ambiguous and charming voice coming from the cave.I wanted to join in the fun and listen to the sound.Take a few steps back, thinking about something wrong.Turning his eyes, he quickly jumped out of the cave.

Tang Chen soared into the sky, released his divine sense, and soon found the nearest warrior team.The number of people is not particularly large, but it is also a small team of six warriors.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.Manipulating the divine mind to "bang~" punched a warrior in the ear.

This is equivalent to a sneak attack, but the lethality of divine sense is limited.Not strong enough to be fatal.The attack effect can be said to be mainly reflected in the shock caused by fright.

"Looking for death!~"

The Martial God was furious, and rushed towards Tang Chen's divine sense like crazy.

Tang Chen's divine sense fled quickly.After a few dodges, it approached the cave of the liger, tiger and rabbit.Seeing the six Valkyrie chasing after him, whoosh!Drilled into the cave, disappeared.

Tang Chen quietly hid aside, showing a gloating smile.

Boom, boom, boom~
Six Martial Gods fight against three Martial Gods, and the difference in realm between them is not that big.It's basically a crushing massacre.

Tang Chen originally hoped that the [Succubus Bamboo] toxin could stimulate their combat power.

Unexpectedly, Fifth Brother and the three warriors were too indulged in the aftereffects caused by the toxin.Where is the spare energy?
"Bah, bah, bah! How nasty!"

The six Martial Gods brushed off their clothes and spat a few times in disgust.Turn around and leave.

Tang Chen couldn't help laughing.quietly approached them.

"Huh? Something's wrong! Why is my old king also attracted to men? No, it's weird! We've been screwed!"

The Valkyrie, who claimed to be the old king, showed panic on his face, opened his posture, and prepared to meet the enemy with soldiers in his hands.

Variation crowded!

Pharaoh Martial God took all precautions and didn't pay attention to behind him.The two partners overthrew Lao Wang Martial God like hungry tigers.

"Go away! Bastard! What are you doing? What are you doing?"

The Valkyrie King cursed angrily, and the soldiers in his hands had already been blown away.The two Valkyrie imprisoned the arms of the Valkyrie Old King.Another two Valkyrie forcefully tore the pants of the Valkyrie King....


The stern and extremely humiliating howl of the Valkyrie King resounded through the sky.

Tang Chen didn't feel well, so he hid Xingzang and left quietly.


The sound of clothes ripping through the sky came one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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