Shushan Wushen

Chapter 262 Unexpected changes

Chapter 262 Unexpected changes

【I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep anymore. I lie there, my fingers move, and I write another chapter {sweating}.Ask for a monthly pass!Book friends, let's do it!You are cool, so am I!Everyone is cool~!Let's go!The author's biggest motivation is the monthly support of readers!A mere 100 yuan will support the little brother with a monthly ticket, sincerely for sincerely, I am grateful for your life!I will never forget it~!support me!Ask for a monthly pass! ~~~~~~~~~~Thank you! ! ! 】

The beautiful and delicate Martial God Jing Tian caught sight of Tang Chen's methods in a hurry.They looked at each other in astonishment.

The violent explosion of the short Martial God released a majestic force, "Ah..." Jingtian Martial God who exploded opened his limbs, and jumped into the air towards Tang Chen's direction.

Tang Chen felt bad.

In his thoughts, several divine thoughts had locked onto Martial God Jing Tian.After all, the shattering of Valkyrie's body is too amazing.

The blood of the gods splattered everywhere, and the divine power that was bound was lost. Ripples appeared in the exploding void, the big trees broke, and the ground cracked and collapsed.Flying sand and rocks, air waves mixed with divine light, soaring into the sky.The mushroom cloud light interlaced and meanders, which is spectacular.

Tang Chen waved his palm, the inscriptions on his fingers shone, and he took the corpse of another warrior god into the inscription cave.Take a step forward, do everything with all your strength, and stand still again, which is also thousands of miles away.

"Huh..., so dangerous! Huh?"

In a hurry, Tang Chen actually had something extra in his hand.Taking a closer look, he took a deep breath.

"Emerald Xuanbing? Why did this thing get out of my hands?"

Tang Chen was very puzzled.Thinking back to the scene just now, Martial God Jing Tian pounced on his own afterimage, he had never seen this guy before.

"Tang Chen, every plant and tree in the Valley of Burial Soldiers is a magic weapon, and this emerald black ice also gave birth to spiritual wisdom. The moment consciousness was born, I felt your gentle breath and came looking for you. This is the plant soldier The instinct to recognize the Lord. You quickly bleed to recognize the Lord!"

The Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree sounded a reminder.

Tang Chen suddenly realized that the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree was actually just a plant demon.They are also special beings who have achieved success in cultivation.What the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree said must be the truth.

Tang Chen forced out a drop of blood, and saw that [Emerald Green Ice] was already flickering, and a pure and ignorant little girl's face faintly appeared.The lips are very small, and they can't stop smacking.

Essence and blood emerged from Tang Chen's fingers, and under the traction of his breath, the baby girl instinctively moved closer, "Crow~" sucking in the mouth.

"Hiss..., ho ho ho ho, ah, ah, ah, yo~"

Tang Chen's brain felt a biting cold, and his soul trembled.It is very cold and comfortable, and the Lingtai is much clearer.An indescribable sense of appropriateness arises spontaneously.

The impetuousness in my heart was swept away.

Tang Chen knew that this was a good treasure, so he stared at it, feeling guilty.Look up and look thousands of miles away.The smoke and dust obscured the sun, and the soaring light was like sharp swords flying, and the cold light drifted away.There was undoubtedly fighting there.

"Maybe I can save them! Try!"

Tang Chen's divine body blurred and reappeared, with a faintly fading afterimage behind him.Back to the lion tiger rabbit cave.

"what's the situation?"

I saw several Martial Gods fight, but Jing Tian Martial God changed into new clothes and stood in the grass with dull eyes, wiping the blood stains on his fair face.

The Martial Gods didn't talk to each other, and the soldiers urged them to move, and the shots were fierce.The end is a ruthless killer move.

There is another martial look full of courage, trying to get close to Jing Tian's martial arts, and the scene of bloodshed reappears!The sword, light and sword shadow suddenly accelerated and landed brightly, which was the vital point of the Valkyrie.

boom boom boom~
The Valkyrie frantically swung the soldier in his hand, swinging away the weapon that was close to the vital point.But he couldn't prevent all the assists.At the acupuncture points on the back and under the ribs, "噗噗噗~" the warrior pierced in, and blood flowed profusely immediately.Lost for a moment.The second attack is coming again!
If one loses sight of another, the key is to hit the big move!The flow of internal force is out of control, and the movement of divine power is not smooth. The spirit of the five elements, which is deified and solid, gushes out with brilliance visible to the naked eye~.

chi chi chi~
The breath suddenly became sluggish.There is no good person among the warriors in the arena.The knife glows coldly, and the sword draws light.The stick swept the afterimage, and the gun tied a line.


The Valkyrie was fatally wounded, his divine body was damaged, and his soul broke free from the shackles and fled to the ground in a hurry.

"Not good!~" Nine Palace Plum Blossom Tree roared.

Tang Chen went in without knowing.Run away as promised.

It's a pity it's too late.

The ground suddenly bulges.A broken spear broke through the ground.And that primordial soul seemed to have found its host, sha~, it disappeared without entering.

Following that, a tyrannical killing atmosphere was released unrivaled and surging.

boom boom boom~
The ground rolled and surged like a big dragon making waves.The surrounding big old trees suddenly snapped off, and the intertwined roots dug out of the ground, the mountains and rocks were flying, and the gold and gold rained chaotically, lasing into the sky.

The gods were in trouble, and flew upside down, coughing up blood.The soldier in his hand came out unexpectedly.

Martial God Jing Tian was caught off guard, and he couldn't condense his cultivation.It exploded into pieces with a bang, and the beautiful stunner disappeared.

Tang Chen slammed and turned [True Listening Zhixiao Pan], the light belonging to the underworld on his body flowed densely, and temporarily escaped from this secret realm.

This move is undoubtedly the most correct.I saw the residual spear strangely drawing afterimages.In the horrified and desperate pupils of the Valkyrie, he approached the body quickly and left the body suddenly.In the blink of an eye, the Valkyrie's life was harvested.

The saddest thing is the Valkyrie who rushed over upon hearing the sound.He didn't get any benefits, so he was pierced through the body by a broken spear.Turned into a mummy.

"Swallow the soul!"

Tang Chen couldn't help exclaiming.My heart trembled.Sweaty palms.Secret luck.Fortunately, [Pingshui Thirty Fingers] directly defeated Yuanhun in order not to leave future troubles.Otherwise, Tang Chen is the one who fell down at this moment!

This is too scary.Sure enough, Zijin Valley of Burial Soldiers is in crisis every step of the way.

The remnant spear devoured the primordial soul and qi and blood, and the aura was obviously much stronger.Half of the black lacquered spear body has a simple and simple pattern.The red lines are flowing, and the beauty is bright.Extremely extraordinary.

"Bang bang!~"

Wrinkles creased the space, and the broken spear plunged into it brutally.Shake ~, break open the space, no trace.

After a long time, the dust stopped flying and disappeared.The dry and curled up corpse was dropped on the ground.

Martial arts rivers and lakes, the world of conferred gods.There is no gender and appearance to speak of.Life is so fragile and humble in the face of changes.

In front of the mighty force, a blade of grass, a tree, a rock, a beautiful woman, and a knight with strong martial arts are all lowly ants.

Tang Chen appeared, glanced at the dead and beautiful Martial God, and was deeply moved.With a long sigh, he walked towards the cave.

Tang Chen shook his hands and patted two divine powers, one of wind element and one of water element.

The wind element expels the [Succubus Bamboo] toxins, the water element cleanses the cave, drives away the hot toxins, and bestows a trace of precious coolness on Junxian Martial God and the five of them.

The tiger and rabbit nests extend in all directions, and the wind element drives them deep into the cave.Avoid secondary infection.

Junxian Martial God and the other four Martial Gods are very poisonous and have lost their way.But it is undeniable that these five martial gods have no evil intentions and forcibly abide by the Qingming of Lingtai.Despite being harassed by overwhelming desires, he gritted his teeth firmly.

The arrival of the water element is not untimely.The hustle and bustle cleared away, and the mood was turbulent.The succubus toxin that was forcibly suppressed in the body made a comeback, with a mighty power.

Suddenly, there was a trace of moistness and evaporating coldness, which made Jun Xian and the others feel as if they saw distant lights in the dark.

Hope rekindled.Faith grows again.The succubus toxin forced out, along the corner of the bitten lip, turned into blood arrows, and shot out with a "chi chi~".The bright red poisonous blood is very domineering.The ground burned out a small ring-shaped pit for it.It sizzled by itself.

Martial God Junxian was relatively lightly poisoned, and with Tang Chen's help, he got rid of the succubus poison. "嚄~" spit out the last breath of pollution, opened his eyes, and looked around.

"Who? Who saved us. It turned out that you are the Martial God you envy. You really live up to the name of a generation of Tianjiao..." A Martial God woke up one after another, cupping their fists to express their thanks, flattering compliments.

Martial God Junxian shook his head, and said resolutely: "It's not me! I was also rescued by someone and woke up with the power of the water element."

"Who is that? Who is so righteous. He is so chivalrous and righteous!"

(End of this chapter)

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