Shushan Wushen

Chapter 268 Stunning Gods

Chapter 268 Stunning Gods

"Since we're here, it's because of fate. You and I can work together!"

Tang Chen smiled and was amiable, he dodged to bully him, and collected the magic weapon in the lake in his spare time.

"Bandits! Scoundrels!"

Martial God Feixue scolded Tang Chen, his face turned pale.All of her clothes are high-level magic weapons, and now she doesn't even have a bellyband left.Every inch of her smooth and jade-like skin expresses a delicate beauty.

"You violated the selection rules, I want to quit!"

The Martial God of Burying Flowers was holding the stone slips in his hands, but unfortunately he didn't have the strength to crush them.Her tender little fingernails turned white, but she still couldn't inspire the power of God.

"Tch! Your physical body is too weak. At first glance, it looks like a cultivation base piled up with heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

Tang Chen sneered mercilessly.Ridiculously.

Two days ago, when Tang Chen fled, he hid in a tree hole to take a nap.But he was spotted by the Flower Burial God.She was also immoral, so she kept silent at the time, and when the thirteen warriors caught up, Lanhua turned her fingers lightly, pointing to Tang Chen's direction.

Seeing Tang Chen's panic-stricken appearance, the combination of eight beautiful girls, Martial God Feixue and Martial Flower Buried Flowers, snickered under cover of their mouths. Tang Chen couldn't forget those gloating eyes for a long time, and lingered in front of his eyes.

The appearance is like a fairy, and the heart is like a snake.These words are the best evaluation of their eight warriors.

"Can you give me a robe?" Martial God Ushuang begged shyly and embarrassingly.A pretty face is full of clouds and clouds.Comparing the sky with burning clouds.

"Sister Zunshuang is not engaged yet, so don't go too far, just let it go after seeing it all. Don't tarnish her innocence. Get rid of it!"

Ninglu Martial God roared awe-inspiringly.Very sisterly.Speak up.

"Ninglu is not engaged either. Her eyes are cute and her lips are thick. Let her sleep with you tonight. You can cover us sisters."

Wushuang Wushen blurted out without hesitation.Ning Lu Martial God suddenly lost his eyesight, feeling that he was completely betrayed.

"You disobeyed the God. This is the punishment you deserve." The Boiling Martial God is a sensible person.Tell the truth in one sentence.

Ning Lu Valkyrie bit her red lip and was speechless.

"God sees you as your creation. Accept God's choice! Little sister Ninglu!" Martial God Yan Han spoke righteously, divinely explained, and urged earnestly and earnestly.

"God, please pay attention to me. I admire you very much!"

Finally someone couldn't bear it and made a rescue for Ninglu Valkyrie.She is the Martial God of the Crescent Moon, with her plump figure swaying gently, like a bridge pier standing in the water, she flung her eyes towards the magnificent Tang Chen.

The 36 Martial Gods enslaved by Tang Chen couldn't help being shocked, and the seven companions of the Crescent Moon Martial God were also deeply shocked.

Martial God Feixue was eager to gain wisdom, and said with a charming smile: "Don't be surprised, the Martial God of the Crescent Moon is an extra head. Martial God Ninglu is still yours. In addition, Martial God Ushuangshuang is your favorite, and you can also sleep with him!"

Tang Chen couldn't help feeling sad.For a robe, even the comrades entrusted by the back, the partners who have known each other for many years, can be sold.Where is the chivalry of practicing martial arts?

Where is the maintenance?

Thinking of the Kongtong School, how lofty the concept of martial arts is!But up to Hua Fongjia, the head of the sect, and then up to the founder, Guang Chengzi, all of them are sanctimonious people.

On the contrary, the Wu Emperors under the masters of each peak, even the Wu Emperor, the existence under the Great Wu King, have justice in their hearts and abide by the chivalrous way.Uphold justice and public morality in martial arts.

Sure enough, if the power of restraint is lost, it will eventually become a disaster.

Tang Chen sternly said: "You know the stars of the great family of chivalrous men. You know that martial arts practice is not easy, and you are grateful for the blessings of heaven and earth. Successful cultivation of ancient martial arts will benefit the common people and the community. You can know that as a chivalrous man, you must uphold fairness and justice in the martial arts world!"

"Shameless, I am ashamed of you for such a quality martial god!"

Tang Chen explored and took out eight sets of cool palace dresses for female officials in Mingwen Cave, and threw them to them.

Tang Chen's face was cold, and even the "Beast Controlling Dalu" was slapped fiercely on their pretty faces.

The tall and swollen big handprint made all the gods feel cold.I lamented that Tang Chen didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and he could really do it with his hands.

However, they also expressed the highest understanding of Tang Chen's anger from the bottom of their hearts.

Although the eight warriors did this on the plane of gods and demons, there is nothing wrong with it.However, this is an unspoken rule that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words.It's okay to fight in a small circle, but once it is put on the table, it goes against the original intention!
The gods have fallen for endless ages.The so-called rules, ideas, and virtues all restrict low-level practitioners.

There are no rules and no circles.

For the Valkyrie at the highest level of implementation of the rules.How can a Valkyrie be so serious about picking hairs?It's too late to cover each other.After all, this is the dignity of a vested interest class.

"See Master!"

The timid magnetic voice sounded continuously.

Tang Chen received [Unnamed Lakeside] His face was a little pale, and his power was overdrawn.He just waved his hands and didn't answer.

A woman's heart is sensitive, and she felt that Tang Chen was not feeling well, so she immediately summoned the 36 Martial Gods to cut wood and throw rocks to make a palanquin.

It's nothing if Valkyrie takes action to change the world.Not to mention some carpentry.

Tang Chen sat on a very large rock.Beside him are eight female warriors with different appearances. They are pretty and graceful.

Twelve warriors carried huge sedan chairs.

Another 24 Martial Gods patrolled around, picking up natural materials and earthly treasures, and inquiring about surrounding news.

As a result, an exquisite and simple stone-collapsed sedan chair amazed the entire Zijin Valley of Burial Soldiers.

A Martial God team was quite curious and formed a group to watch, only to laugh at it.Immediately, he was surrounded by more than a dozen silent warriors, beating him regardless of the consequences.

A day later, Tang Chen's servants had grown to more than 100.In terms of number and quality, in any respect, it is on par with other Valkyrie teams.

"Master, we should go hunting at the gate of the secret realm. The harvest there is much better than here."

Wushuang Wushen, with a serious expression, solemnly and charmingly brushed a strand of messy hair behind his ears, displaying his style gracefully.Very shrewd and capable.

Tang Chen murmured, and called a few Martial Gods who acted as scouts. After some inquiries, he waved his hand.

"Go to Zijinmen!"

"Great God Tang is coming to Zijinmen. Let's discuss it with the bosses!" Some small forces were quite anxious and uneasy.String all around.

"A team like Tang Dashen should have set up a branch in Zijinmen long ago." There is a big force who is very knowledgeable and generously preserved his own dignity.Don't think about it at all, just a day ago, Tang Chen was hunted down and fell into a certain death situation...

"That's right! If Tang Dashen doesn't come to Zijinmen to grab a hand, I, Qiu Shan, will also give him a favor." Some people have no martial spirit, and brazenly say that showing weakness is extremely lofty.

"It's an honor for a martial god as amazing as Tang Dashen to be able to join our small circle. It's too sweet, it always feels like something is missing!"

Martial God Yugu clapped his hands and laughed, twisting his fat body, looking honest and sincere.

"What Yugu Martial God said is very true. Then should we agree with it?" Regret Martial God smiled, persistently asking for the bottom line.

"Hiss..., it's necessary to meet Tang Dashen! Let's go!"

Martial God Qiu Shan's eyes lit up, and he exchanged a glance with Martial God Yugu, the leaders of the two powers got up almost at the same time, and flew out.

"Fuck you! What a scum! There is no integrity at all!" Regret Martial God casually complained.

Unexpectedly, the leaders of more forces showed surprise and yelled loudly: "It's a pity that Martial God said that our major forces have no integrity, and he wants to fight against Great God Tang! I absolutely cannot agree to this!"

"Yes! I don't agree either!"

(End of this chapter)

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