Shushan Wushen

Chapter 269 Release water to raise fish

Chapter 269 Release water to raise fish

Tang Chen didn't like this kind of ostentation very much, but the subdued Martial God repeatedly and resolutely begged him, which made him feel helpless to accept it.

Actually, Tang Chen understood in his heart.

It seems that only this kind of seemingly absurd luxury and publicity can match the proud and dignified identity of the Valkyrie.To cover up the fact of being enslaved.

A slave is more expensive than a master.This is almost instinctive fragile self-esteem.

Tang Chen could only give up.Let these arrogant and invincible gods in the past, humbly and respectfully yell and order.

"Great God Tang...!"

At the far end of the sky, there is a hazy mist.Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiu Shan stood hand in hand, their bodies were full of stars, and their aura was extraordinary. They did not come close, they smiled and clasped their fists in the air and said: "I am glad to hear that Great God Tang is yearning for Zijin Gate, I am so lucky to be able to make friends with Great God Tang .Today I am here to welcome you!"

Tang Chen nodded with a smile, and solemnly clasped his fists in return.

"Thank you two great gods, Tang Chen will keep this in mind."

Yugu Wushen smiled kindly and kindly.He said with a smile, "Master Tang doesn't need to be polite. When the selection is over, you and my brothers are colleagues at the Zijin Auction House. We need to get closer to our colleagues in the future. Hahaha."

"What Yugu Martial God said is true. Tang Dashen is amazing. As a colleague, he needs to take care of him in the future and cooperate with each other sincerely. I'm waiting for the top!"

Martial God Qiu Shan put his posture extremely low.Feel free to show up.

Tang Chen felt the other party's intention of friendship.With a smile on his face, he invited Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiu Shan to sit together.

Eight Valkyrie maids served fragrant tea.The eyes of the two who watched were burning.

Even in the plane of gods and demons, Tang Chen's ostentation is a big deal that can only be done by top powers.


"This is the eight beauties of Jiangnan!" Martial God Yugu exclaimed.Tell the origin of the eight beauties.

"It is rumored that Jiangnan Bamei was specially recruited by Zijin Auction's high-level executives, and the selection was just a formality. I don't want to be accepted as a maid by Tang Dashen, Tang Dashen is very lucky!"

Martial God Qiu Shan had insight into the inside story and issued a warning euphemistically.

Tang Chen didn't know the details of Martial God Qiu Shan, so he couldn't respond directly.Confused, he picked up the tea bowl and asked for tea.

From Tang Chen's point of view, it is impossible for Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu not to know that he enslaved Bamei Martial God.Making such a shocked face is nothing more than an opportunity to set up Tang Chen's status in the outside world.

How could Tang Chen give in?Just a trick.

Each of the eight beauties in the south of the Yangtze River has a prominent background.Very good!Once the truth is revealed, a large number of proud warriors are destined to tremble and sweat.

This matter must never be told to others!Telling the hole card is a disaster.

Therefore, Tang Chen could only deal with it vaguely.Do not do transparent processing.

"Great God Tang..., I regret that Martial God disdains you very much. He refuses to welcome you to Zijinmen. He wants to make trouble!"

Two Valkyries rushed over and announced the news loudly.

Tang Chen drank tea and pretended not to hear.

Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu looked at each other and accompanied them to drink with a smile.

Martial God Yugu smiled and said, "Unfortunately, Martial God wants to set off a bloody storm!"

"Unfortunately, Martial God likes to make troubles, hey~, this guy is always so rebellious. Hehehe~."

Martial God Qiu Shan talked and laughed happily.

Tang Chen stared at Feixue Martial God.

Feixue Martial God, Bingxue is smart, his bright eyes are shining brightly, and he immediately understands.

She Tingting curled up and bowed to salute, and said crisply: "Master, Martial God Usurping Frost has just reported that one of his subordinates has discovered a mine, which should be one of the several metals you named. This is a big matter. Please, my lord." decide."

"Okay! Got it, I won't change the established plan."

With a clatter~, Tang Chen closed the precious porcelain tureen, talked with a smile, and nodded appreciatively at Martial God Feixue.

Tang Chen had a graceful demeanor, and smiled at Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu without hesitation.

"Brother has admired Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu for a long time. Today, we should have a long talk over tea and talk. Get close. It's a pity that this subordinate is ignorant, and found what brother needs at this time. It is very urgent .”

"On the journey of martial arts, chances are fleeting. Great God Tang, please take care of yourself. Brother, I wish you a smooth trip..."

"Yes! In the future, I will discuss the Dao at Zijinmen day and night, there is plenty of time!"

Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiu Shan heard the implication and comforted them.Clenched fists and said goodbye with a smile.

Tang Chen was very respectful, without the slightest hint of arrogance.Kindly send them off in person.

Seeing Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu walk away, Tang Chen gave the order.

"Find out the territory of the few warrior gods who tipped off the news. Always pay attention to the situation near Zijinmen!"

Tang Chen didn't want to be a spearman.Too much delivery is not a good thing.

"Master, Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiu Shan should have come to find out. They have found nothing. Look... do you want to resort to tricks?"

Martial God Feixue asked in a low voice.

Tang Chen pursed his lips lightly: "Pay attention to monitoring, and notify me anytime there are any changes."

In Zijin Valley of Burial Soldiers, the sky is obscure, the gray fog is thin, and countless incomplete soldiers have been bred for endless years, and their instincts have condensed a huge amount of energy from heaven and earth.

There are too many energies gathered in the sky and the earth, and those that cannot be used are the flowers, plants, trees, even rocks and dust.

In the Purple Gold Secret Realm, even a grain of sand is much heavier than the outside world.The golden light is bright, like gold dust.Examining it carefully, it seems that there is a squirming of the mind, and an awakening of ignorance.

However, the rules of Zijin Burial Army Valley are not complete, and it is impossible for the martial arts cultivators to survive for a long time. Otherwise, the martial arts cultivated here must be stunning and brilliant, and they will look down on the existence of heroes.

Tang Chen has a plan, so it's not easy to rush to Zijinmen.He pretended to go to the depths of the Valley of Burial Soldiers.

Suddenly, the outpost scouts sent by Tang Chen came back.There is a Valkyrie in distress ahead.

"Go! Go and have a look."

At Tang Chen's order, the 300-strong Martial God team carried the stone collapsed and flew across the sky.

Martial God Ling Tian is a lucky and sad guy.

By chance, he was favored by a [Blood Blade Flying Dagger] warrior.Successfully refined the gods and demons.

It's a pity that the selection of the winner must leave through the Zijin Gate.He didn't know the rules, so he crushed the stone slips and teleported them outside the Zijin Secret Realm.The result was almost judged to be a waiver.

Fortunately, Zijin Secret Realm has monitoring crystals.The forces behind Martial God Ling Tian also used favors.This is the resurrection.

Martial God Ling Tian entered the Zijin Secret Realm for the second time, relying on the wonderful connection with the gods and demons.Found the depths of Zijin Secret Realm.

The fiery red lava branches, like sturdy arms, stretched across the void.Fiery and fiery.

Martial God Ling Tian flew upside down, the battle robe on his shoulders was burnt, Liu Yan rose, and he coughed up blood.Curly beard and hair, cracked eyes.

Tang Chen rushed over and was amused when he saw this scene.

The Martial God who abused Ling Tian turned out to be a big tree.

The lava tree, the black tree body, the snake magma, meandering and rushing.Red like blood, shining brightly.

The roots of the big tree are like two legs, and the branches are swaying like three heads and six arms.


Burn the world.The heat wave hits people.

(End of this chapter)

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