Shushan Wushen

Chapter 270 The Gods Knock Down the Big Tree

Chapter 270 The Gods Knock Down the Big Tree

puff puff~
Martial God Ling Tian coughed up blood.The blood of the gods is bright red mixed with the smell of burnt.The internal injuries suffered were extremely serious.

The roots of the lava tree are constantly arranged and combined, just like the two legs of the human race are staggered and transformed.The branches of the big trees are thick and heavy, and the heat wave is blazing.The swing is extremely flexible, the attack and defense are well-balanced, and the advance and retreat have moments.

Where is this big tree is clearly a warrior god of the human race, and he is the kind who is proficient in ancient martial arts and has a solid foundation.

Martial God Ling Tian was completely at a disadvantage.unrivaled.

The two slender branches of the lava tree flowed with blazing clouds and were scorching hot, holding a dark blood-red small dagger between them...

A burst of heat that burned nothingness, tore open the battle robe of Lingtian Martial God, and pierced into the breastplate.

Martial God Lingtian's chest collapsed visibly with the naked eye, and the burnt hole was hideous, making it extremely terrifying to look at.Chilling.

This is a secret realm of selection, intrigues, each other has no duty of rescue and morality.Tang Chen naturally wouldn't lend a helping hand.Can only hurt the other kind of closed eyes.

"Master! Then Zhi Yao is going to escape."

Ushuangshuang Martial God reminded me softly, exhaling like blue.The chest swelled, as if it was inadvertently rubbing against Tang Chen's arm.


Tang Chen came back to his senses, two rays of light shot out of his pupils.

Swish! ~
Shoot at the lava tree thousands of miles away.Its breath that burns everything is scorching hot.It's hard to hide thoughtfulness in a hurry.

"I'll do it myself!"

Tang Chen hadn't finished speaking yet, there was a rustling~, his clothes fluttered, and he rose into the sky.Go straight to the lava tree.

A shocking scene, a shocking debut.

Tang Chen's men opened their mouths wide in surprise, unable to close them for a long time.There was a storm in my heart, and it was surging.There has been no peace even after endless years.

Tang Chen threw himself at the lava tree, but he didn't make any flashy big moves.

Tang Chen held a branch of the lava tree in his mouth, and ran the [Shadow Overlord Art] with all his strength.

The vast and hot magma overflowed from the corner of Tang Chen's mouth.Tang Chen swallowed it in big mouthfuls.The magma was boiling hot, rushing into the body.Tang Chen's divine body trembled violently.

Those who see it are all moved!
Tang Chen also worked hard to further deify the heart.The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, the heart is the fire attribute.Tang Chen needs a perfect and deified heart.

When the opportunity comes, don't miss it!

The big tree of lava was shocked, its body turned fiery red, and the lava twisted and rolled, "chichichi~" and white smoke erupted.Heat waves are even more terrifying.

Branches danced all over the sky, and Liu Yan shot rapidly.

Tang Chen gulped down the magma.The magma is too hot and powerful.The corners of the mouth are red.Without a fully deified mouth, Liao Pao was reborn.

Tang Chen didn't stop.The body moves flexibly.Do not avoid the whipping of branches.

Manpower is sometimes exhausted!

There are dozens of branches, and Tang Chen has two arms.

After several rounds, Tang Chen's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his battle robe was scorched and torn, revealing a large piece of armor.And the armor is also dotted with burn marks.

"Hurry up and help the Lord!"

Martial God Feixue, Martial God Ushuangshuang is very discerning, swish, swish, bully him, and help control the branches.

Hundreds of godless people responded with extraordinary momentum.

The lava tree is very aggrieved.It was humiliated and pressed to the ground, allowing Tang Chen to lie on the tree and shake.

After a long time, "嚄!~"

Tang Chen stood up satisfied, and tidied up the worn-out battle robe and armor on his body.

"Not bad! Tastes good!"

Bajizui with endless aftertaste.

Which of the martial gods is not a human being, they have already seen Tang Chen's great opportunity.Can't help but be jealous and heartbeat.

Tang Chen squinted at the struggling lava tree on the ground, "Bang!~" kicked it.

"If your heart is not deified, you can refine it as much as you want!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Valkyrie under his command was pleasantly surprised.This is the fire essence of the living five elements.Very difficult!
Immediately, hundreds of big pink lips greedily moved towards the lava tree.

The lava tree, I didn't expect the Valkyrie of the human race to be so greedy.Frustrated, he condensed his spiritual thoughts and roared: "Human beings! You are going to ruin my way! I am angry!"

The majestic momentum of the tree exploded in all directions.

The few warriors who were closest to the lava tree coughed up blood and flew upside down with their breaths sluggish.

"It's fine for a Martial God to bully me. They all want a piece of the pie. If you don't keep me alive, I will devour yours! I want to become a demon, what can I do?"

The lava tree also fought hard, and its divine power was reversed in an instant, and the astonishing black fire, dense and dense, soared into the sky.

Tang Chen roared loudly: "Martial arts practice is not easy. If you become a demon, there is always a way to perish. If you share the opportunity, I will keep your sanity alive, and you will still be able to cultivate a human body in the future!"

"No! The essence of fire is so hard to find! I don't have much time in this seat. I want to be an early adult and enjoy all the blessings in the world. I want to be rich and powerful, and have power! Wow..."

Large lava trees, rolling lava, a vast expanse of white aura, and plumes of black smoke billowing into the sky.

Retrograde divine power has a neutralizing effect on most divine powers.

rustle ~
Tang Chen's subordinates bombarded with divine power one after another, and the muddy cow fell into the sea, without any breath.

"Master! It's burning life potential! It won't last long! Let's consume it!"

The Martial God Canyue has extraordinary insight and speaks out the truth in one word.

"Sister Can Yue is right! Let's consume it to death!" Martial God Ning Lu echoed softly.

Tang Chen licked his lips, he couldn't bear it.It is really not easy to practice special life.He really wanted to subdue the lava tree.It's okay to swallow a few mouthfuls, and the effect must be extraordinary.

"Stand back, I'll come!"

Tang Chen took out the [Great Book of Beast Control] and made a volley shot.

"Decree! Pro~"

"Hahaha~, it's so ridiculous! Don't you hear that fire-attribute martial gods are immune to talismans?"

Tang Chen was shocked when he heard this.The precious [Beast Controlling Dalu], 'Puchi~', turned into ashes with a sound.Those engraved mysterious spirit arrays have exhausted their mana.It fell apart when it didn't work.

Tang Chen took out the small stone again, "[Weiming Lakeside] It's up to you!"

God and Demon Warrior [By the Weiming Lake] is very solemn this time, with clear and resonant voice: "I am a rock in Peking University Yan Garden. I got a corner of the essence of Weiming Lake. Suppress the demons and monsters in the world, and get rid of the filth!"

The sound of jade and gold, as if there was extremely humid water vapor, filled the sky.Everyone's sanity is clear.The pitch-black magic flame is slightly grayish.


A misty clear stream erupted along the way.spread.Qian Kun clarified it.

The smell of the lava tree is visibly sluggish to the naked eye.

However, this is not elimination but suppression!

Water and fire restrain each other, and the lava tree is the essence of fire, and it becomes the divine body of the tree.There is also a tendency of wood attributes.It is equivalent to passing on the torch from generation to generation.

Warriors of Gods and Demons [Banside of the Unnamed Lake] is not the real Unnamed Lake in the ancient holy land Beidayan Garden.Therefore, some reluctance!

Tang Chen saw through the truth, and he was ready to fight.

The moment the lava tree's aura diminished to a critical point...

Tang Chen made a bold move!

bang bang bang
Thirty fingers in flat water, hand picking flowers in Jiugong, and [Tang Men Po Jade Hand]!
"Bad guy! You took my fire essence! Wow~~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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