Shushan Wushen

Chapter 271 Ghostly Maniacal Smile

Chapter 271 Ghostly Maniacal Smile

"These methods are not enough for this seat!"

The momentum of the lava tree rose steeply, towering, majestic and violent, and the momentum was astonishing.

Several thick branches were twisted together, "Boom~" covered the face, the sky trembled, and the spider web-like void cracks filled the air.

There were many subordinates around Tang Chen, unable to dodge, Dou Da clenched his fists tightly.

Shout out in my heart: "Pingshui Thirty Fingers Dongjue!"

boom! boom! boom!
The shot is extremely fast, and the power is surging!Powerful explosion point, bright light.Circles of chaotic ripples rippled out one after another.

The surrounding towering ancient trees and towering mountains were affected and immediately shattered, flying sand and rocks, and the place was in a mess.

Tang Chen's martial gods were all good, but after the fierce hurricane passed, their battle robes were all torn to pieces.Some armor is relatively low-level, and large pieces fall off.Thankfully no one was hurt.


Tang Chen was angry.I didn't expect the lava tree to be so difficult to deal with.Simply do your best.

boom!boom!boom! ~

A punch is as fast as a punch, and both fists are released together, making afterimages.

The space around Tang Chen collapsed, fist lights mixed with Sheng Lie's flames, and sparks flew everywhere.The streamer is gorgeous.

In the endless years of Zijin Secret Realm, the vegetation is prosperous and the vegetation is verdant.Some of the decayed rocks have been carbonized.All are flammable substances.

Beep~, beep~, beep~!

Intense burning.An astonishing heat wave rushed straight into Xiaohan.This piece of land has turned into hot soil.

Feixue and other eight beauties in the south of the Yangtze River led Tang Chen's Martial Gods to retreat all the way, very embarrassed.One by one, the temples are messy and the clothes are disheveled.The aftermath of the battle still affected them.

The huge boulders flying wantonly, with no way to determine the trajectory, shot out like meteors. Some warriors had no time to take care of them in order to protect the eight beauties of the south of the Yangtze River, so they were severely killed.His bones were broken, he vomited blood, his breath was weak and disordered.

Tang Chen didn't simply attack, but used his own speed advantage to guerrilla the lava tree.

Tang Chen used his fingertips as the attacking unit, and with one punch, he controlled a ball of fire essence and put it into the inscription ring.

Without the help of the foreign wind, the fire essence is very precious, and the fire essence is indispensable for alchemy and weapon refining.

In the eyes of the lava tree; this is a shame!

Lava Tree thought that Tang Chen would attack more violently!Tang Chen didn't do this because he looked down on it!
Actually, there it is.Nothing good for the body and mind.Tang Chen didn't want to waste his strength in vain.

"Stop, you monkey! I want to slap you!"

The lava tree became restless.Jumping wildly, trembling branches and leaves, roaring loudly.

Anger appeared on Tang Chen's face, and it was wrong to fight against each other.

"Hmph! Noisy!"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, no longer suppressing the body's instinctive breath. With a sound of "Boom~", the deified body was perfectly displayed.

This is the Martial God Astral Body!
The whole body wins over the beautiful jade, and the surface of the skin shines brightly.The fragrance is tangy.One hundred and eight thousand miles high.Every move is like a god who destroys the world!
Of course, Tang Chen is Shendi, but he has no thoughts of destroying the world.

"Wow! You are still angry when you say you are a monkey? Hahaha, you really have a monkey temper~"

In the vicissitudes of the endless years, the lava tree has extraordinary mind and learned to attack the mind.

Tang Chen was furious, rubbed his body to bully him, raised his big foot and kicked fiercely.

"Bang bang bang!~"

At this time, the lava tree is as small as an ant.It is as majestic and boundless as the sky above Tang Chen's head and the ground under his feet.But after stepping on it with a few big feet, the big lava tree screamed strangely, and changed its appearance.

The branches are messy, the trunk is broken, it is very miserable.

Tang Chen accepted it as soon as he saw it, and hastily shrank his body.Paleness appeared on his face.

Just going down like this a few feet, it has to be said to cooperate with the [Shadow Overlord Art] to replenish the divine power, otherwise, he would have shown his cowardice long ago.

The energy of the heaven and earth on the plane of gods and demons is limited, and the energy of the secret realm of Zijin Burial Army Valley is slightly richer, but it is not enough to support the gods to do whatever they want.

Suddenly, just as Tang Chen shrank his body, a ray of blood suddenly rose from the ground, traveling through the void, "Bo~" piercing Tang Chen's head in the sky...

Fortunately, it was an afterimage!
Tang Chen was deeply shocked, and his hairs stood on end.I broke out in a cold sweat.

If it had been so slow just now, at this time the primordial soul had died, and the divine body had turned into a mountain range of stars...This is definitely the end.

"What a ruthless means!"

Tang Chen roared furiously.With a wave of his hand, he threw [Unnamed Lakeside] around his body.With a sound of "Peng!~" in the palm of the hand, the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree is impressively in his hand.

Big black sticks, colorful falling flowers, boom!Boom!Boom!Every time the stick is pushed down, the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree will pass a sliver of spiritual thought.

Internal and external attacks, divine thoughts were disturbed, and the lava tree was at a loss and overwhelmed.

"Tumbleweed! All obey orders, help me defend against a strong enemy!"

The lava tree shook the sky and roared, and the air of hundreds of millions of miles was sonic boomed.The space is born with an arc-shaped depression.

Tumbleweed, also known as pig hair dish, is a rare vegetable.

This plant demon has no roots, curls up into a ball of green grass, and survives by chasing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the tumbleweed heard the king's call and rolled over desperately.

boom boom boom~
Kill you while you are sick!Tang Chen swung the Nine Palaces Plum Blossom Tree, whistling with wind, the lava tree was tired of coping.The breath quickly wilted.Just then, the tumbleweed arrived.

The tumbleweed had begun to regain its intelligence, rushing to the side of the lava tree regardless of its own safety.

Liu Yan shot quickly, the lava tree released countless fire essences, and the emerald green grass burst into flames.

Tang Chen backed away in shock.But it's too late.The number of tumbleweeds dormant for hundreds of millions of miles is astonishing.

The tumbleweeds are like rolling mountains that move.The vast expanse came one after another.There are also countless yellow tumbleweeds that are more than tens of thousands of years old, flying across the earth like stars.Strong rolling.

That's not too scary....

A stream of fiery red magma hit the ten thousand-year-old tumbleweed. "Boom ~" a sound of blazing fire.

The flames and stars with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles were crushed in groups, and Tang Chen couldn't help but panic.Feet rhythmically, dodging extremely fast.But where can I avoid it?
The monstrous flames immediately engulfed Tang Chen's figure.



Even more anxious than Tang Chen was Tang Chen's Martial God.When Tang Chen dies, the [Great Book of Beast Control] will definitely activate a ban, and they will all be buried!

"It's okay! We're not dead yet. Master should be fine."

The warriors looked pale and encouraged each other.Embolden each other and forcefully boost confidence.

Tang Chen was ashamed and coughed up blood, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"It must be good for this guy to catch me and help me make alchemy! But it's a pity, it's too unruly. I can only zoom in and get rid of it."

Tang Chen took out a jade tablet. ——The artistic conception treasure poem dwelling body!
"Crack~" Crush the precious jade.


"The rain falls from the sky. The water flows from the bridge. I pick up my mother's skirt. I have a knot at both ends."

Tang Chen showed a ghostly and wild smile.

"It's time to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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