Shushan Wushen

Chapter 272 Let the wind go

Chapter 272 Let the wind go

"Fortunately, there is Baoshi as the hole card, otherwise this time it would be too embarrassing!"

Tang Chen had lingering fears, his face was ashamed, and he was really in a mess.

This is a precious poem that single-handedly summons the Nine-Heaven Xuannv, who will rain down the prehistoric sky to cleanse the world of evil spirits.Demons and sprites, wolves run and rush.

The tumbleweed has never become a god, it belongs to the demons and monsters, and it cannot be tolerated by the evil spirits of heaven.

The prehistoric rain never came from the past, never came from the future, never started from the present, and came across the inexplicable [latitude].The majesty of the sky is majestic and flaming.

After a while, the rain was over and the clouds were light and the wind was light.Yuyu clarified.

The divine body of the lava tree collapsed, and the spiritual wisdom fell into extinction.A majestic magma river, without the restraint of the divine body, is mighty, winding and rolling, boiling all the way.The plants along the way were burned one after another and turned into ashes.

And this area has become a restricted area of ​​life.

Wushuang Wushen and Wushen Ninglu condensed a large group of water elements to clean Tang Chen, and helped Tang Chen put on new underwear, armor and battle robe.

Tang Chen drank in a low voice: "Let's go!"

"Master, the Zijin Gate is in chaos. According to the latest information, it is a pity that the Martial God has wiped out five or six of the Martial God forces that greeted you in one go. Please show me how to decide this matter!"

Qingying Valkyrie and Fengling Valkyrie, who were in charge of intelligence, reported in a low voice.

This matter is self-evident, regrettable that Valkyrie is clearly slapping his face.

It can be said that the forces and small groups in the entire Zijin Secret Realm are watching the changes.Waiting anxiously for Tang Dashen's reaction.After this matter was tolerated, Tang Chen's prestige was compromised from then on.Shouting and fighting, it seemed superficial again.will be looked down upon.

Feixue Martial God's Divine Sense in his ears carefully and carefully deduced the direction of this incident.

Tang Chen laughed loudly, waved his hands, and revealed the truth: "Release the water to raise fish! I'm not timid. I don't have so many worries. Do the math, what is the proportion of Wushen's new land?"

Martial God Feixue blurted out without hesitation: "Thirty to three! All are good locations. Many are the first choice to get the gods and demons and warriors! Deliberately going around will lose more."

"Unfortunately, the territory of the Martial God is the sum of the Martial God Qiu Shan and the Martial God Yugu! A veritable power! Their Buckles family has always been rebellious..."

Tang Chen sneered and said, "The Baccles family... what do you care about him? This is the Valley of Burial Soldiers in Zijin. We discuss the matter within the secret realm, and talk about outside the secret realm after leaving the secret realm. Don't pay attention to it. Get rid of them all!"

Tang Chen knew very well that he would definitely be able to enter the Zijin Auction if it was only about the selection of the secret realm of the Zijin Burial Valley.

However, after leaving the Zijin Auction House, it is hard to say how much the Tang Sect will support.After all, he is a dark child of the Tang Sect.

Once out of the Zijin Burial Valley, I believe that the Zijin Auction will arrange the status of the selectors, and it will definitely not be so simple to compare the selection results.What's more important is to balance the decency of the various forces!
Therefore, Tang Chen will not be able to handle it when the time comes.Without powerful support, being favored by the senior executives of the Zijin Auction House and taken under his wing, what if the senior management is a lofty, arrogant and out-of-group dumb bird, then Tang Chen's Ye Mengmeng... .

It is estimated that the children are all born!

Tang Chen "excited Lingling~" fought a cold war.Think carefully!
"All possibilities must be eliminated in the bud!"

Tang Chen made a great wish in his heart, made up his mind, and clenched his fists.

Turning his eyes, he sent a voice transmission with his spiritual thoughts: "Tell the outside to let the wind out, just say that I want to destroy Martial God Regret and the forces that have made good friends with him. I have already rushed to Zijinmen with all my strength. But the forces that help will give them a chance to divide up according to their merits. ...especially Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu! Understand~?"

Tang Chen's eyes were all bright, and he looked at Feixue with deep meaning.

Feixue looked strange and puzzled.

Tang Chen warned again: "Remember, it's to let the wind out! Let the wind out!"

Feixue's eyes brightened sharply, and when she looked at Tang Chen, her eyes suddenly changed. They were filled with fear and fear, and then all of them turned into admiration.With a sweet smile, she turned around and continued to set things up.

Tang Chen turned around and stopped by the magma river, standing with his hands behind his back, speechless for a long time.

The magma river flowed continuously from Tang Chen's feet, stretching into the distance, with thick smoke billowing at the end.The blazing and majestic heat flow made the space extremely dry and hot.

"Unfortunately, the essence of the fire element has dissipated!"

Tang Chen talked to himself, and slowly stretched out his big hand.

The arms are infinitely extended, the big hands cover the sky and the sun, and grasp the lava river in the palm of their hands.While staring at it from a distance, divine power rose from the palm of the hand, precious light rose, and a river of magma turned into a huge fire snake thousands of miles away.

"Pick it up and rush to the Zijin Gate!"

Wushuang Wushen was very puzzled and questioned: "Master, is this magma river still useful?"

"Hmm~, there is an element that needs to be bred, but it won't be too long!"

Tang Chen answered calmly, walked leisurely, stepped on the exclusive stone chaise with grace and grace, huh huh huh, huddled in front and back, and ran towards the Zijinmen...



Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu have been paying attention to the evolution of the situation, and they regret that Tang Chen did not occupy Zijinmen's territory in time.

Seeing that the Martial God gathered the forces he had made friends with, he wiped out several forces that were inclined to Tang Chen.He was so envious, his eyes were very enthusiastic, and he even complained to Tang Chen.

"What? Is Tang Dashen finally going to make a move?"

After receiving the news from his subordinates, Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu almost burst into tears!The past few days have been really tormenting, and they feel that they hugged the wrong thigh.

Martial God Yugu smiled and said, "Great God Tang will take a share this time. Hehe, he looks very sensible."

"It's all about recruiting helpers. He didn't grasp the people and the good opportunity that day, and he finally came to his senses. Hahaha.~" Martial God Qiu Shan thought he had the truth, and revealed the secret.

"Then we..." Martial God Yugu looked at Martial God Qiu Shan deliberatively, and took advantage of the opportunity to glance at the leaders of the surrounding forces who had made friends with him.

"Why is there any hesitation? Since Tang Dashen is going to join Zijinmen, aren't we looking forward to this step?" Martial God Hong Jun answered easily.

Green Ant Martial God's head was not empty, hesitatingly said: "This statement is not bad! But I always feel that Tang Dashen seems to be more difficult to guess than Regret Valkyrie..."

"Guess what! Can you beat Tang Dashen? Those martial gods under your command can still wrestle with Tang Dashen? Listen to Yugu Martial God and Qiu Shan Martial God! Passing the selection is the real thing!"

Lange Valkyrie scolded Green Ant Valkyrie not without contempt.He is taking the opportunity to step on others.Pretty standard show of favor.

Yugu Martial God was complimented invisible, and he was greatly benefited, and he became proud.A big hand patted his old friend Qiu Shan on the shoulder: "Qiuqiu, make up your mind!"

Martial God Qiu Shan didn't drip water, and said with a smile: "Brother Yugu, your eyes have betrayed your heart. You are a generation of bloody heroes. Why do you have to be so meandering, do what you want, and when it's time to make a move, Just shoot!"

"Okay! Gather your hands and fight for the Valkyrie!"

Yugu Martial God's eyes were sharp and murderous.Looking around, those leaders who have made friends with small forces have no right to speak, and can only act viciously to show their loyalty.

After a while, Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiu Shan led a team and launched a surprise attack on Martial God Regret.

"How dare you stroke the tiger's beard! Fortunately, I heard the wind and made preparations! Get rid of these foolish bastards..."

Regretfully, the Martial God was furious, and with an order, he rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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