Shushan Wushen

Chapter 273 The Martial God of Qiu Shan

Chapter 273 The Martial God of Qiu Shan

boom!boom!boom! ~

In front of the Zijin Gate, the Martial Gods belonging to two major factions fought fiercely.

The divine power surged, and the bright divine power light radiated in all directions, bursting out frequently, and the space became chaotic.It can be seen hundreds of millions of miles away.

The lone Martial Gods retreated one after another, and some Martial Gods who had obtained the Gods and Demons took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the Zijin Burial Soldiers Valley.Successfully passed the selection.

However, this is the lucky few.After being noticed by both parties, they planned to fill in the loopholes and executed them on the spot.

Tang Chen kept receiving feedback from his subordinates in front of him.My heart blossomed with joy.

"Slow down. Increase surveillance. Report quickly!"

Tang Chen hesitated for a while, and then told the Martial Gods around him: "You hurry up to help Martial God Yugu and Martial God Qiushan, remember that confidence is more precious than gold, and besides..."

Several Martial Gods got the explanation from Tang Chen, understood it, and left with smiles.


The battle was brutal and intense.Although Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu were attacking with all their strength, unexpectedly, Martial God Regret was on the defensive first.

This is actually tantamount to fighting head-on.No one had the upper hand.Can only start shopping.

The Martial God made a move, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, completely torturing the stars.What's more, there are so many gods.This is the battle of the gods.

boom boom boom~
The divine power surged, the rays of light were brilliant, flesh and blood flew, and Zijinmen trembled endlessly.In the secret realm, boulders tumbled and shattered countless times, and there were countless large pits on the ground. Occasionally, broken bones, stumps, limbs and arms were thrown out, bloody and bloody.

The primordial soul, who didn't know which camp it belonged to, screamed and fled far away.

In addition, the soul of the Martial God died, and the divine body turned into a mountain range of stars on the spot.The coercion lost its restraint and was released.Zijin Secret Realm shuddered.

Some gods and demon soldiers were even startled, jumped out of the ground, and fled to the depths of Zijin Burial Soldiers Valley.

This kind of chaos cannot be contaminated.Especially the gods and demons have a concept and a mission.Even more hastily dodged.In a hurry.

War, especially the high-level battle between Valkyrie, is basically about crushing and fleeing.Those who are evenly matched will probably die together.

But, as a Valkyrie, how can anyone be a fool?

Measure the opponent's combat power and make a wise choice.Persimmons must be picked soft!
With vigorous bombardment, casualties are inevitable, and the casualties on both sides are huge.

"Not good! In this way, our power will shrink!~"

Seeing that his confidant Valkyrie were seriously injured and lost their combat power, he regretted that the Valkyrie suddenly woke up and shouted loudly to retreat and defend.

Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu also realized that something was wrong. Most of the people who fell were their own hardcore, and more of them turned to the Martial God, and they didn't work hard.

Are we 'designed'?

This thought can't be lingered for a moment, this kind of worry is not unreasonable!
The so-called chivalrous way, morality with iron shoulders, is only relative.Protecting the weak with low-level cultivation bases, displaying the demeanor of heroes and ancient martial arts, generally speaking, it is common to seek fame and fame, and to win a good name abounds.

Walking the rivers and lakes, holding a sword to the end of the world, and making a famous name, nothing more!
When facing masters of the same level, they are at the same level, and there is a competitive relationship.That is intrigue and deceit, full of clever tricks.

Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu looked at each other in dismay, with the same thoughts in mind, but how to say such words.What a shame!
Just at this time, there was a roar after another.

Several streaks of light slid across the sky, with majestic power and astonishing momentum.

Another Valkyrie is involved!
Which side is this?More than 20 warriors came in pairs.This is already in the category of small power level in Zijinmen.Friend or foe?
The leading Martial God clasped his fists to Martial God Yugu and Qiushan Martial God: "My master, Shang Tang Chen, came here to help! Master has captured a special life, and his force is strong. We are invincible. Master has to imprison him personally, so there is a delay. Going all out to get here!"

After speaking, more than 20 warriors stared sharply at the position of the warriors, releasing endless coercion from their bodies, with a murderous aura.

Boom boom boom! ~

The surging divine light is blazing and rising, and the divine body is like the sun, radiant and dazzling.


The words follow the law, and the divine power is released luxuriously.

boom!boom!boom! ~

It's a pity that the people who belonged to the Martial God were turned on their backs in an instant, and a large area was knocked down, their desperate eyes were red.It turns out that they formed an alliance, and they worked together! ~

"Despicable, to have colluded with Great God Tang!"


"I surrender, surrender to God Tang!"

Some people slavishly flirtatious, dodged the powerful attack with excellent appearance, and yelled loudly to surrender.

"There is an order from the Lord, surrender is not accepted!"

More than 20 martial gods roared in unison, and the magic light of their shots became more powerful.All kinds of divine powers are colorful, colorful, surging and amazing.

Martial God Qiu Shan's eyes showed guilt, and Martial God Yugu's eyes were moist, and he sighed deeply: "Great God Tang, you are a real hero. How could you trick us?"

"It's our villain's heart. Alas! I can't live with him!" The Green Ant Martial God left a sentence, his eyes showed determination, and he waved his hand and led the Martial God of his power to attack.

Martial God Lange, Martial God Hong Jun also blushed with guilt.Shouting in his mouth, he vigorously bombarded the martial god who regretted it.

"Leave no survivors, kill them all!"

The Martial God sent by Tang Chen tried his best to intimidate him.The divine power released in the hands became more majestic, and the momentum became more astonishing.The opponent's Martial God's liver and gallbladder were shattered, and he was so frightened that he lost his soul, and he kept running away to avoid it.

Trapped beasts are still fighting!

"Brothers! This is a desperate situation, either falling or dying, we have no way out. Fight!"

Regrettably, the martial arts eagle watched the wolf, collected the location of the forces belonging to the forces, and shouted loudly to boost the momentum.

Unfortunately, the Martial God of the faction to which the Valkyrie belongs has seen the situation clearly.Roaring loudly, doing everything with all his strength, and waving his arms quickly, the surging divine power was released brilliantly.Launch a Jedi counterattack.

The mourners will win!
Regrettably, under the instigation of the Martial God, the Martial Gods under his command fought desperately, and miraculously defeated the Martial God team sent by Tang Chen.

Martial God Qiu Shan, Martial God Yugu, the pressure suddenly increased.

Green Ant Martial God "Boom!~", was blasted into powder by Regret Valkyrie himself.

"Wow! It's hard work!"

Tang Chen's Martial God shouted his trumpet, desperately releasing his martial arts, gorgeous and gorgeous, as bright as a bright sun, shining brightly.The momentum is fierce and hot.It's amazing.

Unfortunately, the lethality is limited.Flashy.

Soon, Martial God Qiu Shan was caught by Martial God Regret, and one of his subordinate Martial Gods dropped his spear suddenly.


This is a soldier of the gods and demons, [Looking for the Dragon and Exploring the Spear].

Born with intelligence, he actually has the [teleportation] attribute, travels through the void, and with the help of other latitudes, suddenly appears behind Martial God Qiu Shan's head with a "poof~!".

Qiu Shan Martial God, all souls are destroyed!

Yugu Martial God was about to burst into tears, hysterical, and screamed terribly.


Sorry Valkyrie, he sped up with a cold snort.In the hands of the gods and demons warrior [Volley Blood Drinking Knife], the light of the knife flashed.


Martial God Yugu's reaction was also different from ordinary people, coupled with the protection of the gods and demon soldiers [Nine Treasures Exquisite Axe], Yuanhun hurriedly escaped into the void.Angry and screaming.

"Unfortunately, Martial God, I swear against you! Tang Dashen is here, and I will crush you to ashes!"

(End of this chapter)

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