Shushan Wushen

Chapter 274 Great God Tang, Inserting a Knife

Chapter 274 Great God Tang, Inserting a Knife

"Tang Chen inserted a knife, you don't know it, you are really poor stupid dogs!"

Regrettably, Valkyrie ridiculed endlessly and laughed wantonly.

"Sorry, you fart! Tang Dashenyi Bo Yuntian, a role model in martial arts for my generation!"

"Have faith in my master! Faith is worth more than gold!"

More than 20 Martial Gods are suspended in a group in the air.Justify loudly.

Martial God Qiu Shan and Martial God Yugu, one died and the other was seriously injured.This also declared that a great force that could rival the Martial God Regret had collapsed.Annihilated.

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, Lange Martial God, Hong Jun Martial God fled after resisting a few times.It's a pity that before he escaped very far, he was chased by a group of warrior gods, and his body was smashed to pieces, leaving only his original soul to escape.

Nothing to worry about!
It's a pity that the boulder in the heart of Valkyrie suddenly fell.Order a group of people to pursue Yu Nian, and the rest will fight for the territory of Yugu Martial God and their forces.

That's the top priority.

Someone noticed that the Martial God sent by Tang Chen was fine.Not only that, a team of three would leave the battle from time to time, and at the same time, three people would join in.

The lives of the two warring parties were at stake, and no one noticed this scene at all.It did not raise any doubts.

Regrettably, the Martial God's momentum was at its peak, and it gradually became the trend of wind and clouds.He won nearly [-]% of the perfect position in Zijinmen in one go!
More than [-] Martial Gods belonging to Tang Chen watched with cold eyes, and gradually added troops around them.Three people and three people joined the team and never left.

It's a pity that the Valkyrie to which he belonged didn't take it seriously, raised his hands and said, "Boom! Boom! Boom~!" He punched twice, without looking at the result, or even checking the attack point, and left.

It's just routine!

The actions of the gods are extremely fast, and it is a pity that the Valkyrie has completely controlled the [-]% of the territory.Manipulating good people, reaffirming the rules.Organized, step by step.He began to look squarely at Tang Chen's men.

Ripples appeared in the space, and the light shone brightly.A great river of magma galloped through the vast expanse, and a heat wave rolled across it, appearing across the sky.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It's so rough! It's crudely made!"

There was a Valkyrie who disdainful and ridiculed.

"It's an ordinary magma river. It looks amazing, but it's not an egg!"

There was a Valkyrie who felt relieved and patted his chest.Look relieved.

Regrettably, Valkyrie narrowed his eyes suddenly, feeling something was wrong.This is too meng lang.General Valkyrie is not so boring.

Sure enough, Wanli Magma River made its shocking debut, and Tang Chen's Martial Gods burst into cheers.

"Welcome, Your Majesty, to the Zijin Gate!"

A radiant divine light erupted in the sky, and Tang Chen was surrounded by eight beauties from the south of the Yangtze River. His clothes fluttered, and his black hair was like a devil's fire, hunting with the wind.Under Feng Yu Liuyan's eyebrows, a pair of obsidian-like eyes shone brightly.

"Peerless Tang Great God!...Hiss!~"

Many martial gods were shocked by Tang Chen's true appearance.

There are some beauties and warriors who are very good at life, stroking their hair in disorder to show off, gestures with gestures, their skirts are undone, and they are vaguely happy.The winking eyes are like silk, and the pink and tender tongue is wandering on the flaming red lips.Like a lost lamb....

"Happy meeting!"

It's a pity that the god of war is neither yin nor yang, so he clasped his hands and clasped his fists.

Tang Chen stood proudly, swish!Behind him, the soul of Yugu Martial God emerged.

"Great God Tang, he is the Martial God Regret, and Martial God Qiu Shan fell into his hands!"

Tang Chen looked at Martial God Regret indifferently, arrogantly and contemptuously, as if looking at a dead person.

Regretfully, Martial God sternly shouted, "Martial God Yugu, do you still want to do something? Great God Tang stabbed your sword. Are you still not awakened?"

"To sow discord, one's heart can be punished!" Martial God Yugu reprimanded loudly.His body was in disarray, and it was obvious that there was a storm in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Tang Chen ignored Yugu Martial God's sneaky observation.I didn't face up to the god of regret.Just slightly jaw.

"What does this mean? Does Tang Dashen acquiesce in inserting the knife or deny it?"

The gods fell into speculation, and their pupils were at a loss.


Martial God Feixue stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

swoosh swish~
More than 20 Martial Gods under Tang Chen, who were on standby in the air, spread out and formed a formation in the air.

The gods were puzzled by it.

Regretfully, Martial God suddenly woke up, and shouted sharply: "Master Tang, what do you want to do?"

Tang Chen ignored him at all, and took out a small knife to carefully trim his nails.

Thousands of miles of magma rivers, hot currents rushing, burning the sky and burning the earth.It roared like a struggle, stretching and meandering.

That landing point is actually all the gates controlled by Martial God Regret.

"Great God Tang, you're going too far!" The Martial God was about to burst into tears.

The Valkyries stationed on the ground avoided one after another.The small amount of fire essence in the magma river is nothing to be afraid of, what cares about is the hundreds of martial gods in front of and behind Tang Chen!

"Regret Valkyrie, let's fight!" You regret the hardcore ally of Valkyrie roared.

boom! boom! boom!
But before he finished speaking, Martial God Fang showed a hint of determination.Here comes the attack.

It's a pity that this hard-core ally of Valkyrie has turned into a huge fan!
"Master Tang, how about sitting down and discussing? I am Ba..."


Martial God Feixue's pretty face turned cold.Waiting for the Martial God to report the origin, it involves the selection of forces outside the secret realm.Outrageously interrupted.With a wave of his hand, hundreds of Valkyries were divided into two teams and launched a direct attack.

boom boom boom~
In an instant, Martial God Regret was submerged in the radiant divine light.

This attack was definitely not as fancy as it appeared on the surface, and was ordered by Tang Chen in advance.Nothing is a must-kill stunt!

Quantitative change has reached qualitative change, how can Valkyrie deal with it?Where is there hope for life?

After a while, the radiant light suddenly disappeared, and the turmoil in the space was calmed down.Regrettably, in the place where the Valkyrie is, there is only a group of radiant and extraordinary warriors of gods and demons...

No bones left!All the rings with inscription pattern were burst!

"Master Tang...Brother Tang...."

Yugu Martial God timidly called out tentatively.He longed for Tang Chen to share his share of the pie.

After all, Tang Chen has a kind heart.I sighed deeply in my heart.

He said cordially: "Brother Yugu, look at those demon soldiers, go and pick one!"

Martial God Yugu was inexplicably grateful, and all the grievances in his heart disappeared.The divine light of the soul body is bright and crystal clear.Full of joy, clasping fists and saluting...

"No! My lord, we have a total of 390 and two warriors. There are only 180 warriors of gods and demons. How can he, Yugu warrior god He De, have one on his own! We don't accept it!"

Martial God Canyue snorted coldly, neither humble nor overbearing, and argued hard.

"The lord rewarded Martial God Yugu, we are willing to die!" Martial God Fengling raised his willow eyebrows, Danfeng's eyes widened, and he pursed his mouth angrily.

"If you want to take away the Lord's reward, you have to pass our Jiangnan Eight Beauties first!"

Feixue Martial God's face was frosty, and he made no secret of his murderous intent.


Tang Chen stared sideways in amazement, and his shocked expression made Martial God Yugu see everything at a glance.Quite comforting.

"My lord, please take it back! I'll wait for death!"

rustle ~
The grass and soil on the ground are flying, and the rocks are smashing. More than 300 martial gods knelt down in a large area.

"You, you, you, you——, alas!"

Tang Chen was dumbfounded.Shocked to the point of speechlessness.

"Forget it, forget it! My divine body is lost, and it's useless for the gods and demons to ask for it!"

Martial God Yugu still doesn't understand how to be tricked, and was stabbed by Tang Chen.That would be a fool.He gritted his teeth and spit out such a sentence.

Tang Chen smiled, clapped his hands in embarrassment, and said, "The team is too big, so it's not easy to lead."

"It's okay, I understand! I understand!" Martial God Yugu saw that the fierce light in Tang Chen's eyes still remained.With a warning sign in his heart, he forced a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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