Shushan Wushen

Chapter 275 Cruel and merciless

Chapter 275 Cruel and merciless

Tang Chen has no sense of belonging to the plane of gods and demons.Especially in the three days when I was exhausted, I encountered so many plots that harmed others and benefited myself!
As for Yugu Martial God, he was just opportunistic, trying to drive the tiger out of the wolf.The purpose of each other is from the perspective of interests.This has nothing to do with chivalry.Not against the original intention.

Martial God Yugu felt resentful, bowed his head in thought, quite annoyed and remorseful.After thinking about it carefully, I felt that there was nothing wrong with what Tang Chen did.

After all, the two sides did not conclude any covenant.Thinking about Tang Chen, he didn't make any promises either.

Tang Chen walked towards the new site, waved his hands to activate his divine power, and the majestic magma river was extremely compressed and turned into a volcano.

A Valkyrie ran to the top of the mountain and set up a spiritual array.A huge "Tang" character, the whole body of magma flows, red like blood, hot and powerful breath is amazing, coercion and heat waves, surging and surging.

The power behind Martial God Yugu is also extremely huge.This time I suffered a dark loss.How can I let it go?

Calm down, watching his subordinates busily performing their duties, he raised Feng Yuliuyan's eyebrows, and glanced at the infinitely lonely Yugu Martial God.A sharp light burst out from the bottom of his eyes.fleeting.

Among the eight beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, which one is not a peerless beauty who is beautiful, intelligent, and transparent.

Fengling Martial God observes his words and looks, his long and narrow eyes are not charming at all, but there is a hint of sternness.The catkin slid out of the afterimage, spewing out divine power, and with a sound of "Boom~", Yugu Wushen's soul shattered inch by inch.

Martial God Yugu let out a scream of "Oh~" and fell completely.Eternal death.


Tang Chen was tongue-tied, and took a deep look at Valkyrie Fengling.He only had this thought in a glimpse, but unexpectedly Fengling Valkyrie actually put it into action.

This surprised Tang Chen.The hairs are terrified, and the body is cold.How could this woman be like this!With such a cruel heart, can you still marry her?

Naturally, I couldn't say this, I kept it in my heart.But those dark and deep eyes were hard to fathom.Wind Chime Martial God was also terrified.

She could see that Tang Chen had murderous intentions towards her.

Fengling Martial God was also witty, he lifted his clothes and fell to his knees, trembling: "My lord, please forgive me, but Cai Lingling also missed her hand just now. I implore the master to allow the lowly maidservant to sleep tonight and make amends."

"Come on! You guys have taken a fancy to my magnificent appearance! Think I didn't hear the discussion behind it?"

Tang Chen wasn't really angry, but he was wary of this big beautiful girl who was like a peach blossom, with a heart like a snake and a scorpion, and who shot fiercely.A casual joke easily resolved the situation.

Fengling Martial God's face was blushing, and he walked gracefully, his waist shape was deliberately highlighted, and he walked into Tang Chen obediently, clenched his small fists, and tapped to relax Tang Chen's muscles.

Tang Chen squinted his eyes, took in everything around him, and whispered a few words to Feixue.

Feixue's eyes burst into brilliance, obviously unbelievable.Very surprised.

Zijinmen has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and there are no mountains, rivers or rivers to be seen.If it wasn't the original plain, it was created by the gods of war who destroyed the world in countless battles.

Tang Chen controlled almost [-]% of the territory.The remaining [-]% ​​of the territory is all small forces, Tang Chen has the absolute right to speak, and it can be regarded as indirect control.If you want to get it, you just need to cough.

Not long after Feixue left, she went back and forth, leaning over and whispering to Tang Chen.

The hot breath in Tang Chen's ears moved strangely.In front of my eyes is a large lump of white snow, trembling and trembling, and the random flowers are gradually becoming charming.


Tang Chen couldn't help breathing in a deep mouthful of dry, hot, turbid breath.

Martial God Feixue raised the corners of his lips triumphantly, Jiangnan Bamei smiled.He respected Tang Chen even more.There are really not many men who guard their bodies like jade in this era.

Suddenly, an old voice came from the sky: "I am Mugu Martial God, and I strongly request that Tang Great God give all the gods a fair chance, and I have won the God of Gods and Demons to pass the selection! If you agree, please go to I'm here. There are flags [-] miles southwest of Zijinmen..."

Tang Chen nodded, and praised: "Good job."

The corners of Martial God Feixue's lips swelled, revealing fine silver teeth.He pokes out a spring onion finger and shakes it in circles.

Sure enough, another clear and clear voice sounded leisurely: "Wu Gu Martial God's words are very true, and I, Ju Lang, fully support it. First go to Tang Dashen to make a wish!"

"The Lord has spoken, yes!"

Feixue responded with a high-pitched and loud voice.The entire Zijin Burial Valley can be heard in an instant.The world seemed to fall into silence.A burst of earth-shattering cheers followed.

"Okay! That's great! God Tang is willing to give us a chance, and we are expected to pass the selection. There is great hope!..."

A warrior god burst into tears, with an excited expression, affectionately caressing the gods and demons in his hands.

"Great God Tang is far-sighted, I admire him..."

There are warriors who praise loudly, but the rhetoric is poor and cannot fully express the emotions in their hearts.

"Tang Dazhi has a lofty mind and does not bully others. He can be called a model of martial arts and a model of chivalry!..."

Some Martial Gods gave empty and vain praises, but they finally revealed part of their true meaning.

Tang Chen is very powerful now, and there is always a Martial God to curry favor with him, and as soon as Feixue finished speaking, there was a Martial God who came through the air.

"Martial arts are backward, and Martial God Bai Xiao has a list of candidates for the Zijin Burial Army Valley, and requests to present it to Great God Tang."

Wushen Fengying soared into the sky and received Wushen Baixiao.

Martial God Baixiao handed in the list and walked backwards.Very respectful and humble.They didn't take the opportunity to ask to see Tang Chen.

"Very sensible fellow."

Feixue praised, Tang Chen smiled slightly, took the list handed over by Martial God Fengying, checked it a little, and handed it to Feixue.

The list of selectees is very important, and there will not be too many omissions.At the same time, some famous heroes in the outside world can no longer hide their identities.

Tang Chen was also afraid of changes, so he manipulated this large-scale appearance.The purpose is to find out the follow-up selection and the odds of winning!

Three days later, the Martial Gods who had obtained the God-Demon Warrior and those who had not got the God-Demon Warrior gathered in Tang Chen's territory.Just under the volcano, a ring was set up.The arena of life and death.

The rules are very simple, pay the treasures of heaven and earth, rare metals, or, redundant soldiers of gods and demons.Then draw lots and fight.Regardless of life or death, the ranking of Zijin Burying Soldiers Valley's combat power will be determined.

Treasures of heaven, material and earth are those who have the ability to get them!
Those with low combat power can leave the Zijin Burial Soldiers Valley by handing over the gods and demons.Those with the highest combat power will get the gods and demons, but compensation must be given to those who surrendered the gods and demons.The upper limit is all the treasures of heaven, material and earth in the inscription ring.

There is a martial god who feels that his combat power is low, and his voice is timid, and he refuses to participate in the ring.Flee to the depths of Zijin Valley of Burial Soldiers.In these three days, I encountered a large number of Valkyries to kill, and I had no choice but to give in!Some even voluntarily abstained from the group arena, waiting bitterly for compensation from the new owner of the God and Demon Warrior.

Where would Tang Chen give them a real fair chance?

A bloody killing storm is about to debut.And the even more terrifying net has already enveloped the heads of the martial arts masters.

(End of this chapter)

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