Shushan Wushen

Chapter 277 The awe-inspiring gaze of the gods

Chapter 277 The awe-inspiring gaze of the gods

I was so ruthless in my heart, I couldn't speak it out.

Tang Chen's mouth was full of kindness: "It's too polite to return to the martial arts class. Tang Chen is very fortunate to be able to get acquainted with the gods through selection. Today's victory or defeat is not important. The important thing is to learn from you and increase your martial arts experience. I hope you don't hesitate Teach me."

After finishing his high-sounding speech, Tang Chen raised his chest and clasped his fists sincerely.

Tom Valkyrie and Kansai Valkyrie hesitated to speak.I wanted to be polite, but Tang Chen had already taken a step back, occupying a corner.Ready for battle.

"Please enlighten me!"

All the gods clasped their hands together again, and drew out soldiers, with a radiant divine light rising from their bodies.In an instant, the place was auspicious.The grass under the feet grows crazily, green and shiny, clear and crystal clear, like clear water and clear springs surging endlessly.

Tang Chen didn't dare to push him too hard, he raised his eyebrows, and his pupils shot out a sharp light.


The Nine Palaces Plum Blossom Tree suddenly started.Fallen flowers are colorful, pink and beautiful.

"What a cool soldier!~"

The gods admired it, the picture is really beautiful.

Whoosh whoosh! ~

The figure changed, and the ten warriors, the gods and gods shone brightly, as if they were burning.The power of the soldier in his hand was urged to the extreme.The momentum is amazing!
boom boom boom~
One after another, they beat up Tang Chen.

The corners of Tang Chen's mouth were tightly pursed, his sensory acuity was raised to the extreme, his feet frequently changed his footwork, and his speed suddenly increased.

chi chi chi~
An arc-shaped afterimage disappeared like a ghost, as if teleporting.As for the afterimage of Tang Chen who stayed in place, his face still remained, revealing every detail.

Rumble! ~

The ear-piercing sound of the sonic boom sounded, and the afterimage of Tang Chen collapsed.

Only then did Valkyrie react.A cry of surprise: "Remnant image! Such a solid afterimage. Tang Dashen is really extraordinary! No wonder Ban Huan and their ten martial gods stop attacking!"

"Why is Tang Dashen so fast?"

A martial god suddenly raised his eyebrows, the martial arts in the world are only fast and invincible.Tang Chen's speed was outrageous, it was too shocking.

Although watching the battle from a distance, they were still shocked, and the gods were shocked in their hearts, setting off turbulent waves, and could not be calm for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, before the top ten Martial Gods repositioned Tang Chen's figure, Tang Chen had already made a bold move!
The plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces gave off continuous afterimages, "Bang!~" A stick hit Hengsuo Wushen's waist.

Hengsuo Wushen is a god of martial arts from outsiders, and he is a god of thirteen imperial guards. He is stronger than gold and stone, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to water and fire.

A spiritual thought of the plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces suddenly interfered.Tang Chen's big black stick added another dark force.

"Whoosh~" Hengsuo Valkyrie stopped for a while, and then flew upside down, coughing up blood. ~
Bah!Bah! ~

The Jiugong plum blossom tree was broken and turned into a three-section stick!
"Tang Dashen's stick is broken!" A Valkyrie exclaimed.It didn't feel good, and I felt uneasy for Tang Chen.

"Shut up! How ignorant and ridiculous!" A Valkyrie was strongly dissatisfied and scolded loudly.

The Martial God didn't refute, instead he was delighted: "Sure enough, Great God Tang has a great move."

In the arena, Tang Chen beat Hengsuo's Martial God to the ground with a stick, and the castration was still there.The Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree was disconnected, and it just happened to change direction, and in an unimaginable way, it used its strength to fight!

The majestic anti-shock force of Hengsuo Martial God was applied to the big black stick and hit in the opposite direction.


Tang Chen turned his head to one side, and the Martial God Brown attacked vigorously behind him.Caught off guard.Dodge in a hurry.But the angle is too weird, and the speed is so fast.

A large hole was smashed out of the forehead.Deep to the bone, blood rushing.gurgling.Tang Chen took a half-step back and slammed his shoulder into the arms of Martial God Brown.


Powerful and sudden fierce.Martial Brown's sternum shattered, "Pfft!~" spouting blood.

At this moment, Tang Chen held a nunchuck in his hand!
"Hey, hey! ~ Hey, hey! ~"

Tang Chen's feet moved miraculously, unfolding the complete nine palaces and fifteen steps, flying up and down with his hands, covering his head and face, and knocking away Minggu Martial God and Tunyu Martial God.He flew upside down, coughing up blood.

"Huh! Huh!"

Tang Chen deceived himself into the Martial God of Chijing, and stabbed him fiercely under his armpit with two short sticks. The feeling of broken ribs was numb and trembling.

Swish! ~

Xiangyi Martial God's long sword stood upright on his chest like autumn water, and his feet spun around like a spinning top.The sword gang spewed out brightly and sharply.Fiery and unrivaled.The momentum is unrivaled, the coercion suppresses the space, and the speed is extremely fast!

The most rare thing is that such swordsmanship looks like an iron barrel, rolling and coming, without any flaws!

I don't know how many swords, piercing Tang Chen's battle robe, jumping away the rivets of the armor...

rub rub rub~
Tang Chen staggered, constantly changing direction, dodging in a daze, and finally escaped from the sword glow field with the help of the body of Ban Huan Martial God!

"Huh! Huh! Huh~~"

Tang Chen was panting heavily, his heart beating wildly.Tang Chen, the martial god who plays with swords, has the most contacts.Li Yiqi, Ding Yin, and Gao Ziyin are all experts in this way.But compared with Xiangyi Martial God, he has more light skills and less killing skills.

Xiangyi Martial God turns his body into a sword, which is unparalleled in fierceness.Go forward indomitable, put to death and live.The spirit of breaking the boat!So magnificent!

Women don't give in to men, but she's the one you're talking about?

Tang Chen's fight with ten Martial Gods sounds cumbersome, but in fact it was just a glimpse, and the moment passed.


Thousands of miles away, Hengsuo Valkyrie crashed to the ground!With a disheveled face, grinning his teeth, "Pfft~!" He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Minggu Martial God and Tunyu Martial God coughed up blood, blood and divine bodies fell to the ground one after another...

too fast!Just take a breath.Tang Chen's battle robe was full of small holes poked out by the tip of the sword, and large pieces of armor fell off.The sword marks on the boots are still there.

There was a drop of hot sweat on Tang Chen's forehead, dripping dust.

Tang Chen smiled wryly.He thought to himself: "It's so strong! If you don't use it big, you won't be able to move in the next moment!"

Swish Swish Swish! ~

In the third section, the plum blossom tree in the Nine Palaces jumped back into Tang Chen's hands.The pink Jiugong plum blossoms are all over the sky.

Cover up!

Tang Chen took out the God and Demon Soldier [Ban of the Unnamed Lake], and injected it with majestic divine power.

"Green ant new grain wine, red mud small stove.

In the evening, the sky is like snow, and there is nothing to drink. "

Tang Chen chanted aloud, this is a precious poem, the artistic conception has been used up.This is also deception.

After all, using [Unnamed Lakeside] to crush the top ten martial gods, hehe, there is always something despicable about it...

The gods outside looked at Tang Chen in shock and astonishment.The beautiful painting style, and the afterimage that just landed on the retinas of the gods are so stunning.Why did such an extraordinary man appear today?Where has he usually lived in seclusion?What mysterious background does he have that makes Jiangnan Bamei fall in love with him?

When he looked at Tang Chen again, he couldn't help but see a qualitative change.

If it was said that before Tang Chen made a move, their awe of Tang Chen was at the level of fear, but now they are deeply impressed!Although, the top ten warriors have never fought with all their strength, and are even suspected of releasing water.But that is also a problem at the coordination level.

Only by flying Hengsuo Martial God, wounding Minggu Martial God, Tunyu Martial God, and severely wounding Chi Jing Martial God.It is already a great military exploit, extremely extraordinary!
Who can do it?It is also amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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