Shushan Wushen

Chapter 278 This is too speechless

Chapter 278 This is too speechless

Wisps of clear stream, faintly visible, vaguely present, lingering and filling the sky.The ten martial gods felt this strange power, and their bodies were shocked.

rustle ~
A kind of bone soreness, numb and unbearably itchy, just like indulging in the lazy and quiet time in the afternoon, and the invasion that cannot be restrained.

The divine power in the body is trickling, gradually drifting away...

"What's the situation? I feel that the divine power is out of control and is being lost!" The Martial God of Red Jing was seriously injured, and his bones were recovering. This change made him feel the deepest.He was deeply affected by it, and the pain in his bones showed that the healing could no longer continue.

"This is too weird! Damn it, what happened!" Tom Valkyrie roared in horror.

"Don't bark, it may be Tang Dashen's weird singing!" A woman's heart is as delicate as a hair, and she is always sensitive to the difference.

As soon as this statement came out, there was no objection.The ten people gradually gathered together and entrusted their backs.Form a corner.

Tang Chen was overjoyed to see it.He was really afraid that the ten warriors would disperse.How much energy would that cost.

Bang bang bang!
Tang Chen swung the big black stick, and the pink and fragrant Jiugong plum drifted away with the strong wind, shooting all over the sky.This is how a beautiful moving picture unfolds.

"Not good! I lost at least [-]% of my combat power!"

Xiangyi Martial God exclaimed in amazement, the shuriken could not activate the sword gang!The radiant divine power stays at the tip of the sword, flickering, refusing to show its edge!

"I'm not feeling well either! The whole person is not feeling well! Oh, oh, oh!" Heng Suo's martial god's divine power has dropped sharply, and he is a big waste.It's just meat.He was terrified.

The monstrous divine power surged in, and the dantian was quickly refined and used for his own use. Tang Chen's aura suddenly soared!The big black stick in his hand turned into a three-section cudgel, pointing east to west, and pointing to north, the top ten martial gods were completely abused for a while.His nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he was howling.

There is nothing more humiliating than this.I can't use my strength, and I don't know why the strength is on strike!Tang Dashen is too weird, and his methods are so extraordinary that he cannot be understood by the gods!

Tang Chen quietly took out the [Beast Controlling Dalu], pop!Snapped!Snapped!A crazy meal.

"Decree, here~~~."

Obscure syllables, hidden in the shouts, enslaved the ten great gods of war very insidiously.Tang Chen even ruthlessly despised himself.A martial arts hero who claims to be upright and upright, unexpectedly behaves like this.

Have you lost your mind?

Love!All for love!In order to protect his close lover.

In martial arts battles, the strong are respected.Today is not Tang Chen's despicable act, using means to plot against the gods.Instead, it was another Valkyrie who was in Tang Chen's situation.I'm afraid it's even uglier than Tang Chen's cooking.

Tang Chen was already very elegant.The ten great martial gods and the decency of the eight beauties in the south of the Yangtze River have been preserved.

They and they were "contrived" by Tang Chen.

But the story of enslavement did not spread.Do not hurt the dignity of the gods and the forces behind them.

More importantly, they and they are not fools and will never take the initiative to reveal the truth.Even if someone exposes it badly, I'm afraid they and they will actively cover it up on the one hand, and on the other hand, they will spend their entire lives hacking to death the guy who caused the trouble.

Tang Chen's methods are concealed, and his actions are extremely fast.Clap your hands and take away the Jiugong Plum Blossom Tree and the God and Demon Warrior [Ban of the Unnamed Lake].

Dayi clasped his fists awe-inspiringly: "Everyone agrees. I'm lucky to win!"

The ten Martial Gods who had been enslaved vaguely felt that something was wrong, and unknowingly developed an uncontrollable affection for Tang Chen.This is too unreasonable.

Xiangyi Martial God and Chi Jing Martial God are better, they have a good impression of Tang Chen, perhaps because force conquered their hearts.

However, the Martial God Ban Huan, the Martial God Minggu, and the Martial God Tunyu, how do they explain it?Distorted by Tang Chen's sexual orientation all of a sudden?Ask the world, can there be such exercises?I will spend my whole life practicing it.Unfortunately, unheard of.

Banhuan Martial God, Dujiang Martial God, Hengsuo Martial God, Xiangyi Martial God, Kansai Martial God, Chijing Martial God, Minggu Martial God, Tunyu Martial God, Brown Martial God, Tom Martial God, ten great Martial Gods respectfully salute, and kneel down on one knee , all sincerely said.

"I implore Tang Great God to allow me to follow you around in this life!"

"Inspired by the way of heaven, I am willing to serve God Tang forever from now on. You are the only one who follows the lead. Go to battle and kill the enemy, make the bed and make the bed, without any complaints."

What happened?Ten Martial Gods even gave up their dignity!Volunteering to be a follower of God Tang?What's wrong with this world?I question my eyes and ears.Have I fallen into a hallucination, or have I not awakened from a deep sleep?

The weird scene in the arena reveals a mystery that cannot be explained clearly.It is impossible to predict, nor dare to speculate.

There is a phrase about the gods of war: "The ten great gods of martial arts were overwhelmed by the demeanor of Tang Dashen."

"Yeah. What you said is true." The gods watching the battle echoed, complaining in their hearts: "Hum! It must have been beaten stupid by Tang Dashen. Or scared. That stick is very weird!"

Tang Chen pretended to ponder, and politely refused: "We are only participating in the selection of Zijin Auction House. In the future, we may be colleagues, or may be subordinate to superiors and subordinates. Whether we follow or not is related to the rules and regulations of Zijin Auction House. If there is any violation, you and I will both It’s an extra problem. Let’s let it go at this time, don’t mention it again.”

"No! My lord, if you don't agree, I, Xiangyi, will die! I will die now for you to see—"

Xiangyi Martial God drew out his sharp sword, the autumn water shattered the void, and shot at the pink and white jade neck...

At this moment, Tang Chen's refusal made Xiangyi Martial God feel unlovable and focused on killing himself.

Affected by this, the other nine Martial Gods showed determination without hesitation, as if the whole world had abandoned them.A look of despair.Some gather power in their palms.Slowly lift up...

Some took out sharp knives and measured their own thick meridians.

"Stop!" Tang Chen yelled sharply, stopping this irrational behavior.

Tang Chen spoke earnestly, heart-to-heart, and said loudly: "Cultivation in martial arts means tempering your body, cultivating your dantian, refining your meridians, and honing your mind and will. I just won a round by luck. I don't believe you have grown to this day, martial arts Feng Shen, I haven't experienced killing and fighting yet! Why are you so fragile? Don't you look down on me? The exercises I practice are extremely simple?"


Tang Chen let out a cold snort, his face was covered with frost, extremely cold, when he took a look, his body felt cold, and his hair stood up.

"Don't say you have to follow me. Wouldn't it be better to be a close and intimate friend? Treat each other as equals, exchange needs, help each other, and friendship will last forever. Like strong tea and old wine, it will last forever, even if it is not a legend. , it can’t be called a friendship! So good?!”

"My lord! This is not good! I would rather be the humblest servant by your side than stand shoulder to shoulder with you. I would rather defend you against the soldiers who cut me down than you treat me with courtesy. Because I I feel...unworthy!"

After Ban Huan Wushen finished speaking, he fell to his knees with a 'Putong'.It turned out to be knees.

"Master! I am not worthy to stand side by side with you. I beg you to follow me!"

The gods in the arena made a shocking move, and the gods outside the arena were astonished and shocked.

"This is too speechless!"

(End of this chapter)

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