Shushan Wushen

Chapter 285 The Strongest and Most Arrogant Elder

Chapter 285 The Strongest and Most Arrogant Elder

Sequence List Fire Flame Holy Land, Heizi Continent, Zijin Auction House.

"Ya Fei! I can't help it!"

The pharmacist Frog Martial God gave the old man in red a submissive look, feeling extremely flustered.

Alchemists, although they belong to the Zijin Auction House's Martial God, cannot easily get in touch with the Zijin Auction House's senior management, but once in contact with them, they will respect the Zijin Senior Senior Elders like gods, and dare not offend them in the slightest.

What's more, the red-robed old man Wuxin Martial God, still has a head and face, rumored to be a mysterious and noble force, a member of the Zijin Army, with a frighteningly high background.It is even more impossible to offend.


Wuxin Martial God smiled triumphantly, and said: "It's very easy to keep the Frog Martial God! Sleep with me! Otherwise, even if you leave the Zijin Auction House, Yafei, I won't agree!"

"You..." Ye Mengmeng frowned, and was in a dilemma.

One must know that there are not many alchemists in the Purple Gold Auction Field of Huoyan Holy Land, Frog Martial God is very important as a fifth-rank alchemist, if he leaves, the alchemy room will be paralyzed immediately!

What's more, there is no second rank or higher alchemist in Huoyan Holy Land!
You must know that not all alchemists are warriors.It is not easy for the ancient martial arts to practice Taoism and confer the gods. Then practice the way of controlling fire, discriminate and analyze medicinal herbs, be familiar with the pharmacology and medicinal properties, master the monarch, minister and envoy, and be familiar with alchemy.

It's so hard!
Moreover, to enter the Huoyan Holy Land, one must have a one-star Martial God or higher cultivation base.Otherwise, if you land on Heizi Land, you will be turned into ashes in an instant!

Pills are one of the important commodities in the auction house.If Frog Martial God breaks away from the protection of the auction house, with his scumbag force value, it can be said that any Martial God who jumps out of Heizi Continent can easily destroy him.

Most importantly, Wuxin Martial God is also one of the three chief managers of Huoyan Holy Land.And is the biggest giant.Completely surpassed the other two chief managers, Frog Martial God and Ya Fei.

His order is actually an absolute decision.irresistible.

"Strange! A pharmacist who specializes in refining medicine does not allow people to refine medicine honestly and at ease. Instead, he asks to go out to practice and kill as a martial god. Does the elixir have to become refined, and the pharmacist wants to fight the elixir?"

At this moment, a handsome and handsome young man walked over leisurely with his handsome face arrogantly swaying.

"Tang... Chen! Master Xiaochen! You are here! You are finally back!" Ye Mengmeng greeted her instantly with a look of surprise.Due to etiquette, he forcibly suppressed his impulse, and almost burst into tears.

The long-lost couple finally reunites!
No deep hugs, just relative stares.The silence speaks.

"It's that kid Tang Chen?" Wuxin Martial God looked disdainful, vigorously swung the sleeves of the big red robe, and coldly glanced at Chen Xiaobei with a hint of sinister.

In the past, Xiao Yan summoned Wuxin Martial God, Wuxin Martial God activated the pre-set restrictions and forcibly took Ye Mengmeng away.The two once had a relationship.

"Tang Chen? Could it be that Tang Chen is Concubine Ya's martial partner?"

Yafei and Xiao Yan's wedding was rumored to have been stopped by a mysterious figure at the critical moment, which shocked many people.Yafei once had a martial partner, so she was known by the gods.At this moment, Frog Martial God reacted immediately.

"That's right!"

Ye Mengmeng took Chen Xiaobei's arm, and said with a happy face, "I'm officially introducing you! This is my childhood sweetheart, Young Master Xiaochen, and also my beloved martial partner, Yafei, who will accompany me for the rest of my life! The only martial partner!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone around them changed.Wuxin Valkyrie looked even more unkind.There was a trace of cruelty and resentment in his eyes.

"It's actually true! Yafei really has a childhood sweetheart and a martial partner! Wuxin Wuxin really acted like a fool for his nephew Xiao Yan! He actually broke up!" Frog Martial God had an unbelievable expression on his face.It was too shocking, but unexpectedly the words from the bottom of his heart came out of his mouth.

There was Zijin Tianjiao, who nodded in sympathy, and said sincerely: "His nephew can't marry a concubine, and as an uncle, he will let his concubine stay in bed. The so-called bullying is nothing more than that!"

This Zijin Tianjiao is the protector of the outer sect from the Tang Sect, Luhan Martial God.Carried Tang Chen all the way...Tang Chen communicated with him with his spiritual sense, and the conversation was quite speculative.Therefore, he speaks up and supports Tang Chen.

"Paralysis! There are really people who are not afraid of death, and dare to snatch a woman from my Wuxin Valkyrie!"

Wuxin Martial God had an angry look on his face, glaring at Tang Chen covetously, and shouted: "Boy! Are you really Ya Fei's martial partner?"

"It's not steamed (really), is it boiled?" Tang Chen jokingly asked.

"I think it's fake! Ya Fei is still a virgin!"

Wuxin Martial God said disdainfully: "The so-called marriage contract is just like playing house when you were young. It's not counted! The so-called elder breaking up your martial couple is pure nonsense!"

Tang Chen smiled indifferently, and said: "The meat in my own bowl, I can eat it whenever I like. It's none of your business! Whether we do it or not... No matter what, it's not up to you, a wild dog." Grab food!"

"Neighbor Mala! Who do you call a wild dog!"

Wuxin was furious.Wuxin Wushen is the elder of the Zijin Auction House. As a senior elder, he can be regarded as a high-ranking and powerful elder. It is unbearable to call him a wild dog in person.

One must know that Xiao Yan's matter involved him and his reputation has been greatly damaged. This time, he entered the Holy Land of Huoyan.It was also he who volunteered.Just to take the opportunity to take down Yafei and do some nasty things in the cauldron, as actual compensation.

As for why the big shot helped Ya Fei, he didn't know the inside story.

Moreover, seeing that Tang Chen was able to come to the plane of gods and demons from the secular world, he did not expect that he would actually enter the Sequence List Huoyan Holy Land.He couldn't help being furious.

Wuxin Valkyrie has always been arrogant in Zijin Auction.Not only himself as a two-star warrior.It was also because Xiao Yan's father, Wuxin Wuxin's eldest brother, was a general of the Zijin Army's law enforcement team.Especially his brother has a hot temper, doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, and is famous for protecting his weaknesses....

Wuxin is a Valkyrie, with a strong background and high personal strength, so he can't do without it.Bully men and women, do all kinds of evil!Known as the strongest and most arrogant elder!
He Tang Chen is such an unknown boy, how dare he scold him a wild dog, and scold him face to face in front of Zijin Tianjiao gods!This is simply a great shame!
Seeing Wuxin Wuxin so angry, Ye Mengmeng couldn't help feeling nervous, he was afraid that Wuxin Wuxin would become angry and suddenly violently kill Tang Chen.

She knew and personally experienced how formidable Wuxin Martial God's combat power is, and if it concerns her, it will cause chaos, so she will naturally worry about it.

It's all right to suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, I'm afraid that Tang Chen will be forcibly planted with restrictions, how will he live in the future...

However, facing the furious Wuxin Martial God, Tang Chen was completely unafraid, and said with a smile, "Barking and biting indiscriminately, carelessly thinking about the meat in other people's bowls, isn't this a wild dog or something?"

"You haven't heard my legend! Tigers don't show their power! Do you think I'm a sick cat?"

Wuxin Martial God was furious, and roared: "If I don't give you some flair today, what face do I have to gain a foothold in the Zijin Auction House in the future?"


As soon as the words fell, Wuxin Martial God took a step forward and punched Tang Chen in the face.

"Elder Wuxin! Don't!" Ye Mengmeng was shocked.

"It's over... Wuxin Martial God has been angered... Ya Fei's martial partner is about to suffer..." Frog Martial God looked terrified, and he had already begun to mourn for Tang Chen in his heart.

"Hmph! That little idiot is doomed! How dare you provoke Elder Wuxin! I really don't know how to do it!" One of Wuxin's subordinates sneered.

The other subordinate also had a gloating expression on his face: "Elder Wuxin is a master of the two-star Martial God! One finger can crush that kid to death a hundred times! One! Hundred! Times!"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Tang Chen.

But in the next moment, every gaze was completely stunned, never dreaming that there would be such an ending.


Only a crisp sound was heard, Wuxin Valkyrie, known as the strongest and most arrogant elder, was slapped across the face by Tang Chen.

The whole person soared into the air, drew a beautiful arc, and flew out directly backwards.

"Ouch... ouch..."

The two subordinates of Wuxin Valkyrie were dumbfounded, they froze in place in a daze, and were hit in the face by the Wuxin Valkyrie who flew back upside down.

Accompanied by bursts of screams, the three gods fell to the ground at the same time, and they fell on their backs.

The two subordinates were bruised and swollen, screaming 'Aww'.

Wuxin Martial God was even worse, half of his cheeks were swollen like steamed buns, his mouth was opened, and the broken teeth were covered with sticky blood, and they fell out with a splash, it was just horrible.

" is this possible..."

Ye Mengmeng and Frog Martial God both had expressions of disbelief.

Never in his wildest dreams, the strongest and most arrogant elder, Shining Niu, would be so vulnerable.

Ye Mengmeng and Frog Martial God even suspect that Wuxin Martial God and Tang Chen are old acquaintances, and they are acting... Compared with Tang Chen's slap from Daozhijian, the strongest and most arrogant elder is simply weak!

"A dog bites me, I won't bite him, I'll just slap him away!" Tang Chen shrugged, with a calm smile on his face.Hugging Ye Mengmeng in his arms, he "boo~" gnawed on that terrified yet handsome face in full view of everyone.

"Ma... Ma... Ma La next door! What method did you use? My divine power is still passing away!"

Wuxin Martial God vomited blood and roared: "You are dead! My brother is Xiao Zhang Martial God! The law enforcement general of the Zijin Army! I promise! You will definitely die in an ugly way!"

"Old dog! Just bark! Master Xiaochen, I'm not interested in going to the Demon Battle Arena. If you have a wife, you should hurry up and have a son." Chen Xiaobei shrugged, and arrogantly picked up Ye Meng The cute little butt is hugged across the chest. "Bo~" The frivolous kissed her again.

"Hmm...Master Xiaochen, there are a lot of people here..."

Ye Mengmeng was extremely embarrassed, and struggled to refuse, but her arms were like soft snakes, climbing onto the back of Tang Chen's head.

"...don't... woooooo...don't...stop! don't-do-stop..."

(End of this chapter)

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