Shushan Wushen

Chapter 286 Martial God of Shu Mountain

Chapter 286 Martial God of Shu Mountain

Tang Chen openly kissed Concubine Ya in public. This was not because he was so emotional that he couldn't restrain himself, but because he was humiliating openly and without scruples!
Humiliated the Wuxin Valkyrie who coveted to marry the elegant concubine.

Zijin Shimei was blushing and heartbeating, but they were loyally performing their duty of protecting the lord, forming a circle.Avoid someone taking the opportunity to sneak attack.

"He's such a perverted ghost. Entering the sequence list, he brings a beautiful wife and beautiful concubine. Tch! I've been aggrieved for 1000 years. 1000 years! One! Thousand! Years!"

A subordinate of Wuxin Valkyrie, not without jealousy, stretched out his fingers and gestured resolutely.


The sound of mad bees and butterflies made the whole hall blush.

Martial God Feixue is very good at doing things. He took out a cloak first, and then they all took out large robes. With their backs to Tang Chen, they handed one side of the robes to their partner, and then took someone else's robe from the other side. side.In this way, a barrier was formed.

From time to time, Tang Chen arrogantly glanced sideways at Wuxin Valkyrie, and there was a barrier...

Ye Mengmeng screamed more joyfully.Unrestrained moaning.

Kissing can also make such ambiguous sounds, which can be regarded as brilliant! ~

This is clearly slapping someone in the face crazily!The gods are like a mirror in their hearts.Laugh without saying a word!
The angry Wuxin Valkyrie vomited blood.I couldn't hold on any longer, and yelled: "You're a shameless thing. I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen shameless people like you. You've lost all your dignity in martial arts! Let's go!"

Two of his subordinates supported Wuxin Valkyrie, and went upstairs angrily.

"Okay! Everyone is angry and ran away. What do you call it? Hehehe."

Tang Chen smiled and pinched Ye Mengmeng's nose.Ye Mengmeng was beaming with joy, her pretty face flushed.Because of the excitement and excitement, the fair and bright beautiful face exudes a lustrous luster like jade, shining brightly, crystal clear and dazzling.

Moisturized by love, Ye Mengmeng reached the legendary bright and moving state.The radiance of the female blinds the eyes of the gods.Some people even had nosebleeds out of disappointment...

Ye Mengmeng looked at Tang Chen tenderly, blinking her watery eyes, Tang Chen nodded with a smile.The two of them have already communicated with each other.This is the showdown.

"My colleagues at the Zijin Auction House, Elder Wuxin has a monopoly on power, and this time he is trying to force the pharmacist Frog Wushen away. As an auctioneer, I have no elixir to sell, and I am short of operations, and I am confronted by customers. The purpose of crowding out my withdrawal from the Zijin Auction House. Today, as a witness of my colleagues, I voluntarily withdrew from the Zijin Auction House according to the wishes of the unintentional Valkyrie. I have worked with you for a while. Bye bye!"

After Ye Mengmeng finished speaking, she saluted gracefully, with a graceful figure and curves, which was very hot.

"Such an eye-catching beauty was forced to leave, and the Zijin Auction has become boring from then on." There was a god of war who let out a long sigh.If something is missing.

"There are a lot of concubines, Wuxin Wuxin may be scolded behind his back this time!" Several Zijin Tianjiao gathered together, whispering.

"You are free!"

Tang Chen said to the more than 100 Zijin Tianjiao in a decent manner.

The Great Protector of the Tang Sect, Xiangyang Martial God, gave Tang Chen a blank look. He had already received a voice transmission from Tang Chen's spiritual thoughts.Let him play.

The red stick of the Tang Sect in turn commanded the guardians of the Tang Sect, which is very strange.Unbelievable to say the least.

But, it happens!

"I, Xiangyang, am the security guard at the Zijin Auction House. I have been in awe and admiration for Director Yafei for a long time. I find it very difficult for Ms. Yafei to leave the Zijin Auction House. I, the Martial God of Xiangyang, decided to surround Ms. Yafei and become a security guard." Flower Messenger! I resign!"

"The flower guardian?"

Tang Chen couldn't help smiling, and shook his head with a smile.Now that you have a couple of warriors, do you want to return the flower protector, blue-faced confidant?It seems that Yafei is not that enthusiastic about Xiangyang Martial God.This guy is obviously taking the opportunity to retaliate.

"I share the same thoughts with Xiangyang Martial God, and I will resign too! I also want to be Miss Yafei's flower protector!"

Sure enough, leading the bull has to lead the bull's nose. Since the Tang Sect's red stick, those disciples of the Tang Sect, Martial Gods, bowed and announced their withdrawal from the Zijin Auction.

Tang Chen looked around the hall, and there were quite a few Martial Gods watching.And they are the Sequences participating in the Sequence Ranking Trial.

Tang Chen's mind was active, and he said loudly: "We will soon set up a Shushan auction house in Huoyan Holy Land. Pills, magic weapons and soldiers are all available. Welcome the gods to patronize the transaction!"

As soon as this remark came out, the gods were shocked, and even more joyful.Only competition can lower prices.

In particular, the replacement of broken soldiers, the medicinal pills for healing, and the talismans for amplifying moves at critical moments are extremely expensive, and many warriors can't bear it.

The Shushan Auction House was born out of nowhere, so don't just look at the faces of the Zijin Auction House family anymore.

So the gods rejoiced.

"You've got too much fun! Do you dare to use the name of Mount Shu?" A rather dissatisfied divine thought resounded in Tang Chen's ears.

Tang Chen had a smirk on his face, and simply yelled again.Almost let Xiangyang Martial God get down.

"From now on, my name is Wushan; Shushan! Please call me Shushan Wushen!"

Xiangyang Martial God frantically tugged at his beard, fast like a jerk.He is very torn.But this is the sequence list, what can he do to Tang Chen?Not to mention anything else, Tang Chen's weird method.As well as the cultivation of the two-star Martial God, he is unmatched by the Fuyang Martial God!

"I am the protector of the Tang Sect, and I cannot allow you to act recklessly!"

Tang Chen and Ye Mengmeng stepped out of the Zijin Auction Hall side by side.The front and back of the body are beautiful in purple and gold, graceful and heroic, with torch-like eyes and vigilant guards around.Fuyang Martial God thought Tang Chen didn't know his identity.The voice transmission of divine sense warned.

"Tch!~" Tang Chen looked disdainful.These 2000 years are very long, and he is confident that he will go one step further.At that time, Shushan Tang Sect will also pay attention to it.If it is verified that the blood has an origin, then the title of Shushan Martial God will be confirmed.

For Tang Chen, the name of Shushan is the highest honor.Blasphemy by others is not tolerated.Now that there is Shushan here, there is also Tangmen.So if you don't take it over, you really don't want to do it.

Xiangyang Martial God smiled wryly, his face full of confusion.But there is nothing to do.

The Heizi Continent is extremely flat, with few tall mountains.But there are still some craters that are not majestic.

Looking for a place, Tang Chen recalled in his mind the architectural details of the cool Xingshu Mountain Tangmen; ... Danfang, ... Qifang, ... Weaving Workshop, ... Mingwenfang, ... Talisman Hall, ... ...the chamber....


boom! ~

Tang Chen's divine body glowed brightly, and a majestic khaki aura was continuously released.Covering the entire crater...This is the pure earth element among the five elements!

rub!rub!rub! ~

Pavilions, towers, high-rise buildings, rising from the ground!


The Martial God of Xiangyang looked around and roared in astonishment and horror.

(End of this chapter)

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